Help! Should I start a second blog site? Or just add more content to this blog and Facebook?
I have the urge to blog and discuss topics that are NOT horses…for example marriage, kids, homeschooling….the stuff that happens in my life that is more indirectly related.
So….separate site?
If you are here for ‘horse’ stuff….how would you feel about a post that was my favorite recipe or about me homeschooling my kids?
I bought two other domains already just incase….
yourlifeyourwork…com —–work is so closely tied to life
mastertheartofliving….com ——- I don’t just want to ‘live’, I want to ‘master the art of living’
Would it be more confusing for me to have two sites….or more useful because I have ‘horsey’ and ‘non-horsey’ topics?
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If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.
I think that ONE is going to win, I think it’s easier that way and you can use examples of human qualities/personalities and compare them to horses, don’t stress yourself on it…you have enough to do.
I’ll read it either way, but I do like the idea of it being two different blogs.
You have such a specific niche here on this site so for the sake of your readers here and also for Google you would do better to start a separate blog where you discuss your life and keep the horse things here. On my personal blog I use wp-syndicate to create a link to my main site from my blog. That makes sure that everything I post is kept in one central place but still gives me the benefits from Google 🙂
Great idea-if I use wp-syndicate does that just link the two blogs…but I have two back panels, etc? How is that different that what ‘Pioneer Woman’ does?..can you post your blog links so I can see?
You can set it up in a few ways, either to make it add the post as an actual post or just basically link it back to the main site. I use the link since it means more traffic back to my company blog. My personal blog is and company site (hopefully the spam stopper doesn’t put this in spam) you can see how I have the plugin setup on my own blog to link back and it does it all automatically which is nifty.
I think that you should keep it all on this blog that way you are not getting confused.
One please!
Horse folks have lives that don’t directly correlate to horses. My husband frequently likes to remind me there are ‘multi interest’ people out there.
Is there a way to keep the same blog site but to separate the subjects? If not, perhaps a separate blog site on your website would be suitable. That way students could choose whether or not to subscribe to “life”…lol. Truth of the matter is that all life blogs will be relevant to our horsemanship. Horsemanship is life……….
If the content was categorized, I could pick and choose. I get lost with too many different places to look.
I would like it if you had them set up as separest Blogs each with ONE easy link. This would facilitate switching from one Blog to the other. This would also allow people to choose what they wish to look at and get ‘notices’ about, and alow that you are a full person for you there are no distinctions between: family, horses, baking, and everything else.
I’m only here for horse-related infor, thanks for asking
From: Stacy Westfall Horseblog Reply-To: Stacy Westfall Horseblog Date: Friday, December 6, 2013 2:27 PM To: “” Subject: [New post] Help! Should I start a second blog site? Please leave a commentI need your brain power! Stacy posted: “Help! Should I start a second blog site? Or just add more content to this blog and Facebook? I have the urge to blog and discuss topics that are NOT horses…for example marriage, kids, homeschooling….the stuff that happens in my life that is more in”
hi stacy..well I watched most of your evaliation with jac and I saw one of my horse doing lots of the things he did..well you helped me alot and sometimes family,school and whatever you do in your life comes part of your horseriding career so I would say there’s alot of people on your horseblog who would love to hear about what you do to balance everything and how you cope so I would say keep one blog but the decision is what you think is right.. I want to ask advice on one of my horse…well he was abused with a whip in a carraige and had laminities in his two front hoves and he also had saddlesores..he doesn’t know how to lunge and if I try to lunge him with a lunge whip he either throws his backside to me or he kicks out or pulls his ears back and lunges at me or try to bite me and sometimes he gets a wild look in his eyes and it scarce me sometimes because I don’t want to hurt him at all..we got him from the SPCA and his laminities is cured and his been castrated I think 5 years ago but you can still see some stalliom like in him…one of my friends rode him with her body and he did great but as soon as my dad gets on he starts to buck before he goes into a canter but he started doing it less the more we rode him but his been standing for alomst 3 months now and we can’t ride him because we think he has mange and it’s on his back we’re you would bit the saddle..he first rubbed himself against anything but now after two injections of dektomax he started biting himself and it’s al over his body..his hair he pulls out and the skin is raw like when something bites you it itch and you start rubbing it and sometimes it bleed it’s like that it’s probely going on for a month now and I don’t know what to do and it’s terrible to see him like that..his a friesian cross vlaam…hope you get your answer!good day Phione
Phione-It sounds like you are working with a vet already (injections and all) so I would continue that. Until he gets his skin issue cleared up he will likely be irritated. Having said this he still shouldn’t threaten you. I would suggest finding someone who you trust that could do a one-on-one evaluation. The general idea with a horse like you are describing is that you need to take even smaller steps. Maybe a horse like Jac takes 10 steps to teach to lunge and a horse like yours take 30-40 steps. The idea is you need to slow things down, break things into smaller pieces. Consider continuing to watch the Jac videos and go back and rewatch some, looking for ways you could add more steps than I showed.
I hope the vet gets him figured out soon. It sounds like an aggressive form of rain rot, yuck!
As have said. I would love to get to know the woman inside of the horse trainer.
keep it just one darling
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2013 19:27:18 +0000 To:
I would perfer two sites because I am only interested in horse training, etc. comments. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge!! Tricia
NO NO NO NO DO NOT start another blog. I get lost in blogs! Post every thing her and just use the tags for categories. I follow one blog DIY and it began as all the DIY projects. Then she bought a ranch and now blogs about everything now. Donkeys, farm projects and ect. I love all the different topics now on her blog. Keep everything here.
