Win a DVD! Website Rebuild…what do you like in a website?

I am currently rebuilding my website and would love your feedback. I know what I like and dislike about sites when I visit them. I like good information,search buttons and photos. I also know my site could be improved. What do you like or dislike about websites when you visit them?

  • pictures-lots or few?
  • search button
  • members only section
  • about us page
  • shopping page
  • contact page
  • FAQ page


I am also guilty of not sending out newsletters like I should…I know this because some of you email me and ask me ‘why haven’t I received an email’?

What do you like to have in a newsletter?

Full DVD is available now call 1-800-648-1121

Leave your ideas for a chance to win this DVD!

  • upcoming events
  • sale items
  • videos
  • private ‘member’ only section
  • contests?

I also like contests. I do! I’m a sucker for a gift card or other prizes for answering questions.

In keeping with that thought I am going to give away three Jac DVD’s to people who leave comments below this post offering their insights. If you just post ‘hello’ or something…that won’t count but if you leave ideas you will be entered into a random drawing!


  1. Maria on May 29, 2014 at 8:58 am

    I find many websites confusing and hard to find the information I am looking for. Some suggestions I have come up with are:

    Clearly separate the information provided by tabs and/or table of contents.

    On the Shopping tab, enable the viewer to zoom in on products for sale and have detailed descriptions. So many websites have tiny pictures of items available and you have no way of clearly seeing the item.

    When adding an item to the cart, enable the purchaser to continue shopping and have the view return to the previous screen, not take them all the way out to the general shopping area. I was purchasing essential oils the other day and every time I added an oil to the cart it would return me to the main menu and I would have to go into essential oils again and do a search on the items I was looking for over and over again.

    A question and answer tab is helpful especially if broken down by subject such as, bucking, rearing, pulling back, etc.

    Testimonials are always inspiring.

    Definitely a tab to tell your story. So many websites offer training dvds and equipment but do not really tell the trainers story. Making it personal makes the sale.

    A blog tab would be great. You could incorporate all of your blogs, horse related or not in this tab.

    An article tab of past articles you’ve written would be nice.

    A video tab of the Jac series would be great!

    I like a blogging tab for followers but have seen them go awry if there is no one there to monitor them.

    Would love to see a contest or sweepstakes tab for your followers 🙂

    Hope this helps,

  2. Anne on May 26, 2014 at 4:28 pm

    When you have a busy life, and go to a website to find out information, I like to be able to click on what I am looking for and get that information. I hate it when it says click on here for such and such information and you still don’t get what you are looking for. I just want a simple, and an appealing to the eye website. I hate it when you have to hunt for the “Contact us” area or any other information area. Oh and something that isn’t too deep. I don’t like it when I’m not sure if I have gone to that section or not.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Bill Chapman on May 22, 2014 at 9:15 pm

    I like to be able to navigate a website easily. I’m not much of a computer person. I always say if I can point and click I’m good. I do like the “about us” page. It’s always nice to know about the person/people on a more personal level; what makes them “tick”. Love pictures, especially when used to help explain/show things. Calendar of events/appearances. The big thing is that the website is kept updated where necessary which I know can become difficult when travelling as much as you do. In a newsletter upcoming events, product sales/specials, news on any new products, contests (always fun)

  4. Shelley Massey on May 22, 2014 at 2:59 pm

    The Jac series has been a pleasure. If I have a few extra minutes, I open the next one! Easy navigation and keep the inspirational quotes coming!! Love the entertaining pictures!!!

  5. Erin on May 21, 2014 at 5:36 pm

    Sharon, if you’re using a pc hold down the Ctrl key and tap the ‘+’ key to zoom in as many times as you want. Hold Ctrl and tap the minus key ‘-‘ to zoom out. It should make the font bigger.

  6. Mikel Basque on May 21, 2014 at 3:05 am

    Hi Stacy,

    I would be very interesting more videos about trainning lessons. It is very nice to read you, but sometimes is more “understandable” watching a video.

    Congrats for your site and thanks for share with us your knowledge and experiences.


  7. Sharon Hill on May 21, 2014 at 12:02 am

    One more thought. Make the font larger, please. Even with readers I’m squinting a bit.

    • Stacy on May 21, 2014 at 8:23 am

      Sharon- can you let me know what device you are viewing the site from (laptop, desktop, brand name, etc) then I can have my web guy look at this issue.

  8. lisa w on May 19, 2014 at 10:51 pm

    I would like a few one or two, pictures on the home page and not too much going on…..simple. so I don’t have information overload and can see what is relevant when I visit.
    I’ve really enjoyed the Jac videos. They are informative & encouraging. Thank you for demonstrating through this what being an overcommer is.

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