Life Law #5: Life rewards action.
Strategy: Make careful decisions and then pull the trigger.
I like how this one is written. At first I thought it was talking mainly to those of us who tend to suffer from ‘paralysis by analysis’ (pull the trigger) but on further examination it also encourages careful decision making.
Have you ever noticed that people who ‘do’ more tend to achieve more? I think it is just because the odds are in their favor. Life rewards action. And planned action….now that is powerful.
What do you want to accomplish this year with your horses? Dream, make a plan, get advice from others and then MOVE! Did you know that in 2003 when I won the NRHA Freestyle Reining bridleless I hadn’t even considered the possibility of riding bareback and bridleless in a show? And when I did finally have the idea I didn’t just jump on and go. I started by cooling my horses down at the end of each ride by riding bareback for a few minutes.
Gradually I grew more and more brave. The spins went from barely a spin to almost something that could be shown in a show. And the slides…you would have laughed to see me so happy for leaving twelve inch slide marks! A dream…and action in the form of small steps. And it only took me from 2003 until 2006 to finally achieve it…not exactly overnight.
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No one taught you the skills you need to work through these things.
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This may be my favorite post of yours yet. Holy cow can I relate.
What GREAT advice!!!
Ah – the reality. Beautiful things are a labor of love. Thanks for sharing. Blessings
Great advice, just was thinking about how I never get up there and I’m full of excuses. This year I will work on ways to get going instead of ways to talk myself out of riding.
Great inspiration.
Thank you.
Yes Stacy, you have thousands of fans and I am sure that we would all love to see a full length movie of HOW IT ALL BEGAN and I think if you talk to Ronnie Turcotte about the movie Secretariat, he would agree that would be a wonderful idea for you to have a movie about your life and how you got to the point where you are now. There will be hundreds of young horsey-girls trying out to play the young Stacy and also teens, then YOU can play yourself and show the famous 2006 ride with Roxy & you at your best!! OH PLEASE, consider it?? WOW!! Stacy & Roxy on a BIG SCREEN in the MOVIES!!!How cool is THAT???!!!
Amen!!! You are so great!!! Thanks for sharing!!
Thanks for sharing how it all began…I know I am on the right track now…….Seeeee…………you are soooooooo encouraging and inspiring!!!!