T-H-I-N-K before you speak…written by Jesse Westfall

THINK final

T H I N K is it Thoughtful, Honest, Intelligent, Necessary, and Kind?

All through my life I’ve struggled with the words that come out of my mouth. In last weeks blog I talked about how “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”. What I want to talk about this week is how to control what comes out of our mouths. I learned this acronym somewhere along the way.
The acronym is THINK before you speak and it stands for-
T- Thoughtful
H- Honest
I- Intelligent
N- Necessary
K- Kind

If I think about this before I say something and what I’m about to say fits into this acronym and all these words then it’s probably ok to say. If what I’m about to say doesn’t fit all these words then it’s either not Thoughtful, Honest, Intelligent, Necessary or Kind and I probably shouldn’t say it.
I was reading the book of James this morning and read about how important controlling the tongue is. It talks about how the tongue is the rudder that steers our ship. I hope you will go look for it, you can find it in the book of James in chapter 3. So remember how important it is to THINK before you speak!

Jesse and Stacy Westfall

Jesse and Stacy Westfall

Written by Jesse Westfall. Lives in Mount Gilead, Ohio with his wife, Stacy and their three sons. Jesse is an NRHA judge and has trained horses professionally for 22 years.

Yep, that is also Jesse & his favorite horse, Lucy, pictured above in silhouette.


  1. Joanne on July 21, 2014 at 12:33 am

    Love this acronym Jessie. I really like that word think & how to apply that. Some of that I already do but as you know we all have room for improvement no matter what we do in life. We are always learning with horses & I say when we stop learning I think we are probably dead. Love the videos on Jack Stacey. Really neat horse to watch & how you handle him. The video you did when you rode bareback on your amazing horse is the coolest thing I had seen. Your dad would have been so proud of you. You have lots of heart girl. Keep up the great work you & Jessie do for all us horse people out here to inspire us to do more. I first seen you perform at the equine centre in Orangeville Canada in 2013. Was pretty neat.

  2. Brook Wiles on March 12, 2014 at 4:38 pm

    Stacy, you’re one lucky woman! Godly cowboys like your Jesse are hard to come by these days. He’s seems like a real gem. I hope I can find somebody like that when I’m ready to get married.

  3. Rose Ott on November 3, 2013 at 1:58 pm

    Dear Stacy
    Could you check out my site and blog http://christianhorseriders.weebly.com/ I’m a 12 year old and I really love riding. I would love for you to check out my site.

    Love, Myhorse Joey!

    • Stacy on November 4, 2013 at 10:06 am

      I checked it out and left a comment. Jesse saw it too. Very nice!

  4. Anne Voskuil on November 3, 2013 at 12:45 pm

    I always learnt a shortened version of this. Kind, Necessary, True. If its not all those things, reconsider saying it. If it is less than two of the three, dont say it at all.

  5. Sno White-Benson on November 3, 2013 at 12:07 pm

    Thank you, Jesse, for a great reminder. If we would all THINK before we spoke the world would be a much nicer place to live.

  6. pat brandt on November 3, 2013 at 11:50 am

    Thank you, Jesse and Stacy, for this wonderful site. I empathize with Stacy in that I recently lost my beloved quarter gelding and cannot seem to get by a day without crying. Stacy, your videos of Jac and his training process are wonderful, and show me that you can indeed go on despite a crippling loss, and Jesse, your spiritual writings are an inspiration to me, and I am only one of thousands. Thank you and God Bless You.


  7. irisvillagegirl on November 3, 2013 at 9:12 am

    Thank you Jesse for sharing this! This is a wonderful message for all of us that struggle!

  8. Abigail Leese on November 3, 2013 at 9:11 am

    Thank you for this acronym. I will try using it. My daughter and I love your blog and the training you are doing with Jac. (or have done….I’m having trouble understanding if this is “real time” or if the training videos are much older and Jac is now much further along)…in any event, thanks for sharing.

    • Stacy on November 3, 2013 at 10:17 am

      I started training Jac in March (if you watch the first video again it says the date once, but not for long) and we have been following him from then on. We decided not to release in real time at the beginning because we needed to practice the editing, etc. My estimate is that we will be ‘live’ and in ‘real time’ around May or June of next year, which is perfect for the show season….then you can get ‘real time’ show updates, etc.

      • Abigail Leese on November 3, 2013 at 10:40 am

        Thanks, Stacy. Nice to have you in direct. We are friends of Jack and Lana Hunter in Beulah, Colorado….maybe we’ll have the chance to meet one day!

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