Help! Should I start a second blog site? Or just add more content to this blog and Facebook?
I have the urge to blog and discuss topics that are NOT horses…for example marriage, kids, homeschooling….the stuff that happens in my life that is more indirectly related.
So….separate site?
If you are here for ‘horse’ stuff….how would you feel about a post that was my favorite recipe or about me homeschooling my kids?
I bought two other domains already just incase….
yourlifeyourwork…com —–work is so closely tied to life
mastertheartofliving….com ——- I don’t just want to ‘live’, I want to ‘master the art of living’
Would it be more confusing for me to have two sites….or more useful because I have ‘horsey’ and ‘non-horsey’ topics?
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I agree with the comparison to Ree Drummond/Pioneer woman. She has several separate blogs, and sometimes they cross a bit. Daily life fits in… you are afterall a horseWOMAN. But as I have no kids, I’m not really interested in homeschooling. Anything to do with horses, lessons learned, even from kids, fine. ;o)
Thanks for all the good info you give us each week!
Shelley, Giant’s Dance Farm, NE MI
I think on your blog like this you can post also things about your daily life. It’s could always be fun to read for some of us.
A other thing you can do is horse blog writing as professional and earn also money with these professional blog posts.
If that last option sounds interesting to you. Please do contact me and we can discuss the options.
IMHO….keep it simple. One site/blog is good. I think there are a lot of us out here that may have the same interests. I know myself I would love to chat homeschooling and horses!
I vote for keeping the topics separate unless one has a direct correlation to the other. My kids are grown, I don’t cook much anymore, and I didn’t home school them. Those are great topics for another site but I became a reader for the horse information, and I don’t want to wade through the other topics in order to read about the horses. Please keep the topic more focused, and keep up the great work!
Hi Stacy, I think it’s a great idea, something that God has obviously put on your heart & I think it is all woven together to make u who u are & your life what it is – so share all of it together in one place. I’m from New Zealand & I have a Facebook site Carla’s Critters where I not only share about my many ‘Critters’ & my life with our horses & our business (we have a horse lesson barn & start & train horses) but also about how I experience God working with my animals, quotes, photos, recipies….just whatever is on my heart really. People can skim over what they are not interested I but I think the majority of people will be interested in ALL of your life….stories, anecdotes whatever you feel inspired to share 🙂
I would love to read anything you have to share!! As a homeschooling mother and horse trainer, I admire you and what God has blessed you with. I think it would be a huge blessing to have you share more of what you are passionate about and what God puts on your heart!
I like to know I only have to go to one place to visit a friend and learn from her. Knowing this friend I see a book in the near future and you will have one sold to me. Thanks for all your thoughts and feelings. God bless you and your family.
your private comments make your horseblog personal . I think it’s nice how you talk about your faith, I am a christian and like your comments (and Jesse!) On the subject. it is a beautiful page as it is!
My vote is also for keeping it all in one blog, just like life is.
I’m here only for the horse topics. That is all I will be interested in in the future, but I can filter out other topics that don’t interest me. But then, you never know, perhaps you can entice me to become interested in cooking, 😉
I think 2. That way people can belong to just the horse or both. Not thatyou couldn’t talk about everything on both sites but, 1 for more in depth on horses and one on life!
I love your blogs now. I don’t know where you get the time to do all that you do. I would read anything you put on the blog. You ware your heart on your sleeve Stacy. I watch all the clips that you do with Jac’s. You are just a real person. Thanks for sharing with us.
I’m a horsey person of faith who also has a home-based business and home-schooled 4 children until high school. I would love all the topics in one blog. Maybe each topic could be labelled so those who don’t want that topic can just skim it or not read it. These topics reflect who you are, so your blog should encompass all your talents. I’ve also trained dogs in a previous life before kids, but there are a lot of similarities. Consistency is the key. We often take what we know in one area but don’t apply it in another area that needs it. My vote is keep it all in one blog.
One blog site will be great. Just like you we have more than just our horses in our lives and trying to make it all work.
Hi Stacey, I am here for the horsey stuff, mostly, but would love to read the rest too! All in one site, please!
