#Press On Regardless

“I am interested in Presto’s story. I remember when you adopted 2 colts. I like the name. Did you come up with that or was he given the name Press On Regardless? Thank you for sharing. I will look forward to reading about Presto’s journey.”-Becky N.

Presto’s papers from Last Chance Corral

Thanks for the question, Becky!

I love his name too!

Victoria Goss, founder of Last Chance Corral is the one who gave him both his ‘full’ name, Press on Regardless and his nickname, Presto.
When I adopted Presto he even came with a tiny little certificate that gave his basic information as well as his name. (see attached photo)

The number #117 in the top left corner represents that he was foal number one hundred and seventeen that year to arrive at Last Chance.
His arrival day was 5/6/16 and he was a bay colt, with spots on his rump as drawn in the picture.
His age was 2-3 days.
His breed was guessed at Thoroughbred and Appaloosa cross.
And he was given the name: Press on Regardless.

I like that they underlined Regardless.

Presto faced many challenges that he had no control over. Like the other foals, he was taken from his mother earlier than he would have naturally been weaned.
He had to learn to drink from a bucket instead of nursing.
He became depressed.
He became sick.
He required medication and tube feeding.
He didn’t feel good.
He started to get better…and then got sick again.
More medications.
More help that didn’t feel helpful.

I like to think that he learned some good things during this time too.
I know the staff and volunteers spent extra time with him.
I know they monitored him with a more experienced eye than I could have given him during this critical time.
I know they scratched and rubbed him so well that to this day when I begin brushing him…he steps back and leans in to enjoy more.

I know that Presto had a rough start.
I know that Last Chance Corral saved his life.
And I like to think that his story of learning to #PressonRegardless is one that started with a bucket of milk but will lead to so much more.

When I stepped into his life Presto had already learned many tough lessons. I wish I could promise that he will never see another hard time. I know I will do my best…but I also know that life often throws curve balls that we can’t see coming.

But you know, maybe he doesn’t need a promise of a trouble-free life.

Sometimes, when I’m leading the 16.1 hand horse Presto has become, I realize that despite everything he greets each day with his silly, optimistic outlook and I think, ‘maybe I’m not the teacher…maybe I’m the student here.’
And the lesson is all wrapped up in his name: Press on Regardless.

I’ve owned Presto now for four years. He has grown so much and I’m finally ready to start sharing his adventures ?
What questions do you have for me?
I’ll be posting daily from now till Monday and if you leave a question on one of my posts or blogs, I’ll be giving away a t-shirt to one winner! Thanks to Equithrive for sponsoring this!



  1. Beth on April 27, 2020 at 7:33 am

    Do you think you will sell Presto after you feel you’ve done all you’ll ever do with him?

  2. Terri Bayless on April 26, 2020 at 7:44 pm

    Why did u wait 4 years to share his adventures? Did u know any of his history??When training him how did u decide what direction to take him in and what direction did u take him? Will u show him?

  3. Nancy Gornichec on April 26, 2020 at 5:17 pm

    My question would be do you notice a difference in the way a foal who has never learned things from their mother behaves, such as, is it harder to establish boundaries for them, since mom wasn’t there to guide them.

  4. Cathy on April 26, 2020 at 2:00 pm

    Since Presto is a 4 year old, I imagine he has been started under saddle. Does it look like he is going to ‘specialize’ in any one thing or be a good all arounder?

  5. Francine on April 26, 2020 at 10:28 am

    I’ve raised a couple orphan foals. I have a 19 year old reined cow horse that was an orphan that I did not raise. How soon did you put him with “the herd” so they can teach him what people cannot, or do you have a herd to do that and thoughts?

  6. Aimee on April 26, 2020 at 7:18 am

    What a fascinating blog that I’m sure I’ll enjoy following Presto’s and your journey. How does he get along with other horses? Will you adjust your training program in anyway given Presto’s unique start in life? Thank you for sharing!

  7. Kailey on April 25, 2020 at 9:29 pm

    Hi Stacy! I love all the content you share. I have learned SO much from you over years, starting with watching your Jac video diary when that came out, and my horse was almost the same age as Jac! :o) My question is about teaching collection. How and when do you start to introduce that concept? Thank you!!

  8. Linda Coyle on April 25, 2020 at 6:19 pm

    Wow, 16.1 hands and an TB/Appy cross! He might be a nice dressage or eventing prospect. Perhaps your last year with Willow and Gabby have prepared you for a sport horse. What fun! How is his movement? Is there a natural extended trot in there? Here is my real question: There is some research that horses that have been imprinted or handled a lot by humans from birth do not exhibit the same predator/prey response found in most horses. That can have both positive and negative outcomes. How do you think Presto’s training will progress, knowing that he may already know portions of the “language you are speaking” and may look at you more as a peer or herd mate than a predator? Will you be making any accommodations to your usual training progression?

  9. Jackie on April 25, 2020 at 3:52 pm

    Hi, why was Presto taken from his mother. And thanks to Last Chance Corral and you for giving him a chance.

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