Life has many twists and turns and I am constantly intrigued by the directions it takes. When I started my journey with Jac it was a personal milestone for me. It was accepting what had happened with Roxy and seeing that I had something to offer Jac.
I tried to imagine what it would be like to video Jac’s progress and share it with the world. I knew it would be an interesting journey…because every horse I have trained has been an interesting journey. There are always questions that come up during the process, some have clear answers; correct Jac when he bites, others are not as easy; do I show him now or wait another month?
What I love about training horses is that there are always breakthroughs. Many of these moments happen in the barn and are never seen by anyone but the horse and rider. Following Jac allowed many of these moments to be caught on film. Most of these breakthroughs are small, incremental steps. These steps lead the horses forward, sometime that is a path to greatness in the show pen and other times it is to a life of bringing joy to someone in their backyard. The point isn’t to make horses that are great in the show pen…it is to make horses that are great individuals no matter where they are.
And as predicted, horses have setbacks, that was illustrated by Jac along the way. Simple things like when I went out of town and Jac didn’t get trained to bigger things like dental trips, vets and chiropractic adjustments. Many of you identified with the sometimes difficult decisions that surround owning horses.
I am very satisfied with everything that I accomplished with Jac. I believe that the foundation he has will be with him for a lifetime. I am also glad that I chose to be a part of Jac’s journey. You may remember that I struggled at first with the idea that he would look like Roxy and the relief that I found in the simple fact that he was a different color. The more I got to know Jac the more I was able to see him as a unique individual, which was a good thing. It was a good thing for me because it helped to move me away from directly comparing him to Roxy. It was a good thing for Jac because he has his own uniqueness and shouldn’t have to spend his life trying to be someone else.
When the video project started we committed to bringing you the ups, the downs “and everything in between” during Jac’s journey and this week Jac has moved into another phase of his life.
It was fitting that I received this question after last weeks episode of Jac;
“Laughing, really, at my self for thinking this but: What does Greg do? Haha. I mean what does he do to earn enough money to invest in horses, their care and training with you? You are all truly blessed.” -Natalie
Greg really is a regular guy who decided to try reining. He works in a small family business in the office where he manages the accounting. He cleans stalls, saves his money and goes to horse shows when he can. Like many other people across the country he keeps horses in training with professionals because horses are the hobby he has chosen instead of golf or fishing or any other sport. Greg just happened to call the Westfall’s who just happened to know of a horse for sale…who just happened to turn out to be Roxy. Life takes interesting turns. Coincidence or Godincidence? I know what I believe.
Greg bred Roxy because she was an amazing horse and he looked for professional guidance to ensure that his decision would also help to improve the breed. I believe that he accomplished that goal with the four foals that she had before she died.
Like most horse owners Greg also knew that he probably wouldn’t keep them all. He struggled with the decision to sell Roxy’s first foal, Roxter, but eventually chose to keep the filly and sell the stallion. The money from Roxter’s sale helped to fund the breeding and eventual training of Jac. Watching Roxter succeed was a blessing because, although a small part of Greg knew he once owned that horse, another part of Greg knew that Roxter may never have reached that same potential while he owned him.
Roxter also played a part in the decision to collect Jac’s semen. Jac has played a different role than Roxter because Roxter was the first of Roxy’s foals, but Jac was the last. Rationally this shouldn’t change things much, but emotionally it changed things a lot. As Jac’s owner Greg has wrestled with the idea of selling Jac. He sold Roxter because he knew he didn’t have the facility to keep a stallion long term but he was still tempted to keep Jac. Greg is a friend as well as a client and throughout this journey we have been trying to help him with the decision. If you listen during episode (12) you can hear me say that Greg is there watching. He also drove down numerous times to watch Jac while we lived in Ohio and flew down to Texas when we were there. It was easy to see that Jac was a nice horse, it was easy to see that he could be successful…but one thing kept nagging Greg. He had made the decision to sell Roxter because he was a stud, why was Jac different? Long term what was best for Jac?
Don’t we all wish we knew what was best long term? Hindsight may be clear but foresight isn’t quite as easy. Jesse and I had decided to sell our house in 2012 and when it sold in 2013 things got more complicated. We want to live nomadically, roaming around the country with our kids and horses for a year or two…but that decision effects other things. Did Jac’s plan fit with ours?
Jac is clearly bred well and he is talented. The reality of being a successful stallion is earning the right to breed, proving that the horse carries the potential to improve the equine world. Am I the right person to give Jac that opportunity? I have confidence in my ability to train a horse but I am also realistic about having the facility and the time.. I have chosen over the last few years to spend less time showing and more time traveling and teaching.
