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No one taught you the skills you need to work through these things.
Riders often encounter self-doubt, fear, anxiety, frustration, and other challenging emotions at the barn. The emotions coursing through your body can add clarity, or can make your cues indistinguishable for your horse.
Learning these skills and begin communicating clearly with your horse.
Click here to learn more.
Newt, at least your Mom didn’t try to make you step over it backwards! I just kept sidestepping around it. NO WAY! – QH Duchess
Newt! The answer is….flip the box and step inside! That’s ALWAYS it…my Mom doesn’t understand that I know how to flip everything!!! But, I wonder what she’ll think if I do it just for kicks.
the 1/4 horse, Morgan
Newt, what size is this box? My mom wants to build one for me. I am not sure that is a good thing.
lol-newt you rock! that is some fancy tiptoeing!
my mom taught me to go up and down the stone porch steps and into the human’s barn. i was interested and curious about human stalls, so i did it without hesitation 🙂
–Babe, the 1/4 horse mix
Fun pics and captions..if only we could really hear what they think.
“Dear Newt, I have same problem with my human. She seems to think that I am incapable of stepping OVER the box. Does she not realize that I can either go around it or over it? Seems like a silly thing to step ON the box but hey, the faster I do it the faster I’ll get out to the pasure to be with my friends, so I’ll do it.” – Dixie the Quarter Horse
Dixie…my human had the same issue. I repeatedly tried stepping all the way over the box. It was a stretch…but I could almost do it. Going around seemed the most logical…but these humans aren’t always logical, are they? -Newt
LOL. Good to know I’m not alone, Newt! and you are right – Our humans are not always logical. -Dixie
Dear Newt,
Wow, that looks like fun! I love to climb on boxes, but my Auntie Niki and MomToo won’t let me. They say it’s not safe. Pfft. If you can do it, maybe I can, too. Maybe you can talk to them and show them I won’t get hurt.
Snoopy the Quarter Horse
Snoopy- I spent a lot of time pawing the box to make sure it was safe. I know mom said that it was ‘reinforced’ but…they are only human. Mom lets me go really slow, no rushing allowed, so it feels pretty safe.-Newt