Work with Me

website version Advancing at home

There are two ways you can work with me

As a life-long-learner myself, I understand the value of interacting with a coach. In both of my programs you will have access to me.


Listen to what Kathryn had to say about The Resourceful Rider Program, "It's encouraging to know I'm not alone! Sometimes in an online course there's a sense of isolation. Not here...thank you."-Kathryn

The Resourceful Rider

All problems, challenges or goals with your horse can be separated out into small, doable steps.

Inside my program, The Resourceful Rider, I teach students exactly that. In my podcast I teach the concept of the 4 Square Model. In my program, I teach you the action steps to put it to use with your horse.

You will understand the training process from your horses point of view.

You will learn to be clear and effective with your cues.

You will see progress.

You get immediate access to step-by-step instruction...PLUS live coaching from me EVERY WEEK.


And there is more...

Stacy Westfall headshot square

VIP - Private Coaching

Advance at Home with Stacy as your guide.

I create customized private coaching packages for a limited number of clients each year by application only.

Together we look at how your current plan is creating your current results. Through video reviews, coaching calls and training plans you will discover how to make effective changes that will help you communicate more clearly with your horse. 

Ride with Faith,

Stacy Westfall