Total training time 23 hours
I ask and answer this question at 3:53 in video:
Question: Why would I go back and do an early exercise once I am past that phase of training?
Answer: I want this horse to be as well trained as possible. I want to go back and plug up any holes; shore in any of the foundation; fill in anything that could be missing or might not good enough; if I can bring everything to a really high standard of excellence then this is going to make this horse a stronger, more solid citizen. So when I get an opportunity I go back and redo old lessons.
Here are the three ‘tests’ for Jac.
Test 1: Whipping is a test: Jac is very ‘fresh’ and still answers the test correctly
Test 2: Lunging: light, responsive…notice I didn’t lunge long. Just enough for the test, not enough to get him tired which would change his results on the next test.
Test 3: Rope around the middle
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I have a mare I started last fall and she is a little cold backed. Would the rope exercise have shown or helped that problem? Have you had this issue with a colt before?
Usually the rope exercise will help. I do so much groundwork that I haven’t run into this problem with horses I have started. I have had it with horses that were brought to me. The exercises will help it; in some horses it goes away, in others it improves. Prevention seems to be key.
Watch again how much preparation/prevention goes into Jac’s training.
As usual thanks for good info for brain food!
Hi Stacy, thanks again for sharing your wisdom.
I only get to view your videos on my tiny phone, so some of the detail is hard to see. I was just hoping you might have the time to explain in more detail, what is your response when Jac bucks with the rope on his flank? Do you try and discourage him or do you just wait? How much pressure would you say you put on the flank rope? Do you ever put something on the flank rope to stop it burning their flanks? Some say never let them buck, but I see it as a compliment to the trainer that the horse feels confident to express them self completely. That way I can be more confident when the horse appears to finally except new things. It would be great to know what you think. Thanks Janette.
Stacy Im hoping you can explain your use of lunging. I’m no pro (not even close!), but I have seen that Parelli and Monty Roberts and a few others usually do the ‘free lunging’ style or use other ‘games’ to work with their horses. I was always told those options ‘engage’ the horse more and require him to be more of a ‘partner’ rather than just go in circles around you. Jac obviously doesn’t seem to be ‘mindless’ during your training sessions so I’m curious: how are you engaging his brain while physically he just goes around you in circles? Thanks for all the videos : ) I’m learning a ton!
Margaret-Did you see I wrote a blog to answer you?
I was thinking of asking about the placement of the rope and you answered my question at that moment. Thanks for thinking of what might be asked. i love these videos. There are some things I want to try with my horses when the weather breaks.