How could a $200 tip make things worse? What is your honest answer?

How well do you know yourself?$200 tip, would it help or hurt?

Can you imagine being a waiter or waitress and receiving a $200 tip? It would be pretty amazing, judging from the general response.…but would it last?

Good things and bad things don’t make people change…they make them more of what they really are.

It is easy to think that the extra money would make anyone happier. And in the short term this is probably true for anyone….but what about later?

In a week or two, would you head to clear the table hopefully-expecting another huge tip…only to be disappointed again? Does that disappointment eat at you?

Or maybe two or three weeks later someone under-tips you….do you resent them and hold ‘the big one’ up as proof that you were worth more?

What is going on here? Was that big tip a blessing or a curse?

I wonder if these later afterthoughts actually reflect what we ‘really are.’

It is probably safe to say that we all ‘hope’ we would be grateful with no other side effects….but how many people can admit that they could see it could go either way.

And really, how can we expect true honesty in our horses if we cannot be honest with ourselves.


  1. Sharon on December 2, 2013 at 11:12 am

    This was just posted from a game friend who probably did not see Stacy’s post on my news page. I had to post it here to show how a large tip does make a difference.

    So I had a little bit of my faith in humanity restored today. I was at work today and I waited on a table of 2, I assumed it to be father and daughter. As they were getting up to leave, the man hands me some money and says “here, this is for you”. I was not looking at the money as I reached out for it, I was looking at the man saying thank you. I then looked at the money, and stopped short. I did not take it, instead I looked at the man in surprise and proceeded to ask him “are you sure?” about 5 times in one minute. He assured me it was for me. That man gave me $200, I almost cried. I have every intention of paying this forward when I am able. Money is really tight for me right now and this was a miracle dropped right in my lap. It warmed my heart tremendously and I would love to make someone else’s day like that. God Bless that Man.

    • Stacy on December 3, 2013 at 8:31 am

      Sharon!!!!! So happy for you! I think people missed my comment on my FB page that said (just don’t use it as an excuse to NOT tip….). I find that tipping is a blessing for the one DOING the tipping…maybe that should be a blog….

  2. Terri Anderson on December 1, 2013 at 10:06 am

    Great post! You have such thought provoking blog themes! I don’t tip the trainers stable hand, and assistant trainer, but I do give them a Christmas bonus:)

  3. Megan on December 1, 2013 at 8:45 am

    I have been a victim of over tipping to get a credit card transaction flagged. It’s basically a way to manipulate the credit companies fraud system. The customer leaves a huge tip, you’re instantly excited and then a couple days later the credit card company’s fraud department calls.

    The nicest tip I ever got was one of the really fancy forehead baby thermometers and a baby monitor. I was the request groomer for this really nice lady. She asked my coworkers for my baby registry and purchased them for me.

    I don’t see how an extra two hundred dollars could hurt anyone. Windfalls of money are wonderful things.

    • Stacy on December 1, 2013 at 9:07 am

      Wow Megan, I have never heard of that (cc flag)…that would stink! The baby registry thing was awesome though!

  4. Paige on November 30, 2013 at 6:10 pm

    Hi, I have been a hairstylist for 36 yrs. I have received all kinds of tips, presents, etc especially around holidays like Xmas. I never expect a big tip or something greater than usual. I do not get disappointed if it doesn’t happen. Actually, I’m grateful just to have the business. Tell you what I don’t like/ appreciate is someone giving me a so called gift like a ” fancy comb” . Something really useless and stupid. And, when I invite customers to come to my salon and get their ” bangs” trimmed Inbetween appointments and they don’t even offer me five dollars. I am embarrassed to death if I go out to eat with someone and they want to slight the waitress. We hair stylists do not want presents. If you want to give us something..give us money.

