Horse cloning: Did you ever consider cloning Roxy?

“Hey Stacy! I just did a report over horse cloning, and I was wondering if you had ever thought of cloning Roxy?” -Lindsay

I would love to see some of your report, maybe you can post some of what you learned here in the comment section. It has been several years since I have heard much about cloning and I haven’t really followed it.Roxy aka "Whizards Baby Doll" and Stacy Westfall

I never did consider cloning. I imagine that everyone has their own opinion on the idea, but for me it never seemed attractive. I love each horse for its uniqueness, their personality and their interaction. I look at them so much like a friend that for me it would be like cloning one of my human friends…which seems a bit strange.

I guess another way to say what I mean is that I don’t really see the point, for me personally. When I look around the world there are so many horses that could be amazing that I am more tempted to give one of them a chance than to clone. Roxy wasn’t a horse that people were lined up to buy…until after she was trained. I also believe that there are more horses out there that could be unique and special in their own way.

Even from a performance stand point I find it interesting that the Texas A&M website states , “…as well as possible health problems associated with cloned neonates makes it unlikely that the cloned offspring will perform at the same level as the donor animal.”

I believe that horses are a bit like people, there are a lot of great ones out there and I personally enjoy the hunt.


  1. lori on October 27, 2014 at 1:08 pm

    i agree with the other comments – and, having also looked at the cloning of dogs, from one standpoint, i’d love to do it, because i never want my service dog, who is constantly by my side, to ever leave me. but then i think about this – how I would treat the clone – like it WAS my dog. the clone can never live up to those expectations. so it’s disappointing for me and the poor cloned dog. thus. i will rescue another dog from a shelter and turn it into my service dog – which makes it a win-win for everybody.

  2. Lilli on October 25, 2014 at 12:24 pm

    Cloning is more similar to identical twins, it would not be the same horse. Genes dont make a horse, people do 🙂

  3. Kate on October 25, 2014 at 11:09 am

    I agree. I think each horse because they’re different. If every horse was the same it’d get boring after a while and you’d be longing for something new to learn!!

    I want to ask this: I made a tough decision. I wanted to do the Extreme Mustang Makeover in Missouri next year, the Youth challenge. But decided to wait and learn more about horses. How should I learn how to train? I do take riding lessons and self-train my 18yo gelding. Any ideas or tips?


  4. Tracy Johnson on October 25, 2014 at 10:17 am

    Hi Stacy, I have the same views as you. By volunteering for the last 2 years at a stable that has 10 horses in it i have seen the horsenalities in all the horses there.Each one is different, some more submissive other dominant.some are lone wolves and other love the herd.There is one there i rode for the first time Big Win, he is bull headed but when you get the right spot on his head he is like a pussy cat.My question is, aren’t be cloning in a sense now, in the breeding of two horses? You find a nice Stud to breed you prized mare to, to get a good clone of the two. It is hit or miss with this way of doing things, just like cloning only without the Lab and Lab Tech’s. Would you agree with that? i know it is a strange way of looking at breeding/cloning but aren’t they the same thing? The desired out come is the same.

  5. Kim on October 25, 2014 at 6:31 am

    To have an exact match to the donor animal they’d have to go thru everything the donor animal had went thru n life. The good, bad and the ugly. That’s if their health would hold up to training. I’ve heard of some that were cloned but I haven’t seen headlines or news that clones met or exceeded expectations of the donor other than the genetic makeup.

  6. Megan on October 25, 2014 at 5:00 am

    How funny to stumble upon this today. In college I briefly did an internship in the Texas A&M genetics lab and my husband just asked me this morning if I would ever want to clone my gelding. I had much the same answer as you. Mostly though, I just want to say thank you. I’m sure you hear this all the time but you’re my hero. It is so very wonderful to see a woman and a mother that is also a successful (and gentle) horseman (horsewoman?). My colt and I have just started reining at the local level and he’s showing a lot of promise, but people often ask me (with not so subtle snark) how I find time to ride and still give my son attention, so seeing someone do it and do it BIG is such an enormous blessing. Your kindness and your gentle way with horses and the casual, loving way you talk about your kids is as much of an inspiration as your accomplishments. Thanks for sharing the journey with us in the little leagues! We wanna be you some day. (Also my colt is a cousin to Jac! Hes out of Shining Sparks full brother Genuine As Diamonds)

    • Stacy on October 25, 2014 at 7:26 am

      What a great way to start my day…reading a comment like this:)

  7. Amanda on October 24, 2014 at 10:40 pm

    hello Stacy I read your blogs as soon as they are posted. Really enjoy your view. Watched all your Jac videos and used them to train my gelding. However, I have a filly I bred from my oldest Arab/QH mare. She’s a high spirited jumpy type horse – super sensitive. She’s quiet and ready to start her training. However I’ve never trained or worked with a jumpier type horse and just wonder if you have any ideas. My oldest mare (her mom) is still jumpy at 14, but one of the best horses I’ve owned and rode. any info would be greatly appreciated 🙂

    Thank you!

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