I don’t think it would be easy to totally separate. Horses are woven throughout the fabric of your life as they are mine. Mine are a hobby, but I constantly find myself using “horse” in my leadership role. So keep them together. Those who are not interested in one or the other can just skip over the topic that doesn’t interest them and you can share the whole Stacy with the rest of us. Loving the Jac series. Keep up the great work!
stay on same blog and facebook
Also this is what makes you who you are. No matter how famous or how much money…you remember where you came from and how you got here. Just like Paul Walker.
I would definitely read both… but, since I am an organizing “freak”… If it were me, I would either find a way to have a “drop down” for my other topics or begin a new blog. Bless you ~
I love reading the horse info.. It’s where I go for a break to read what I can do with my 2 horses. I’m sure you can incorporate the family life quite well. Horse people are like horses I that we need to see the purpose in something. We don’t waste alot of time. Some people get on line and tell you everything they do that day.
Same site but seperate, definately – greetings from Denmark
Hi Stacy! Thank you for asking for my opinion! That’s what makes you so unique! Your life includes Christ, family and horses — in that order — so I would just write from one blog..
Love this answer
Stacy, I think a non-horsey blog would be great for all of us to know the “other” wonderful Stacy. Your talent with horses is renown, and I think your fans and friends would like to share life beyond the equine world. Go for it!
Same site but separate. I’ve not checked out examples but I’m sure there’s some great ones of large sites with lots of easy to find content. I REALLY look forward to the family/home side of your life as I often wonder how you maintain it all and in marriage, how to mesh who we are as individuals with who we are as a couple. Thanks for sharing with us!
I only have furry kids and was leaning for two sites but as Olivia stated, ‘I would probably read both of them anyways so I’d say keep it together. LOL
ONE blog, please Stacy! You’re one multi talented, multifaceted person, please go for the simplicity and ease of one blog, one place to find everything Stacy be it recipes to philosophy. You can use key words for folks that want to follow a particular subject, and you may see that seemingly unrelated stories DO connect a whole. I’ve found that Jac’s blog has ideas and philosophy that have deepened my listening, which in turn has helped my effectiveness and ease in relationships with human clients and my own family and canine and feline friends. Thank you so much for sharing so much with us, your readers.
Stacy I love the idea of just one site. As Women it is hard enough to juggle the multi-tasking in our lives, and remember all that we have to remember. One site with just one place to go and see each others struggles, achievements, recipes, Home schooling, Women stuff would be so welcome for this 2x, 50yr old Mom. Thanks for being YOU!
Yes, the topics mesh. I’d say keep it all on one blog.
My vote would be for separate sites for different kinds of content. I like the “all horse” format.
I would probably read both of them anyways so I’d say keep it together.
I agree with the other ladies-it’s all related as far as I’m concerned and saves time if it’s all in one place!
I think you should keep it all on one site :). I would enjoy reading all those posts and I bet it would be easier for you to keep up with :). Plus, including your horsey life with your non horsey life just gives you a stronger digital identity.
I vote for just one site. If someone doesn’t want to read cooking, homeschooling etc they can just skip those blogs but, for the rest of us we can catch it all in one place. I think it is wonderful that you want to share other aspects of your life with us.
WHAT!!! Maybe different ingredients, but it makes the recipe complete. Its all mixed up in the same bowl.
As someone who is inundated with Emails daily from various sources, I would vote for a second site for non-horse topics. Your training tips and insight are valuable to me, and I like that the focus is currently on topic.
Alternately, if you have a way for a subscriber to tailor their preferences for the blog topics they wish to receive…that might be workable.
Hi Stacy…Love your site and even though we all love horses, we eat, raise children etc. … I personally would love to read anything you’d like to share on the site you have now…..Thank you for taking the time….. Happy Holidays from Canada
I believe I will be more apt to read your blogs if they continue to feed through Facebook because it is very simple for me to just click on your post when it shows in my newsfeed.