  5. Jude Stanton on November 30, 2013 at 5:16 pm

    I think whatever we do in life being our job or whatever should be done without expectation of anything other than true satisfaction within ourselves. We rely emotionally too much on the powers of others to make us happy and this is our downfall when it comes to how we feel . Most jobs dont even get tipped, No one tips the garbo’s or the stablehand. Keep sight of the fact that whoever gave that big tip obviously has money to burn and its about how it makes them feel not you. So they leave feeling good and powerful and you are left to ???? .

  6. Pamela G Evans on November 30, 2013 at 2:42 pm

    I waited tables for six yrs after my husband died,and yes I Got a 100 $ tip one time ,but that was an exception.usually it was 50cents to a dollar. Yes it was heaven sent and no I did not do any different in waiting on people that would tip or not. A lot of people that I met couldn’t afford to tip ,but they got the same service from me as the ones that did.

  7. slb on November 30, 2013 at 2:26 pm

    I think tipping should be gotten rid of and wait staff should be paid a decent wage like everyone else. Tipping is a gratuity, thank you for superb over and above service. Not a wage.

  8. Seppi Jo on November 30, 2013 at 1:39 pm

    So, I work a tipped job as a massage therapist, and I hate the fact that I get part of my job… because I don’t want anything to get in the way of all of the work I do.

    But that being said, I would much rather sometimes get larger tips than none at all. The extra money is a blessing. The thought that one would advocate not over tipping does an injustice to the mental abilities of those who work tipped jobs. People know a big windfall only.comes rarely, and if you.can and want to leave a big tip, it would be foolish to hold back for no reason other than this idea of possible unhappiness

    • Stacy on November 30, 2013 at 5:17 pm

      Yikes, I didn’t mean for this to sound like I encourage undertipping! In fact, the reason I was thinking about it is because of he opposite…I love OVER tipping….but I got thinking about it and wondering if people are ever resentful. I remember receiving a large ($100.00) tip as a teen and I can honestly say that I had my hopes up the rest of the summer. I wasn’t disappointed…but it did make me think….

  9. Wendy Russ on November 30, 2013 at 1:01 pm

    We’ve all had these quick fixes of surprise throughout our lives. While we may be euphoric and grateful at the moment, we soon find out the moment is over. What matters most is our daily commitment to do our best and to be grateful for even the smallest of blessings. The big ups and downs are just icing or dirt on the cake, it’s the consistency in ourselves and horses that make us who we are. Good food for thought Stacy

  10. Marlene Howell on November 30, 2013 at 12:04 pm

    Having been a waitress myself, many years ago, I believe any waiter or waitress that has worked in this area for any amount of time would instantly know, this is the exception. Not an expectation of it ever happening again. Then, as the daily job goes on, the norm would return and not seem unusual just because someone left a one time big tip. JMO

  11. Sharon on November 30, 2013 at 11:50 am

    I groom dogs for a living and while I do get a few tips, around here it isn’t the norm. The few large tips I get around Christmas are a blessing. I could wish everyone gifted that well but I guess I’m practical enough to know not everyone can which allows me to enjoy the tips as I receive them.

  12. Wanda Winter Edmonds Taylor on November 30, 2013 at 11:20 am

    i think tipping as a source of income should be done away with and the employer should pay their employees an honest wage.

  13. Stephanie Doerr on November 30, 2013 at 11:16 am

    Being a dog groomer, I receive tips. Sometimes I receive large tips ( especially after my husband suddenly died and around Christmas ) and sometimes small tips and a lot non at all. I smile and thank the person every single time no matter how big or small and I also thank the people bringing their dog in as they leave. As far as the tips go; I just figure the client does as they can afford and for the ones who don’t tip I think that they cannot afford it or don’t realize it is appropriate.

    • Debra Hogan Ferry on December 1, 2013 at 6:16 pm

      I agree Stephanie. I to am a dog groomer and I have clients I know tip and those that I know wont. I look at it this way, I would rather have no tip and them bring their dog to me every 4-6 weeks then a huge tip and never see that dog again. Tipping is awesome when it happens but I never expect one from any of my clients.

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