Episode 315: Why are you thankful for horses? How have horses changed your life?
In this episode, Stacy Westfall shares a personal tip on the value of re-listening to podcasts, courses, and books to deepen learning and retention, especially when paired with implementing lessons in between. She introduces the replay of a special Thanksgiving-themed episode that features listener-submitted reflections on why they are thankful for horses.
Originally aired two years ago, this heartfelt episode highlights messages from around the world about how horses bring joy, connection, and personal growth to their lives. Listeners share powerful insights, describing horses as sources of peace, strength, and purpose, as well as companions in triumphs and challenges.
Stacy emphasizes the importance of gratitude and the transformative power of the horse-human relationship. This episode invites listeners to reflect on their own connections with horses while celebrating the inspiration these animals provide.
Happy Thanksgiving—and enjoy the replay!
Episode 210-Hundreds of reasons to be thankful for horses this Thanksgiving.mp3: Audio automatically transcribed by Sonix
Episode 210-Hundreds of reasons to be thankful for horses this Thanksgiving.mp3: this mp3 audio file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
Hi, Stacy's. Hi, Stacy. Stacy. Okay, hold on just a minute. One at a time.
Podcasting from a little cabin on a hill. This is the Stacy Westfall podcast. Stacy's goal is simple to teach you to understand why horses do what they do, as well as the action steps for creating clear, confident communication with your horses.
Hi, I'm Stacy Westfall and I help riders become resourceful. Well, I asked and you answered. Messages flooded in from around the world, sharing why people love horses, why they're thankful for horses, and how horses have changed their lives. This is the Thanksgiving edition of the podcast. So without further ado, I bring you you.
Hi, Stacey Stacy. Hi, Stacey. Hi, Stacey. Hi Stacey. Hi Stacey. Hi Stacey. Hi, Stacey. This is Jen from Canada.
From Colorado.
Texas. Sunbury, Ohio. From Montana.
In Manitoba. Canada.
From Pennsylvania.
From Queensland, Australia.
Hi, Stacey. Good morning.
Stacey. Hi, Stacey.
Hi, Stacey. Hi.
My name is Mason. This is Kim. My name is Anna.
I'm Dr. Makinwa. My name.
Is Becky. My name is Mami. I'm Sherri.
I'm so thankful for horses.
I am thankful for horses. I am thankful for horses. I am thankful for my horse because she is the first horse that I have as an adult. She makes me feel like a ten year old little girl again. She is smart and she is kind and she is willing and she is really becoming a partner. She helps me be a better me.
The reason that I am thankful for horses and why I ride has changed through the years. As a youth, I rode for speed and to feel their power as a young adult. I rode for community and camaraderie. Now I spend time with them to feel peace. I feel they can see our soul and our intentions. They are my bliss and they are my dreams.
I have a real passion for horses. But why? They are beautiful, fascinating creatures. I think it's because I can never know enough about them. They feed my curiosity and they fascinate me and frustrate me and scare me and challenge me to become a better person, to grow into. Never stop learning. They lead me to meet amazing people. They make me work hard and to not quit even when I'm down and defeated, when all else seems lost. They are there ever challenging, ever evolving as I change and evolve, and yet always the same, always there to challenge me. They leave me in awe of their beauty, their speed, their grace, and their willingness to interact with us, to learn and to wait patiently for me to learn to become the person I need to be in order to bring out the best in both of us and to achieve those elusive goals. Because an important piece to the happiness we all seek is just the progressive realization of worthy goals. And this is what I find in my horses. I find the challenge. I find the goal. I find the desire for connection, the thrill of the chase. I find the never ending mountain to climb, one that would take me several lifetimes to truly understand and master. And then some. I find peace after the frustration. I find stillness after the storm and I find elation after the challenge. Most importantly, I find love in their souls.
They make me feel free and they clear my mind of all the bad things and all the worries. And whenever someone says something mean it's cool or something like that, it kind of can hurt sometimes. But then when I get home and I go down to see the horses, they really just make me feel they clear it all out of my mind and I can't think of it any more. Kind of like.
Why I'm thankful for horses is that they teach me patience and I'm still learning because sometimes I am not as patient as I need to be. But over the years I've been riding for about 15, 20 years, and over the years they really have taught me how to to be patient and not rush things and take my time.