I enjoy reading and watching all of your blogs, especially with Jac; I have a 2 1/2 yr old that I am working with and watching your clips reassures me thy I am going about training the right way. Thanks for all you do! Hope to see a little bit of everything from you! Blessings and Merry Christmas!
Stacy my vote is for just this site. I would enjoy any topic you would choose to write about.
I would prefer a separate site, myself. My kids are grown and on their own now, and I have plenty of other interests that don’t leave me time for reading about parenting stuff any more. Horse stuff, yes!
I second this! As I posted on FB, as a search marketer I always tell my clients, the more focused you can make your site, the better it’ll be a) for marketing purposes, b) for credibility/seeming like an expert on a topic/service, and c) speaking to the specific audience you’re trying to attract. For example, someone’s looking for horse training videos (or tips, or natural horsemanship-based tactics, etc) and s/he Googles it…your everything-to-everyone blog is less likely to show up in the search results because the topics vary so wildly. Even if the blog DOES show up for horse training-related searches (because for the beginning of its life it was dedicated to that, plus it’s Stacy Westfall’s blog so it has TONS of incoming links, etc etc etc), someone comes to the blog and the first post they see has to do with human kids. What? Click the back button, search again….
I say if you’ve got divided topics, divide them into separate sites/blogs.
Plus, on a personal note, I don’t have kids so I’m not interested in reading about them. I’d be less likely to keep coming back to the blog because what I originally came here for — horse training articles — was only 15% of what was written about. Sorry to be frank!
Stacy, I’ve been around the world on this issue. I had up to four blogs at one time then realized that one site was enough. Just as any horse can be an arena horse, a trail horse, a cutting horse, or a pleasure horse, he’s still the same horse regardless of the tack or maneuvers chosen. You can do a separate blog to branch out in design yet include it in the navigation bar at the top of your main blog. Do the same on the other. That way readers can jump back and forth and self-select what they want to read. If they only want horse they don’t have to click over – and vice versa. With one product – YOU – are you sure you want to divide your marketing and promotion time between different projects? From what I’ve seen, your life message is the same as your training message. I do christian ministry and horses. They are one and the same because the message is the same. Facebook is a different animal all together.
The way I see it, I signed on to the Stacy Westfall blog. I respect and admire you for more than just your way with horses. Personally I’d like to see just one blog. I would become confused with too many blogs.
As a mom and small business owner I have found that not all my customers want to know about my kids or favorite foods while they DO want to know about events or sales for my business, but for those who DO want to know, they have always followed both my business “Dragonrail” as well as my personal page. I definitely recommend setting up a non-horse blog. It is not difficult to follow multiple blogs and for the folks who are only looking for specific information, they will appreciate it! – Becky Northaven, Owner, Dragonrail
I’m okay with it all being on one site so i don’t miss anything.
like it just the way it is all together on one site it’s a nice combo horse business and family business and spiritual business all rolled into one its great! Thank You!
You might want to see how this site is handled she does a really great job with keeping everything on one site, but with different sections on cooking and homeschooling and every day life on the ranch.
Great idea ~
I would go for 2 blogs. I think you have a lot of readers, especially from outside the US, that really love your horse posts and feel being spoken too by you (sorry for the bad english, am non-native english speaker myself) but look differently towards other stuff. E.g. Non christians and people from non-western countries.
Hi Stacy, I think you can try to blog non.horsey topics for a while, and see what happens…if it creates confusion, then maybe you use an other domain. what do you think about this?
Best regards Tanja.
Well, considering I homeschool my daughter, and I enjoy cooking – I just think it would be great to have it all on one blog . . You are a whole person, not a person with pieces – so why blog in pieces?
I agree Kim. It’s nice to read that Stacy is a REAL person 🙂
I have two, Stacy. One is about my life as a person and an author, under my own name ( The other is my horse’s blog, under his name ( I think it works best to have the horse stuff on one site and the other stuff on the other.
Separate please 🙂
U could use one blog and just make different headers for different topics like if U were looking in a file cabinet drawer making folders. …i.e.
Home Horses Family Kids
etc., etc.,
Take a look at this site and see how she has done this.