Member Questions

How long have you ridden horses for? And who taught you to ride SO well? Are you a Christian?

I got my first pony when I was 6 but I was riding before that on others. My mom taught me lots and then I went to college for it (the University of Findlay) and then add tons of hours and work on my part. YES! I am a Christian.



  1. Emma on June 15, 2012 at 12:02 pm

    I’ve ridden horses since I was 13 y/o (almost 16 y/o now ). I’ve taught myself a lot, but there are a few people I’ve learned from too. Yes I’m a Christian. 🙂 I’m in the process of learn to ride bareback/bridless like you! I can already ride bareback/bridless in the round pen at a walk, we work on it a little each week. My mare seems to enjoy it and so do I!

  2. Andrea on June 15, 2012 at 11:33 am

    I’m the same begged Mum for years and finally got a 3 yr old green broke mare when I was 13, Fury her name was & she loved me I’m sure as we did some crazy things together. I am self taught and am still learning, I have never had the opportunity to have lessons but I sure do a lot of rubber necking when I’m around great trainers! I have worked with a lot of different disciplines & played Polocrosse. One day I will take a break from life, learn lots and ride a horse without tack… To be as one.

    Yes… I love my Lord Jesus !

  3. jen losey on June 14, 2012 at 8:57 pm

    Please come back to the Mane Event in Canada!!! Be blessed!!! 🙂

  4. Shirley on June 14, 2012 at 8:42 pm

    All your hours of hard work have certainly paid off, you are an inspiration to many of us. I hope you find a great place to live out west, and that you come back to Canada someday- I saw you at the Mane Event in Red Deer a few years ago. Do you remember the Akhal Teke horse? He lives just down the road from us.

  5. Lynne on June 14, 2012 at 5:20 pm

    After begging ever since I.can remember, I got my first horse at 13: an unbroken 2yo filly – indeed, not an ideal combination.
    That horse, Tammie, was probably the most influential instructor I ever had! I have been fortunate throughout my life to have had many wonderful people (pony club instructors, coaches, owners, judges, administrators, friends) and DVDs, some in which Stacy has featured, who have contributed to my knowledge base.
    I am not aligned to any religion.

  6. Katherine on June 14, 2012 at 1:09 pm

    I have been riding for a little over 16 years now. I had the best instructor who always pushed me to strive to always do better. I also did a lot of work with abused horses trying to “fix” their problems so I learned so much from every challenge. Have also gone to a lot of clinics, Equine Affaire, demos, etc. But honestly have to say, that my biggest inspiration has been Stacy Westfall over the past several years!! And, yes…most definitely am a Christian. Wouldn’t be where I am today if I wasn’t!!

  7. Laura weber on June 14, 2012 at 8:59 am

    I am a huge fan with a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for you.
    I first started “following” you when I was pregnant for the third time in 5 years and wondering how in the world am I going to find time to ride? ( I have three boys just like you) I found your video on YouTube and rejoiced! If you could compete and train at that level I could certainly keep up with my backyard horses, open shows, and trail rides!

    You continue to inspire, entertain, and teach me so much. Thank you for sharing even when it has to be heart wrenching. Thank you for demonstrating such grace through tragedy.

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