I'm grateful to horses because at a young age they connected me to a feeling of authenticity. I can feel peace and my true self when I am with my horses.
I'm thankful for my horse because that is my happy place. When I can get out and enjoy beautiful scenery, be relaxed and forget about all your troubles and the rest of the world.
I am so thankful for my horses because they give me unconditional love and acceptance and they are so forgiving.
I am thankful for horses. You can have the worst day of your life. Stress kids and you go out to the barn, swing your leg over that horse and take a deep breath and it all releases and you're so thankful you have that horse. It takes away all your fears, all of your stress, all of your worry. Horses are good for the soul. And when I look back in my gratitude journals, I see so many entries that feature my horses. The entries have to do with places that we've been, ways that I feel, things that I do, and challenges and triumphs, all things that I wouldn't experience if I was trying to get there on my own two feet. The conversations that I have with my friends while we're riding and the conversations that I have with my horse and with myself in my head. The songs that I sing out on the trail. I don't sing them anywhere else, and my horses never complain if I get off key or have the wrong rhythm when I get home at the end of a trail ride and often I'll be hot and dusty and dirty. And my husband says there's a special smile that is only reserved for those moments when I step off my horse and say, yes, it was a good ride.
Going out and working with my horses is like all time stops. Nothing exists. No laundry, no dishes, no nothing. Only what I'm doing in the moment with them. It's also the way I go out and spend some time with God. All the busyness and stuff in the world doesn't exist anymore. Everything just stopped for the hour that I have.
I'm incredibly thankful for the animals in my life. My horse Annie, and my beloved dog, Sidney. I truly believe I was born loving animals. I think it's in your DNA. And I am so thankful for this. Two years ago, almost to the day, I lost my hubby, my best friend, my Annie and Sidney were my constant companions. Through my grief and through the isolation of COVID, what would I have done without them? I entered the barn. My mind clears. I am present. Annie has taught me this one. And I am so very thankful.
Horses teach everything. They teach wonder. They teach joy and love and connection. They teach adrenaline and fear and humility. Horses allow.
My horse allows me to go faster than I ever could on my own two feet. And yet, somehow he also slows down the busy rush of the world. Horses are magic. Every single day. The way that they can teach us things that we are not willing to see in ourselves. I'm convinced and I've told my students this, that God has given us horses and other animals to make us aware of things that we would never be willing to hear from a human. I have just seen that happen in my own life and in the lives of others where a horse was able to break through and bring healing to them in a way that a human never could.
I own and love horses because I can't help it. The evidence supports that. It's a genetic predisposition. While the religion I grew up in taught that humans are the only beings with a soul, I always knew differently because I knew the non-human animals around me. Horses taught me how deep their souls are and how connected all beings can become when they are mutually loved and mutually respected for who they are as individuals.
My herd consists of a rescue mare and myself. I have been quite a challenge for her this past two years. She has worked to teach me unconditional love and respect, but she continually test me on my focus and attention to the present and will sometimes do the unexpected to reset my reality. As a kid, I had a horse and a bicycle and pretty much used them the same. But now I realize that my horse will listen to me, share my feelings, happy or sad, and offer me much joy and gratitude.
I'm thankful for horses because they teach me to be a better human. From their soft noses to their lush tails, they are genuinely genuine. They respond to the energy around them in an honest way. Their corrections are quick and to the point. A kick delivered to a pasture mate, for example. But they don't build up a story or a carryover of meaning the way we humans often do. I want to live among people that way, speaking up without anger or judgment. When I feel energy that isn't right for me to get it right in that moment, but not becoming attached to. Did the other person change? A horse is never trying to change another horse. From the outside. People think I'm outgoing and easy going. Truth is that I'm that way because I've never felt like I belonged anywhere. So all those smiles and glibness are just a way of trying to fit in. When I came to the barn to indulge a dormant but lifelong love of horses, at 65, I felt like I fit. Being with horses has given me a sense of purpose and belonging that I've never had. Despite having great kids and grandkids and a successful career, I overheard my husband tell someone Susan is so happy at the barn, she is really in her element. He also said, We are not buying a horse. I'll let him keep thinking that for now I.
Just am totally obsessed with horses. I always have been. I think I always will be. It's the whole total package that comes with being with a horse is you learn so much about yourself. They challenge you in different ways. We've got different sports. It doesn't matter how old you are, you just progress through everything. And I'm just forever grateful for having horses in my life. They're the best thing out. They give me love. I give love. I think it really does make you think about yourself and how you can strive to be a better person and better for your horse.
I love horses because no matter what they always show you they love you and they'll never give up on you. I love riding. It's some sort of my therapy. Through all the challenges we have in life, it's part of my support system. I have a horse. Her name is Lacey. She recently became half blind and she only has one eye through her blindness. She taught me that no matter how hard the challenges are that we go through, we can get through them. And she's there to help me get through them. That's why I love horses. And they're really, really, really important to me.
I have always loved horses as they make me happy and I'm always my better self around them. I love getting up early in the morning and seeing their heads pop out above their doors, winning to me when I arrive. I love watching them and seeing all their own personalities grow. Some are easy to be with, some are flighty at first, but a real softies once you get to know them and some do hilarious little toddler tantrums when they don't get their own way. Being with them makes me calm. Even the little things like mucking out their stables do the big things like galloping bareback with them makes me burst with joy. As long as you are kind to them, you have friends for life.
They've just allowed me.
Especially in the last few years of a long horse life.
When I started.
Realizing the concept of becoming aware my my self awareness and working on myself. It's just horses have allowed me to really access a place in me that I'm just so grateful for, so thankful for. And they're part of my spiritual practice every day.
I'm thankful for my horses because they teach me more about myself than anyone else. Their reactions and their responses to different things are a reflection of things that are going on in my own life, and they teach me so much about how I can learn and grow.
55 years of horses.
So much to be thankful for.
Horses fill a gap that humans can't. Their sensitivity to your emotions is the number one thing I'm thankful for.
My horses taught me that even when things are at their darkest, living is worth it. Loving is worth it. And I'm so thankful to them because we could just go for a circle around the block. But I know that the second my boots touch the ground again, they've already brought me to a better place.
I am thankful for my two horses because they keep me focused on caring for them and solving their problems instead of worrying about my problems.
Horses have taught and continue to teach.
And encourage me toward becoming a better, more integrated, humbly confident, grateful human.
They do not need.
To let us ride.
Them, yet they do. And every time my Mustang willingly steps up to the mounting block and lets me get on him and consents to go someplace with me, I am incredibly grateful. I'm thankful for horses because they've taught me brutal, life changing honesty and forgiveness.
Because they're my go to. They understand me. They read me, they tell me who I am.
They're individualness how they each relate to me differently. And each one has their own personality and I just enjoy riding them and just being a partner with each one of them. I love seeing how they they learn differently and they respond differently and yet they're all so moldable and just so open and willing to learn with me.
Horses have brought so many great friends to me in my life and I have enjoyed some of the best times with those friends and horses. They helped me.
Become a.
Kinder, smarter human being. I appreciate that they're honest and they will submit their superior strength and power to join in a relationship with me. I'm a person and so different from them and they see the world so uniquely. It broadens my perspective and encourages my respect. When I am thankful for horses because they give me a chance to see the world from the from their back. Just being around them, sensing their special horse sense and softness, fills me with joy and feeds my spirit. And I'm thankful that such magnificent and beautiful animals are willing to let me ride them and experiencing the harmony of movement with them and communication with them. I'm thankful they give me the opportunity to do and experience things I could not accomplish alone.
I'm thankful for horses because of the beauty and the bond. They are just incredible. I am thankful for horses because when I'm with them, I drop into a presence that is not only nourishing but also replenishing.
Horses came into my life as a child at a very crucial time and allowed me an escape and the opportunity to learn and bond with something and really just escape. And it's kind of stayed that way this whole time. I'm thankful for being able to get into horses and be able to stay in horses this whole time, my whole life, and I'm thankful for the opportunity to grow and learn all the time and have a way to escape. I love them.
My horse's name is Pilot.
I'm thankful for him because he inspires me to think that I can. I think that's honestly the biggest thing I can think of is I can. There's so much in this life and so much in this world that tells you you can't or you shouldn't. And even I can tell myself those things like, I can't do that. I wouldn't be good enough for that. But when I am on pilot and we're flying across some field, you know, I feel that wind in my face. And I think in that moment I can I can do this, I can and I can learn from this horse. I can learn how to face my fears just like he can. I can be bold to go where maybe I'm uncomfortable and I am strong enough to be able to face those things. And I can. I can do it.
Giving thanks to the Lord God for my awesome mare. She brings such peace, love and joy to all of us.
I am so blessed to have horses.
Because they give me peace in this.
Complicated world.
Horses ground me and bring my focus.
Back to simplify things.
They are my sanity in this chaotic, crazy world we're living in.
They do teach me to slow down and be present when I'm with them and the rest of the world fades away when I'm riding and I truly feel at peace.
My horses have taught me to be more considerate of their feelings and also of others.
They teach me to not be so worried and trying new things.
My horses have.
Taught me many.
Things patience, how I see myself, anger, control, how to expand my comfort zone. And the list goes on. I often spend time with my horses. I enjoy long trail rides to help me with emotional struggles that I have. I've heard it said once that horses are cheaper than therapy, and I have to agree. They have helped me many times when I have been struggling with some kind of an emotion or a hard time. And I just thank God that he has brought horses into my life.
It's amazing how horses always show up, how they are so in the moment, and people can learn so much from them. So I'm super grateful for horses and what they can teach people and what they have taught me.
A lesson my mare glory taught me is that I am enough. Period. I am enough.
Mistake taught me that her love is forever miles apart. Just don't matter.
What horses have taught me is.
That in.
Order to be in control, I have to let.
Go and.
Trust, which is the horse me and the process. For me, that's a biggie because I actually love to be in control and to be honest, to control. But I've learned that with horses that doesn't work. We kind of need to share responsibility, at least to a certain extent. So for me, that means I have to let go. Sometimes the reins, my ideas, even my goals or my expectations and wait and see what might be in store for us instead.
Horses came into my life as a child at a very crucial time and allowed me an escape and the opportunity to learn and bond with something and really just escape. And it's kind of stayed that way this whole time. I'm thankful for being able to get into horses and be able to stay in horses this whole time, my whole life, and I'm thankful for the opportunity to grow and learn all the time and have a way to escape. I love them.
I enjoy.
Teaching them.
And they are always teaching me. Horses have taught me to slow down. I adopt wild mustangs. I've adopted five and they have taught me that you can take that fear and turn it to trust. Horses are my peace and quiet, and I have learned so much from.
Them, knowing that I can do the hard, even though I thought I never could either physically or mentally be able to do some of the hard things that I've done with horses.
One of the recent life lessons horses have taught me, along with your coaching, is how much control we really do have over our human experience. It has been empowering to recognize the choices we have, and because of this knowledge, I find that I consciously make those decisions and be aware of.
What's going on.
Around me.
The Divine Beast carries our souls to destinations we would never explore left to ourselves. Horses are a gift. If we access the fullness of this gift, we will know what was given to us. The rush of diving to the deepest depths of our sentiments, giving us the experiences of mammoth victories to fragmented hearts. It is the horse that we travel to, the edges of the earth, trying our destinies, discovering new boundaries from ancient civilizations to times beyond. Now rulers and scholars to paupers and calming convene and are brought together trying to understand and fulfill the purpose of the horses in their lives. Suddenly, in the forthcoming imminent times, the instant the heavens open, it is none other than the horse standing there. Only the horse is brave enough to lead the fiercest conquerors, yet tender enough to submit to the smallest requests of a child. No other life form is privileged enough to sail upon the galloping hooves of another, so fine as the horse. Only humans are chosen to share. In this experience, only a horse has the ability to express this in a horde of other reasons is why my heart is thankful for the horse now into the ends of time.
I grew up with horses. Then as I got older, got married and had kids. I moved in 2008, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I did a year of chemo. My life changed after that. Things just didn't seem the same. Achy body. And then I asked a friend one day could I ride his horse? And he said yes. I noticed when I was riding the horse, all the pain was gone. So I kept riding with my friend when I could. And then finally one day I asked my husband if I could get me a horse and put it at my dad's farm. And he said, Yes, they have changed my life learning. You have to pay so much attention to them. So I forget about everything else. And I ride and I feel so free of everything that's going on in my life. They are my therapy. I can go out and comb them. I can just go out and be with them. I can take them out for just grass and pastures and I just feel so free. I forget that I ever had this disease.