I think it is awesome you are home schooling your children. You and your husband have great wisdom to share. It would be nice if it could link to the horse site somehow. Just have links posted to go there when an interesting subject comes up that I would like to read.
Simply, the journey we take with our horses directly impacts how we interact in our lives. I don’t think those important lessons can be separated out. You are a teacher, simply put. Thank you for sharing.
Everything on one site. It’s nice to see how you are able to juggle all the demands on your time and to show us your secrets.
I like the idea of having links on same site. I also homeschool, work and try to find time with my horses, I am always interested in ideas about time management and how others do it.
I manage to filter blogger topics. I’m here for the horse stuff, probably won’t even look at the rest. But several bloggers do that separately. Are you familiar with ? She does a nice job of categorizing topics so I don’t feel overwhelmed with posts.
I truly enjoy what you are doing and I would love to hear your thoughts on other topics. You have a wonderful gift of being able to inspire many people in this world whether it is horse related or in their personal lives. Your comments and stories constantly make me think and reflect and I enjoy learning from you, both in my personal life and horse life. In my opinion one blog is the best. I am very happy when I check my email and there is a new post from you. I do not know how you keep track of everything let alone have the energy–church, training, kids, husband, blogging, clinics, but I appreciate your dedication. There are not many people in this world that have such a positive impact on people and all I can say is keep it coming. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and stories.
I vote separate!
One site would be easier for me. Just sayin’…
wow, you are already getting several answers…my first choice would to keep it the “sweet blend” you already have as you gently blend in work, life, your boys and horses ..after all…everything in life ties together no matter how much we try to divide them….then my second choice would be to have a separate blog….but I am feeling more with my first choice…..I love you no matter what you do.
I teach in pre school and we were taught from the textbooks that the growth and development of children are separate, but after working with young children for 30 years…everything FLOWS together and it also overlaps!!! (by the way, we are still waiting for the BOOK & MOVIE about your life, not that you don’t have anything to do…hahahhah!!! ) LOVE YOU!! oxoxo
I feel two sites would be best. That way we could go to either site we choose. I am mainly interested in horse related topics. Thanks for asking our opinion.Bobbie
My opinion would be your choice. Looking at horse stuff and then looking at other stuff, It kinda helps the reader learn a little bit more about you. I agree with Wendy Russ.
I would prefer two sites. I really am interested in the horsey stuff and am focused on being the best horsewoman I can be with your help.
Life, work, kids, horses, family, spiritual growth, hamsters & food….how do you separate who you are? I think it’s part of what makes you excel in all that you do and share with us! I wouldn’t want to miss a thing! With all that you do, I would hate to see you spread yourself so thin that any of it would become a bourdon.
Would love to see second blog of Stacy and life. Lets us know more of you.
I would say, everything on one site with a big BUT (not butt). And that is, have the two sections clearly marked for easy access. As some have said, it’s great to look forward to a ‘Jac’ episode and set aside special time for that, but you don’t always have time for it all. Even though I’d love to read about other things in life, i.e. motherhood, home schooling, etc. the horse section would come first and then followed by “your life your work” section, when time permits.
I think that one blog is fine. Love that you are willing to share other aspects of your life (especially spiritual) with your readers. God bless!
I think professionally it would be better to separate the two, even though they parallel each other, they are separate in discussion topic. That way non-horsey people can benefit from your thoughts on other things, plus you will gain a whole new audience as well as keep your existing one. We will share your new blog to more people that way!
I like the one site. Too many sites to keep up with. Love yours as it is
Either would be good for me. I try to read your blog during slow times at work.
I think you should keep it all on one site. If you have two sites, than we need to go back and forth to keep up with everything. On one site, we just click on the topic we’re interested in. Thanks for all you do and the great tips you give us. God bless you and your family.
I am good with everything on one site, perhaps there is someway to mark where the horsy stuff
ends, and the other begins….
I would read it all anyway…
Stacy: separate the two. You are recognized as a master of your horse craft and people seek you as an authority. Now that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use horse lessons to illustrate a life lesson on your other life blog: horse lessons are enlightening for the nonhorsey population
I absolutely agree!
I’m a Christian homeschooler who likes recipes, since dinner has to happen every night! 🙂 I would be happy to read it all in one place. Thanks for sharing your life and wisdom. “He who has a generous eye will be blessed…” Proverbs 22:9
i love everything you write, but when i want horse and training stuff, i want horse and training stuff-
i say two blogs that have easy access to each other via easy-to-see-and-do linking-
plus, it’s perhaps a little more professional that way, if you care about that-
Stacy, its your site. Most people that have horses are spiritual, have kids ,have opinions, and from most of the comments. I have seen, Adore you.. I personally would love to see other subjects on this site. And the other comments from your bloggers. So keep this site and Facebook. Ivie 🙂
I love the horse stuff and just don’t have a lot of time to spend reading along with the other crazy amount of emails etc that I have to sift through. Or have a site within your site about what is happening with your other interests so people can navigate through to that information on your webpage. You could have a link at the end letting people know more about you there. Some of it is relevant, as you clearly are not deaf and unable to speak! ha ha
I like separate…the info will still be there but sorted for easier following. I enjoy the horse updates as it brings back memories of when I rode as a kid.
One Blog, separate files. You do not need to complicate your life more than it alread
y is.
I would like it all on one because I’m interested in all of your life. Love the diary about Jac. Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2013 19:27:45 +0000 To: