Yearling Gus with Stacy Westfall, Weaver Activity Ball

Every time you interact with a horse (or a person for that matter) you have an opportunity to learn. For me this is easy to remember when it is a ‘new’ horse, one that is new to me or a young one. In this video Gus is allowing me to see the way that he thinks. He is curious, playful and confident (which is evident by his willingness to lay down near me). Standing back and watching, interacting with an open mind, allows me to see these things.

Where I have to work harder is when I know my horse (or my husband, kids, friends, etc). For some reason familiarity breeds laziness and we assume we already know all there is to know. Do you find that true in your life?


  1. Jodi on October 24, 2011 at 8:10 pm

    I was once told by a very wise horsewoman that when I thought there was nothing new to learn about horses, that was when you should get out of the business, because that’s when you’ll get hurt. I’ve always subscribed to that. Of course, being mostly a novice trainer, and with a colt that has a *very* different mind than the other youngsters I’ve trained (they were Arabians, Yankee is a Rocky Mountain), I’m guaranteed to learn something new every time I work with him.

    However, with my husband, yea. Familiarity does breed laziness. I need to apply the lessons Yankee is teaching me to the non-horsey bits of my life…

    • Stacy on October 25, 2011 at 9:52 pm

      lol…always good to take what we learn with the horses and use it with…the husbands…

  2. Peggy Nichols on October 24, 2011 at 8:36 am

    OMG! Never in my wildest dreams would I have even “thought” that a horse would play with a ball!! Tells you what I know. I find this fastinating.

  3. Janet on October 24, 2011 at 6:50 am

    I think this is a very true statement, I think that as a human when we become familar with our surroundings, we forget that there is knowlegde to be learned and we become complacent. It is only when we stop watch and feel the stillness of our surrounding, and in the herd of one two or more that we begin to see what we are missing. I know that in the past two years of the trials that I’m going through that the things I thought I knew are very trivial as to what I have experenced now and watching and learning from my horses, I gained the knowledge of living in the moment and taking that moment in time and enjoying it even if the situation may not be exactly what I expected it to be.

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