Horses are my soul.
They are my being to the core. They're the essence of who I am. I can't even imagine my life without horses.
As a mom, a nurse, a grandmother and a mother. To many furry.
Friends, I get on the back of a horse and my whole world goes.
Away. I'm able to be me, to feel me, to relax and to enjoy some time to myself. Horses are amazing creatures. Absolutely magnificent.
I've got a American Quarter Horse thoroughbred Cross Cooper, about 12 years old. He's my Zen. He's my therapy. I spend just a couple of minutes with him and. And all the worries and concerns that I have and stresses that are going on in my life just melt away. Love the smell of him. I love the smell of the tack. And as I say, he's my Zen. He's my therapy. He's my best friend.
I ride because it's my church.
I call it dirt church.
I ride to become immersed in the strength. Power and transcendence of nature.
I am thankful for horses. They bring peace into my life. I ride because it helps me with control and helps me overcome fear. Horses have taught me to slow down in life.
I love to ride because it makes me feel free. There's nothing like sitting on the back of the horse and being connected to them, and they become your legs and your arms and they take you someplace. And there's nothing like when your horse takes really good care of you, even in a dangerous situation, feeling of pride that you have in them. Affection and love. It's real. You know, some people say that it's just a horse. They just see the beast on the outside. But the soul of the creature is truly inspiring.
Riding is just great for the soul.
I ride because I love the connection that I can feel with them.
I ride because when I'm on my horse, I feel a sense of peace and harmony with my soul.
I ride because I enjoy purity.
Authenticity. Unconditional love.
First off, my husband dared me to do this without getting emotional.
Which is going to be hard for me because horses mean so much to me. I'm going to try to put those feelings into words. I'm thankful for horses because of all the worlds that they open up for me. One is the learning world where I get to interact with talented teachers like you. Stacy and my fellow students on this journey of improving ourselves. Another is the horse's own world, who they are as animals and as individuals. I'm thankful for their beauty, their sensitivity, and their ability to reflect ourselves back to us. Finally, my own world horses have allowed me to become aware. I'm now aware of my habits and tendencies, my actions and reactions, my thoughts and my feelings. I guess, in short, I'm thankful for horses because they've allowed me to become a better human.
I wasn't sure if I'd end up calling in because I didn't quite know how to put all the things I'm thankful.
For with.
My horses.
Into words.
When I tried, I became overwhelmed with so many emotions. Instead, it seems like such an easy thing to be able to call in and say why you're thankful for your horses. But when I think about the why, it's like my entire life flashes before me because they've been my go to for every problem, every event, emotion or lesson I've ever needed them for. How do you put that into words? Robert Fulghum wrote a book about all we really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be. We learned in kindergarten. But for me, I feel like I've learned these things and I'm still learning these lifelong skills from my horses. Humility, love, compassion, anger, boundaries. Confidence. Patience. Hope. Regret. Grief. All of these taught to me by my greatest secret keepers and mentors my horses. These are the blessings I am forever grateful for.
My horse keeps me grounded.
He keeps me happy. I love my barn time and my riding time. And it's when I'm the absolute most happiest. I don't have a care in the world when I'm riding. I love my horse.
I am grateful for my horses.
Because of their.
Honesty and.
Their sensitivity.
My horses have.
Made me strive to be a better.
Person, to be a more honest person, and to be a more sensitive person. The learning never stops with my horses and I can always look to them for a new way to look at life, a new way to.
Look at any.
Kind of a problem. And I don't think that I would be the person I am today without my two girls and the journey that we've been on and I hope the journey that I continue with them. The softness and the sensitivity and the honesty.
Thankful for horses, because with.
