Using emotion and logic when picking a horse: How I chose Presto.

Although I don’t pretend to teach conformation…this roughly illustrates what I was seeing. In today’s Q&A I explain a bit more about the ‘logical’ side of why I picked Presto. ❤️
Question: Did you have any specific goals in mind when you chose Presto? What were you looking for?
Answer: As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, choosing Presto felt like an alignment of preparation and opportunity.
As much as I want to think that I make the decision from emotion only (insert Disney theme music here)…I also realize that I have spent the last twenty-plus years of my life as a trained equine professional.
There is no way that all of that learning just went ‘poof’ and disappeared.
In fact, I think the opposite is true. I think that all of the knowledge that I have gathered joined me, so when I looked at Presto, the emotional side was there as well as the educated horsewoman.
My Emotional Side said:?
Bay! Its a bay! My favorite color!
?Spots! He has spots! Stop my beating heart!!!
❤️I’ve always wanted a blanket Appy!!!!
?And those LEGS! All those LEGS!!!!!
My Logical Side said:
?Calm down emotions.
?Let me take a look.
☑️Yes, the legs are straight and the knees and hocks are pretty level for a three-day old colt. He will likely end up running level or uphill.
☑️He has a deep heart girth.
☑️His back is short relative to his hip and shoulder.
☑️His shoulder angles a bit back…bigger stride.
☑️Did you see those spots….wait…spots are for the emotional side…but they logically will make him stand out…
I’m slipping back into…
… emotions ???❤️
Yes. I’m a professional horsewoman and I still have emotional reactions to fuzzy foals and coat colors.
I also have a pretty good eye for how a horse will function.
My guess was that he would end up pretty well balanced. By balanced I mean that he would likely end up with a top line that would be level or his withers would be higher than his rump. This conformation will make it easier for him to collect, which will help him almost everywhere in life including just plain staying sound.
I liked the idea that he was so far out of my ‘normal’ range. I’ve trained primarily quarter horses and stock breeds due to the fact that they excel at reining.
While I’ve trained other breeds including Arabians, Halflingers, Thoroughbreds and color breeds like Paints and Appaloosas…I haven’t owned one. I also haven’t trained any of them to a higher level of training.
Also, when I bought Presto, I was considering taking some dressage lessons. I’ve always loved trail riding. And I love any learning I can do that involves horses. I was pretty open-minded about what I could potentially do with him.
I’ve watched him grow for the last four years. I waited an extra year to start him under saddle and even when I did, I’ve gone slow.
This year will be a big year for Presto’s development. I’ll ask him to do more than he has ever done before. I’ll put him in situations where he will have increasing responsibility and the ability to make decisions.
I have no idea where we will end up at the end of this season.
I hope he stays sound and that we all stay safe.
I would count that as a win.
I hope to hit the trails…and maybe a horse show at the end of the year…if we are having them.
I’m excited to share Presto’s story with you. No matter what the outcome, one thing is for sure. We will Press On Regardless, right Presto?
I’ve owned Presto now for four years. He has grown so much and I’m finally ready to start sharing his adventures
What questions do you have for me?
I’ll be posting daily from now till Monday and if you leave a question on one of my posts or blogs, I’ll be giving away a t-shirt to one winner!
#PressonRegardless #Presto #Equithrive


  1. lynette schmidt on April 27, 2020 at 9:59 pm

    Thank you for sharing your reasons for ‘why’ you bought Presto 🙂 Well put! It’s too easy to let emotions run wild!

  2. Sharon Stroud on April 27, 2020 at 4:57 pm

    Do you treat him differently given his rough start in life? Are you more lenient with out-of-the-ordinary behaviors? Stay safe!

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