Open doors…


I know last week that I told you that I often pray for God to ‘close doors’ for me. I am standing by what I said and I can tell you that it has brought me much peace. I think I often tried to break down doors that were closed at times not seeing that they could be of God.

I do also pray for doors to be opened. In fact I like to pray, “Lord, please close the doors you know I should not go through and please open those you would have me pass into.”


  1. nrhareiner on July 30, 2012 at 11:29 pm

    I have always been of the belief that every time God closes a door, he opens a window. It may not lead to where you wanted or thought you would go but it is where He wants you to be at that point and time.

    Even though people will tell you that everything worth having is worth fighting for I have a bit of a different take on that. If it is in Gods will it will work out. Yes there will be some work involved it will not be given to you but if every time you try the door is closed and you have given it your all it was not Gods will and plan that you achieve that goal at that time.

    I also believe that if God did not open that door for you and you truly go out on faith you will know it. He will put up roadblocks and sings. You just need to open that it enough to see them. I have always prayed, “Gods Will be done” not mine.

    Thanks you for providing a place that this can be talked about and shared. It is always nice to find people of like minds who enjoy the same things. Gods Piece and Joy be with you always.

  2. Deborah on November 17, 2011 at 9:27 pm

    Amen. Thank-you Stacy for putting things in perspective.

  3. D. on November 17, 2011 at 8:57 pm

    That is a beautiful and simple prayer. I have to admit that I sometimes can not see which door is opened and which door is closed. I usually just pray and wait for God to show me more clearly. I think when I wait for the answer, He will allow the path to become more obvious. Sometimes I just have to do the best I can, and hope that is it the right way. It never hurts to keep asking for direction.
    Love, love, love your riding. Have watched your videos over and over. I am 67 yrs old, and we used to ride bridleless about 45 years ago. No one to really help us like you. We just tried to it and really loved the trust we gained between our horses and ourselves. I had never seen it done till the day we tried it.
    Thanks again for your great website and the joy of watching you ride!

  4. Amy Runyan Yoder on November 17, 2011 at 6:59 pm

    my girl friend and i just had this conversation yesterday and she asked me ” yes well do you think you should walk through every door God opens?” i was stumped should we walk through every open door and hope it is from God or should we just pray for the right door? ?????????

    • Stacy on November 20, 2011 at 2:23 pm

      The question would be, “Do you think God is the only one who can open doors?” I think Satan can open doors…and tempt us. Maybe that is why I am fond of the first part of the prayer “God, please close the doors you don’t wish me to go through.”

  5. ashleigh morrison on November 13, 2011 at 10:17 pm

    wow father thankyou tonight,only you could of taken time and showed me this ..god is real cant imagin how i can possibly be worthy of the love of guidence i watched a ride by you .as i said to myself ..only god could be with these two .with great holy spirit fealing all around ..i put in the address..and i read ..your are very loved by god thankyou for he speakes thru you i am grateful barbados .wildhorse

  6. Shirley on November 13, 2011 at 6:40 pm

    So much that we do in our faith life translates to horsemanship. Learning to let go of our will and trust that God will show us the way is rather like a horse letting us show him our way and rewarding him when he finds the door we are opening for him.

  7. Heather on November 13, 2011 at 1:25 pm

    I love that prayer…I use it myself! Of course, not in the same exact text but you get the drift. God knows what He has planned for us and it is up to us to learn to trust and follow His signs, not the temptations or what we think He wants from us. I must admit…it is very hard to do sometimes and I am trying to get better at it and realize what signs may be from Him and not the other.. You never stop learning

  8. kimber on November 13, 2011 at 12:18 pm

    Thank you for the great prayer.

  9. Nikki on November 13, 2011 at 7:53 am

    “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you!”

    This sentence I picked out of a bag at my Sons school yesterday. I kind of see it as a sign.

    My son Kilian is 10 and he had problems in school pretty much since he started pre-school. He is a kid with corners and a little against the current swimmer. Dont get me wrong, he is a sweet kid, charming, smart, just with a real strong will, knowing his way.

    So when I was after a nightshift without sleep at this school picking this sentence, I was like…. ah I do get the hint!!!

    Sometimes we dont see the trees while standing in the woods, so if we ask and listen, we will get our answer.

    Thank you Stacy. You are helping to see clearer with your blogs and even if I dont take the time to put my 2 cents each time, I ll think about what you say and it really helps.

    Also I do enjoy them dearly.

    Cheers and a happy start into the new upcoming week.

    Hope everything is fine with your son!!!

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