As you all know, I dropped Jac off at Select Breeders to be collected at the end of June. At that time they told us that they would likely need him for a 4-6 weeks. Our son needed to show his horse the second weekend in August in Ohio to finish his green reiner belt buckle points and I told Greg we would plan on picking Jac up after that show. It ended up that Jac completed his ‘job’ at Select Breeders before our son showed and Greg needed to decide what to do with Jac. Greg was still considering selling and we suggested that if he was serious we could suggest a trainer nearby Select Breeders that could evaluate Jac. We knew we liked Jac but there was always the chance that we were biased.
Greg chose to have Jac evaluated and we suggested a trainer that we thought might fit Jac’s style. It turns out that we were not biased, other people agreed Jac was a very nice horse and someone made an offer to buy Jac. Greg accepted the offer and as of Monday, Jac was sold.
It is interesting how life works. The money that Greg received from selling Roxter was used to create and train Jac. Jac was a blessing to Greg, myself and the many viewers of the Jac series and he still has more potential. Will he be a great show horse? A great sire? Only time will tell.
I do know that Greg will use the money to continue the bloodlines. He has kept two fillies out of Roxy and I am looking forward to riding not only Roxy’s sons and daughters, but her granddaughters and more. Greg also signed Jac up for the AQHA Full Circle Program which helps ensure that Greg will always be notified should Jac ever become unwanted or ready for retirement.
Even though I will no longer be training Jac, I still hope to do some follow up blogs and videos. I will aim to attend some of the shows that Jac goes to and I will continue to be his fan. Jesse and I will also be keeping our eyes open for the perfect mare to use some of Jac’s frozen semen with. Riding one of Jac’s foals would be the fourth generation of the bloodline that I have ridden…I would enjoy that.
It is tempting to look at Jac’s sale as an ending but I am choosing to look at it as a new beginning. I expect that Jac will receive exceptional care and planning very similar to what Roxter has. I am also looking forward to the next chapter in my life. I am a trainer at heart and I am seriously considering the suggestion of training a rescue horse as my next project.
I still love the following paragraphs that have been at the end of each Stacy’s Video Diary: Jac, Youtube video. I was tempted to change the first line to “This was the story…” but I am unable to because I believe the story will go on. This is just another twist in the road, and I am excited to see what is around the next bend.
* * *
This is the story of Jacs Electric Whiz (Jac), the last baby out of Whizards Baby Doll, better known as “Roxy”. Roxy touched the hearts of horse lovers around the world when she and Stacy Westfall made history with their bareback and bridleless freestyle reining ride. The loss of Roxy in 2012 has left a void in the equine community. Although nobody can replace her, Roxy’s spirit lives on, not only in our hearts, but in Jac as well.
Join us as we follow Jac through weekly videos documenting his training journey from his first session to his first show and more. It is a journey filled with questions, breakthroughs, setbacks and accomplishments… and everything in between.
Below is the video that most of you thought was the end of the season:
Below is the video of our interview with Greg:
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Stacy, I understand all the very logical and fair reasons you’re giving for this to be a good, positive thing, yet I can’t shake the feeling that, on an emotional level, you’d rather have kept him. I’m sure whoever bought him are well intended and have considerable financial means, but he’s probably yet an extra horse there, and no one will have that special connection with him that you do, simply because YOU started him and YOU educated him, in other words there is only ONE of YOU and HIM. That being said, this is the horse industry and it has its complexities and its demands, that need to be dealt with. At least Jac was priviledged to have such a special start, and the benefits will last him a lifetime.
Regarding your rescue horse project I am, like most of your fans, super excited about that, many of us have more easy access to that kind of horse than to the “blue blood”, born with a silver spoon type that Jac was, so I guess we can identify even more with that future journey. If only Weaver Leather could extend their sponsorhip to another series that would be absolutely fabulous 😉
I have a bit of sadness to know that Jac was sold. I loved the videos and the thought of you always being there for him in some form. I wish the new owners all the best and hope we can continue to follow Jac in some form throughout his life. Wishing Jac and happy horsie life as well.
They are very open to letting me follow Jac…and bring it to you guys online:)
As much as Roxy was famous, in my eyes Jac is just as famous already and I personally have learnt so much from his training – he’s a real star as are you. I look forward to seeing how he progresses in his new life. Would love to see you working with a rescue – OTT especially as I own one.
I’m so glad to hear you are considering training a rescue horse! It will be soooo rewarding for you, me, the horse, and all of your followers — and who knows what else this impact will have on the horse world! Thank you Stacy! I love working with my rescue horse because just like a rescued dog or cat they make awesome companions and seem so grateful and willing to please!!!!!!! Sincerely, a friendly Findlay grad from way back in 1985 :^)
I would sincerely like to thank Greg for not selling Jac as a foal/yearling. Greg has given Jac the opportunity to work his magic on your/Stacy’s wounded heart. No doubt you/Stacy have a scar the size of Texas in her heart, but thanks to Greg, Jesse and JAC the open wound has healed. Stacy, you dared to love again. What a wonderful gift Jac has been able to give the horse world (Stacy Westfall in full flight again).
