Check out my ‘equine-cross-fit’ video from 2018 with my running partner, Willow!
The weather is cold and snowy here but I’m looking forward to the time when I can exercise out on the trail with her again!
The video is a bit jumpy so I added a still photo showing my set up. Basically I prepared Willow for a normal trail ride except I added a rope halter under my bridle. She was wearing a saddle, bridle with the reins tied up to the saddle horn, fly mask, rope halter, lead rope, a saddle bag to carry my water and snacks for both of us.
Why saddle up?
#1- I enjoy walk/jogging out and riding back home
#2- On my trails I cross water and I prefer to ride across to keep my feet dry
#3- Willow can carry my water and our snacks in the saddle bags!
This time of year I start planning ahead for a productive summer of showing and trail riding. One thing I can do now to help Willow this summer is to improve MY fitness now. For me that includes doing more than simply riding. Over the years I’ve learned that riding alone doesn’t produce balanced muscles. In years past I’ve created lower back problems by building my thigh muscles with riding…without strengthening my lower back or stretching.
If one of your goals this summer is to improve your riding in any way, consider starting now by improving your fitness level. And as shown in the video…just because you’re not riding doesn’t mean you can’t include your horse!
Check out my podcast on the subject: Episode 114: Exercise: coach yourself to coach your horse

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No one taught you the skills you need to work through these things.
Riders often encounter self-doubt, fear, anxiety, frustration, and other challenging emotions at the barn. The emotions coursing through your body can add clarity, or can make your cues indistinguishable for your horse.
Learning these skills and begin communicating clearly with your horse.
Click here to learn more.