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If you have horse training questions your best options are to either search the website or call your question in for possible use on the podcast.

Stacy has answered hundreds of questions from other horse owners. Use the search icon (looks like a magnifying glass) to search this website.

Stacy also answers questions on her podcast. Your search will also bring up related podcasts. In addition, you can call and leave your voicemail for possible use on a future podcast. 

For questions concerning purchasing a Westfall saddle or saddle fit please call Trish at Stagecoach West. Stagecoach carries Westfall halters, ropes, stick n string, headstalls, saddle pads and other tack & equipment. For these equipment related questions contact Stagecoach West at or 1-800-648-1121. Stagecoach is not involved with booking events, answering training questions or Stacy's online or live teaching. 

Use the contact form for all other questions you may have.

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