My the force continue to be with you Jacs Electric Whiz. “hmm, wizard”?
Dear Stacy, please correct me if I’m wrong.
This is horrible. Sad fans everywhere!
Stacy, I have commented on this site a few times now. You are an inspiration to me and i think your training of Jac which i watched all the episodes of his training. will go on for a long time to come and maybe be a big star just as Roxy was and he foals will be. You are the first person i ever saw riding with no saddle or bridle. I did that when i was a kid and i broke my tail bone. I have loved horse ever since i was little. I wanted my own horse but i was young and rabbits and guinea pigs were the only pets my parents could afford with 5 of us. The first time i saw you ride on Roxy I was in awe. i couldn’t believe something i tried as a kid was being done by you and Roxy. I have only dreamed of riding like that. I have Fibromyalgia now and the most i get to do now is trot. After over a year of riding after over 30 years not being around horses, i haven’t lost the love for them and they always amaze me with how much they know about us as humans. i feel the love and the greet from Whizz, he is my one eyed inspiration. he always searches up one side and down the other for his favourite treat, carrots then he will nuzzle me and let me cuddle with him and hang off of him while he grazes. I hope one day you can make your way to Canada, Ottawa specifically. so as i may finally meet you. It would be the thrill of a life time for me. You are an inspiration and i hope you will consider doing a series on the rescue horse, like you did with Jac. I look forward to watching more and following you and your career in training. Best of luck Stacy to you your family and your career. Thank you so much for the wonderful things you do with horses.
Stacy I am so sad that this beautiful relationship has come to an end. I hope that one day you will own one of Roxy’s foals. I hope you are ok.
Your attitude and outlook towards this change in Jac’s life set a great model for us to follow. Learning to let go and accepting change with a positive outlook is a habit we all need to cultivate. Good on you Stacy for demonstrating this positive approach to life. I look forward to following your future work with our equine friends.
Oh … The series Jac made me feel so part of you and Jac. I’m sadden … and I’m impressed with your brave attitude. More to come; right Stacy? More to come! March on and lets see what the new twist in life’s journey takes us …. thank you for sharing.
Will these episodes remain on your page? I’ve followed every one each week , like so many others this was the first thing every Wed i looked for. Your last episode was so heart wrenching & awesome at the same time , with Roxy & Jac riding together! Like Roxy, Jac will forever be in our hearts! I’ve always been proud to be your neighbor in Indiana & able to attend Equine Affair & Congress for the last 32 years. Blessed I’m only a little over 2 hours away! Love all horse pages on Facebook & every few months the video of you & Roxy’s bridless ride circulates again . Unfortunately with the heading “Deaf Mute” . I love sending those who believe this to go to your website & blogs! Blessings to you & Jac on your new journeys.
Stacy… you think Jac wasn’t bareback/bridleless Freestyle Reining material??? or should I say……What do you think Jac will be good at???
It saddens me to read this article as Jac has become such a part of your life. A very positive one at that. But to echo your comment about Jac’s sale as a new beginning …. it truly is the beginning of a new chapter for both you and him. Great things will come (c: Remember, there are no good-byes….. till we meet / see each other meet again.
Oh, dear, another tear! I started falling for Jac myself! To see him come so far in such a relatively short period of time was amazing. Hope you will do more of this type of video. I’m not a trainer, but I did hope to absorb some of your knowledge to use with my daughter’s horse. Thank you for a wild–and tame–ride! Marilyn
Please get a foal from Jac, for your very own. I think there’s a bit of Roxy that needs to stay with you, always.
I have Nephew Newt!
I’d love to see you work with a rescue horse or a BLM mustang. You are an amazing trainer. After owning and trainin my first horse fully, who is a mustang, I think you should adopt one.
I was thinking that might happen. As far as people that were hoping to see you show Jac all I can say to that is you never know what might happen in the future. Things have a funny way of working out and you can never say never. Good luck to Jac on his new journey and good luck to you Stacy and your continued journey into the unknown.
I’m actually so sad about Jac 🙁 But I do agree about the rescue, I would love to see that 😀
Stacy – what a journey – I have loved following it and learning. It seems so bitter sweet though – all good things come to an end I guess….but with the end is a new beginning like you say. Please keep sharing your stories and lessons – I’ve learned so much.
I will keep on sharing! So glad you enjoyed.