Horses I can be who I am truly. As a neurodivergent woman of color, academic, I'm in spaces of judgment and intensity regularly. I love being an educator, but horses opened my eyes to a part of myself that I did not know had value because the world in which I operate do notrillionecognize this form of knowledge. Culturally, I was raised to be aware of more than the merely physical, to be conscious of the movement of energy. It was horses that noticed and thanked me for my attempts to find their places of blockage and to clear them. Horses are so open and accepting of this intention. The size, eyeblink snorts and body shakes, signal energy movement that I know brings them some comfort and sweep my own fear, anxiety, stress and tension up into their river of release. Horses taught me that I am a healer. Someone once told me that they had never seen anyone ride with such joy in the saddle as I do. I think that's my hyperactivity. But anyway, as a kid, I learned to ride on a US Air Force base overseas where it was affordable for my family. Once my enlisted father was transferred, I had to leave the horse world and it would be almost 30 years before I could return, drawn back by my children. Once I smelled the barn, I knew I could never leave again. I tell my kids that if ever they have to put me in a nursing home, just make sure there's something from the barn that I can hold and smell. And I will always feel safe. I guess that's it. I am thankful for horses because I feel safe and I feel valued among them.
I'm so thankful.
To have horses in my life.
When I'm at the barn.
Life slows down.
The stresses and worries of the world fade.
Whether I'm mucking stalls, riding.
Grooming or.
Listening to them contentedly munching hay, a calmness descends upon me. I'm able to get a clearer perspective on my life, and I'm a better person.
Because of them.
This was really.
Interesting and hard for me to actually.
Put into.
Words. It seems.
So really.
Obvious, but horses for me.
Are a way to escape the confines and responsibilities of a human.
Life. They provide.
Inspiration because of.
Their power.
And underlying strength, which.
Is combined with supreme.
Gentleness. Put simply, my horses give me freedom and I ride as riding is food.
For the soul.
I have always been thankful for what I've learned from horses, but in the past couple of years I've realized that sometimes you learn the most from those horses that you might label tough or difficult. But that can be really hard because I was struggling with a lot of negative emotions about feeling critical of myself and my horse expectations that weren't being met. I was just just struggling and having a hard time. And thanks to your program, not only have I become a better writer and a better trainer, but I've been able to become aware of those thoughts and those patterns and start to choose something new. And that has led to so much joy and enjoyment, not just in my writing and my work with my mare, but in my life in general. And then the other cool thing is that alongside of that, I have also seen so much more progress. My mare has just become lovely and willing and engaged and we are having so much fun together and the progress that we've made is just amazing. So this year I'm so thankful for not only what I have learned from her, even though it has been a tough journey, but what I've learned from you because that has really helped me be able to enjoy this journey and this process. Thank you, Stacy. Happy Thanksgiving.
Hey Stacy.
I'm so thankful for my horses. They're gorgeous.
Strong animals and they help me stay calm.
Unless we're working.
On a new something. But that's another story.
I had a lifelong.
Dream to learn and maybe one day own my own horse. And at.
50, my dream came.
True. The only thing was I didn't have a lot of experience and I bought a horse that didn't have any training. So our journey began. I have wonderful friends that have helped me through the years and an opportunity came for me to actually be in a Stacy Westfall clinic and I had no idea what a cloverleaf pattern was and I didn't know how much that clinic would change my life and my horses lives. In three years I've gone from not knowing what to do next to feeling very confident to say I am a horse trainer. Stacy I'm so thankful for your programs and for all you share with us. You help us in so many ways, as I would have probably gotten rid of my horse and purchased a goldfish if it wasn't for your programs that have helped me step by step. My horses teach me patience and I ride because horses are amazing animals and I am so grateful for you. Stacy Westfall. Have a great Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Thanks so much for asking this question. Happy Thanksgiving.
So that's my $0.02 on what horses have taught me. Thank you and.
Bye. All right. Take care.
Thank you. I love, love, love your podcasts and your emails. You are truly an inspiration and challenge me to keep learning and growing as an equestrian. Have a good Thanksgiving.
And thank you for all your help.
Thanks for this opportunity.
Thank you and have a great day.
Love your podcast. Thank you.
Happy Thanksgiving, Stacy.
God bless. Hope you have a great day. Thanks, Stacy.
Thank you for sharing, for inspiring and for listening. Happy Thanksgiving.
If you enjoy listening to Stacy's podcast, please visit Stacy westfall.com for articles, videos and tips to help you and your horse succeed.
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