I had filmed this before I saw the video that I posted yesterday.
I’m not crazy about the audio quality here. It was one of those moments where I had this filly out and I had the urge to answer a question while I was thinking about it. I will try to improve this next time.
I also wish I had used different phrasing that ‘beat on’. I do use this phrasing because I want to instill a disgust strong enough to make people be proactive. The unfortunate truth is that if a horse goes as far as the horse in yesterdays post ‘Dangerous Horses’ humans are not left with many options. Yes, gelding is the obvious option, but even that will not completely undo the unhealthy disrespect that is present.
Please, please, please help prevent these problems by starting young.
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No one taught you the skills you need to work through these things.
Riders often encounter self-doubt, fear, anxiety, frustration, and other challenging emotions at the barn. The emotions coursing through your body can add clarity, or can make your cues indistinguishable for your horse.
Learning these skills and begin communicating clearly with your horse.
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yess both is right, but there are horses out there no one took care of, took the time and trained young.
take the time, set clear boundaries, show them you care and never stop on bad terms.
those untrained horses can be awesome friends too. 🙂
If you have, breed horses or what ever…. .please please see, that their feet are always healthy and take good care of them. They can develop really horrible things and then your cool awesome horse, doesnt feel good, which is worse.
Thank you!
Here’s the deal; the average adult horse is 40 times stronger than the average human being (40:1). Pretty similiar to walking down the road and seeing an empty coke can and going up to it and stomping it flat. Let the horse you’re working with (if you’re with a horse, you are training; good or bad), get into your space and you can soon become a flattened coke can!