“What’s a day like living in your rv with Jesse, and the kids? What do u eat, do make your own food? Like crockpot meals? What are some of your recipes? (u look great by the way) Do u workout? u play games? And the horses do they get to play?” -Paula D.
Living in the motor home isn’t much different than living in our house was, just a lot more mobile. The difficulty, and fun at times, is that we don’t really have typical days. In the last week for example I had two days that my kids had standardized testing, I rode horses, met with my web designer, shopped at Congress, attended phone conferences and one face to face conference in Indiana, got health papers for the horses, and drove to PA. Add blogging, email and other ‘office work’ to all these days.
A closer look at today: wake at 6 am, work online, pack up motor home and horses (everyone fed themselves breakfast), on the road by 9 am, business call on hands free device while driving, lunch in the motor home (PB&J for me, chicken patties for everyone else…it was fend for yourself again), kids did school work while we drove, on road until 6 pm, settle horses into horse hotel, cooked dinner (tacos, rice, three bean chili…yep, leftovers for tomorrow), computer work (it is 9:50 right now)…
We don’t eat much fast food anymore, we have traveled for so many years that even the boys don’t want it anymore. We like nice restaurants but we eat at ‘home’ more because it saves money, is healthier, and often is better. I like cooking with leftovers as part of the plan. I cook runners waffles from scratch and freeze them for quick and healthy breakfast.
Most of my exercise is horse related but I try to do yoga a couple times a week, I would like to do more but…
I don’t really enjoy many games, I’m not sure why but I never have. I did get bronchitis one winter and was restricted to inside only. I conquered the video game ‘Pikman’ at all levels. That was years ago and I haven’t played anything since. Everyone else here like to play games:)
Our horses get out to play a lot unless we are at a show where they don’t have the facilities. We left Congress October 12th and our horses have only been ridden a few times and have spent most of their time turned out. We are headed to Maine right now where they will stay mostly in my moms pasture.
It is 10:40 pm now and are parked outside the horse motel we stopped at. Tomorrow we will drive the rest of the way to Maine. Right now I need to brush my teeth, do some yoga stretches and go to bed. Thanks for the questions…keep them coming!
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No one taught you the skills you need to work through these things.
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Horse motels, how do you find them? How do you know where you want to stay? What about security for them…..how do you secure them at your horse motel stops?
I use http://www.horsemotel.com, check out this blog that I wrote about traveling with horses & selecting horse motels.
Use the slow cooker; it will cook your meals without too much trouble; easy cleanup, etc. <3
Does your sons show? What are the names of the horses you travel with?
I’m assuming you homeschool your kids? I’m a homeschool graduate (I can’t thank my parents enough for doing that for me and my eight siblings) and I would never go any other way. Though some people seem to think homeschoolers have no social life (seriously? I interact with people of all ages better than my schooled friends do) I’ve often found I’ve had far more opportunities to pursue my interests than I would have if I’d been schooled. Hence the reason I even have a horse. 🙂
Just curious, I think homeschooling is such a neat opportunity for all children, though I have no opposition to those who chose to put their kids in school. To each their own, of course. 🙂
ok you asked for it….what are “runners waffles”? … I love my family…but I don’t think I could be cooped up together 24-7…. what about privacy?? ….I need my space sometimes…… hows your book coming??…. Favorite food to eat/make…favorite recipe you make???.. favorite day of the week?….. favorite month?…Favorite Holiday?… what celebrity would you like to meet??…favorite trick to teach a horse?…..what rituals(if any) do you do before competing? ….what intimidates you?…. Favorite bible verse?….favorite color??…. Favorite movie??…..any hidden talents?…..ocean or lake?…..are you a morning person or nite??….and lastly…. does it bother you when people spell your name Stacey or Stacie???… thanx! 🙂
So glad you asked that question..it’s been on my mind about her food/ meals situation…the quick stove top meals are easy when you add fresh veggies.
We love this place! Our boys are there for the winter so that we can ride when the snow gets here 🙂 Your husband recognized Ozzie’s (sorrel quarter horse) brand. My daughter has done allot of searching on the internet and couldn’t find it (Please email or share 🙂 Ozzie is my daughters first horse, we got him from a polo player that had picked him up at auction. Wishing you safe travels.
Can you attach or email a photo of the brand? My husband has been identifying brands as we go (even at the horse hotel yesterday) and I’m not sure which horse brand this one is, lol. Jesse is full of interesting facts.
HOw do you transport the horses? Does the Motorhome pull the horse trailer?
Welcome home :-). I have never done long distance travel with the horses, but may travel to Austin area. What is best source for horse hotel? How do your horses handle long travel days? Any special prep etc? Route planning? Maine is so proud of you!