What was your first thought when you saw this saddle? When I first saw it I thought ‘better have a long backed horse’!
A quick google search reveals that this is considered a ‘double seat western saddle’. As a kid, I rode double behind my mom a lot. We rode on a bareback pad. I tried riding behind a saddle but it really wasn’t fun… but we didn’t have one of these saddles either!
Now I am left to wonder if this saddle would have been a good answer or if bareback pad was the best.
Has anyone ever used one of these? I would love to know how you liked it and how well it fit the horse.
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I had a two seat saddle and was wondering if you possibly could tell who made it. It burned in a fire and it meant a lot to my wife. I have a picture
Hi I have always thought that riding double would put too much weight on the horses and it would be too dangerous.
I had a bareback pad made special for my Percheron/TB for my daughter to ride with me. We called it the rumble seat. Tucker saddlery was in Memphis back in the 90’s. He added flaps like a dressage saddle for my long legs and her rumble seat Velcro attached to the back.
I used a buddy seat when my kids were little. It was a seat that attached to the back of my western saddle. We rode many long miles in it. What I like about the double seat saddle in your pic, is that it has stirrups. It looks rather long for transporting, though. Thanks for sharing!
My mom used a square piece of 1.5″ foam and sewed a canvas cover for it. She attached straps so it could be tied on behind a western saddle. For many years I rode behind her and was comfortable.
Mind you, I ride with a helmet also, which I notice so many don’t. I’ve seen too much evidence of both.
My first thought is about the B.C. woman who rode with her young daughter behind. The seasoned horse spooked, Mom landed on daughter and killed her (broke her neck). In terms of safety? As with motorcycles, I believe one should always “dress” or in this case “saddle” in prep for the fall, not necessarily for the ride…which might mean leading or leaving one behind. Just my thoughts…
I bought a backseat saddle for my grandaughter to ride on behind me, it is like a bareback saddle with no tree. But it has stirrups and padding with a handle on the front of it for security and comfort. It attaches to my saddle. The backseat saddle I bought was from Country Supply.
Stacy — for what it’s worth, in our family we did away with having the kids ride behind the adults (this is on trail rides) because it’s so uncomfortable for both parties. Especially since we have our kids wear helmets — they’re not only bonking their big, helmeted heads into the back of the adult; they can’t see a thing except where we’ve been!
What we’ve found works (for us) is to put a pony/youth saddle on the horse. The kids ride like normal — in the saddle — and the adults ride behind (bareback or with a pad). **Before everyone gets mad that this hurts the horse’s back or is bad for them, we only do it on our big-boy horses that can handle it. And it’s not as if we throw the biggest adult we can find up there, either :)** This ensures the kid is comfortable wearing his/her helmet, can see everything, AND can “steer” the horse (we’ve got different rein setups for experience of the child) and feels like they’re actually riding!
I think that’s really awesome! Good idea thanks for sharing 😀
Hi, I have always thought that riding double would put too much pressure/weight on the horses kidneys. even “big-boy horses” have kidneys, and weight on kidneys can be damaging.