Layers of memories formed over the years have built what is now my Congress experience.

Congress 2014

Packing up to leave Congress is always a sad moment for me. People from other states head their direction as we head ours and often we won’t see each other again until next Congress. I can feel that it is a door closing. I know that next year will come, and that good things will happen between now and then, but I still feel sad.

“You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness.”― Jonathan Safran Foer

Last night while watching the freestyle reining I said to the announcer, “You’ve been announcing here for years, are you more excited as you announce now or less?”  Without hesitation he said more. He went on to explain that his years of involvement in the industry, as a rider, participant, announcer and more have given him a deeper appreciation. As he put this into words it seemed like he was explaining how I felt. The layers of memories formed over the years have built what is now my Congress experience.

What event happens yearly that you look forward to?



  1. Bobbi on October 13, 2014 at 4:11 pm

    My favorite yearly event is attending a Valentine dance/party my sister and several friends have co-hosted since 2008 to raise money for African missions (build schools for orphans, teach women marketable skills, train pastors, etc.). These 10 ladies decided instead of spending $$$ celebrating their 50th birthdays (in 2008), they would throw a huge party for all of their friends-to date $375,000 has been raised.

  2. Kathy black on October 12, 2014 at 8:13 pm

    Riding at Lorretta Lynn’s ranch! This was 23 years strong! It’s like a great big family reunion!

  3. Nyan Klavon on October 12, 2014 at 7:53 pm

    I love Congress and the entire experience. I have been a spectator for 35 years now and the memories are priceless. I would recommend everyone go as often as they can every year. I camped next to you Stacy and those bright lights and early announcements were just another part of this years experience. Wouldn’t change any of it at all.

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