I am so disappointed not to be able to watch Jacs progress. We have been doing this from the beginning of Stacy’s YouTube videos. We also visited Jac at Equine Affair and watch Stacy and Jac together. Many Blessings Jac at your new home
I’m planning on doing follow ups on Jac!
Awww, sad tears and happy tears. It was such fun watching the Jac video series. I looked forward to every new Wednesday episode. Sad tears because we won’t get to watch you show Jac and see if he will be his mom in everyway, bridleless and bareback freestyle shows. Happy tears cause life moves on and knowing he will be in good hands as he continues his journey. I hope that you will be able to keep tabs on Jac with his new owner and that they will furnish photos for you to pass along to all of his fans! Maybe they will start a Facebook page for Jac!
I will let them know there is an interest! The new owner is really excited…I really hope I can do an interview with him and bring that to everyone.
They would be awesome! Will there be video of the goodbye,See ya later Jac?
So Sorry to hear Jac was sold. Wish you could have bought him. I am feeling sad!
Jac has such a solid foundation and is such a nice horse that I am confident he will go on and be successful in every meaning of that world. It will be exciting to see the next horse, maybe a rescue horse, that gets the same chance:)
This news is bitter-sweet. When God closes one door, he opens another, right? Good luck to the both of you in your new separate adventures! I absolutely love your series with Jac, and I have learned so much. It almost feels like a parents’ divorce with all of us Stacy & Jac fans caught in the middle. Bless Greg for making THAT tough decision. Everything will work out for the best!
For me it feels a bit more like a parent who has done a great job raising their child and they are now ready to let them go out on their own 🙂
There is some sadness when a child grows and leaves…but it is also an exciting new beginning!
I’ve watched you ride in my native state of Ohio, followed your successes & heartbreaks, watched with interest as you moved to a new chapter of your life (& excited to find that you homeschool as I do 🙂 )& have loved this video series! I was raised, rode,& showed quarter horses my entire life, but recently have found myself with 2 OTTB, so I can’t help but selfishly wish that you would explore that realm of the training world, as I would love to have you share your journey of discovery in working with them! I think rescuing is the only way to go, as there is such an overwhelming need!! May God bless you as you continue sharing your love of horses!
Thanks is all I can say. Great work Stacy!
Hi stacy!as I’m reading this I’m actually gettting tears in my eyes!Jac is a wonderful horse!In one of my school projects I had to say what I want to do after school.I said that I wanted to see you compete with Jac.Well now I know it won’t happen.I understand the reasons but I think Jac would have been a happier horse with you!I really are looking forward to see how he is with the new owners.A lot of people will miss him and the training.It feels like he already has a place in everyones heart that went with you guys through every video.He truly is a horse that caught a lot of peoples hearts and minds!Can’t wait to see what you do next.See if you can’t train an off the track thoroughbred if you want to..Goodluck and Jac will always be in our hearts and know as Roxy’s foal and his trainer As you!
“The reality of being a successful stallion is earning the right to breed, proving that the horse carries the potential to improve the equine world.”
Thank you for sharing that..I wish more horse people shared this view!
I’m sad that we won’t see as much of Jac any longer. I really hoped that we would one day see Jac bridleless and bareback — but a rescue horse is an amazing project, i haven’t had the pleasure of training any horses yet, but i have seen first hand what friendship and care does to a shy, neglected horse. On another subject though, have you seen Wild Horse Wild Ride? It’s a documentary about one of the Mustang Training Competitions, i believe it was the Extreme Mustang Make-over, wouldn’t that also be a great project, training a wild mustang, they’re very smart horses and i’ve seen what some can do.
Anyway, whatever horse you’re training next, i’ll follow the videos on youtube and your blog on here.
GAH! Noooooooo!
I feel as if I’M losing a horse — I’ve followed your video diary with enthusiasm, wondering when I’d get to see you compete on Roxy’s last baby…
But, I understand the decision, and can look at it as you are — that Jac’s journey will continue! Still, hard to “let go” of him as an avid fan.
I totally planning on doing follow up stories! How great is it that Roxter is out there doing great and that Greg can fund his breeding program while giving Jac a great opportunity. I have to look at it as a win-win-win…even if it will be hard to see him down the road. Roxter gave us a good idea of how it feels to see one go on with someone else and it is mostly a great deal. Now I get to be Jac’s avid fan also!
I would love to follow you training a rescue horse. Would be especially interested in a draft work horse rescue. I volunteer some of my time with a draft horse rescue and they are so different than light horses in my opinion. Then you add to that abuse and neglect and it is a real challenge. I would love to see how you approach these issues.
I think this is a wonderful idea Susan, It would be great if Stacy can do a series like with Jac the progress and the challenges of a rescue horse. I hope she considers it