The Master of Living

“The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his information and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him he is always doing both.” James Michener

This is a great quote. In fact it is one that I am striving to live out. It does cause some problems though. It is such a change from the way that society has programmed us.

Have you ever stopped to think about the programming? Do you remember when you graduated from school and then the next fall rolled around and it seemed like you were forgetting something? That is programming. Are there any areas of your life that feel programmed?


  1. Ginny Littlefield Nute on October 10, 2011 at 9:21 am

    that is a great quote, Stacey! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Shannon on October 8, 2011 at 7:21 pm

    Ya know Stacy life for us today is not programmed. Thanks be to God for allowing our family and our horses to be just what we are Today! I thought back to when I graduated high school and all my plans and designs for my life……..they did not pan out the way I envisioned. However God’s plan has worked much better and for far longer than any of mine. After our girls graduated my husband offered a suggestion to look for a young horse I could raise and name this baby after a dear old cowboy that had passed on. I did…..Riley is a 4 year old Appaloosa and he was invited to participate in the World Show this year! Of course I gave him SEVERAL carrots and lots of hugs and Riley said he’d just as soon stay home Mom, but thanks for the carrots. God is good.

  3. Nikki on October 8, 2011 at 2:20 pm

    I am not sure if I am programmed, cause most of what happened in school I erased….
    working different shifts at an international airport for a canadian airline in the freight department.
    I actually do love my job… it helps me to feed my family and live!!!!
    live got expensive, but nothing is planned…..
    cause as lennon said…. “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.”
    wished my boy could be homeschooled though…. would be the best ever happen to him!!!

  4. Liseanne on October 6, 2011 at 7:41 am

    My life has been far from, let’s say typical, and I have always been a girl who as my grandmother put it “didn’t give an inch!” so I don’t feel programmer, other then things I have “installed” in my behavior, like waking up at seven, seven days a week to feed my horses. 🙂

    I was homeshooled so I defiantly can think outside the box, but I do what you mean aboit programming because I see it everytime I say to someone that I was homeshooled to a highschool level.
    They can’t believe it, and think that it must be just like school, but at home (so every morning I must have gotten up at 6, to be in class at 8, we must have had little desks set up in the living room, with a blackboard, and I must have brought my mother an apple.)

    Homescholling was nothing like this, but people can’t see it.

    I woke up at 10 (or later sometimes)
    Munched on some breakfast
    Did my academic work in about 2 hours (was not a genius, that is just how long it takes when your not in school)
    Went to classes, and field trips with the HBLN (home based learning network)
    And for the rest of the day? I had a childhood, I did what interested me, and I was able to learn much more then anyone in school, and leave my school years with a love for learning and teaching

    Wow, that was a very long comment!!!
    Sorry, but when I here talk of programming, I think school, and when I get started on school… Well it can take awhile!


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