Is your horse part of the family?

Caleb, Joshua and Nathan Westfall

Popcorn joined our family when he was three years old.

Our boys were four, six and eight years old.

It would be fair to say that they grew up together.

Popcorn changed from a wild, untouched colt into a well-trained horse. The boys learned to drive, bought their own cars and are all adults now. 

When I look at family photos I realize how woven together our lives are. I see trips to Maine with Popcorn in tow. I see moving to Texas…with Popcorn in tow. I see the boys headed to summer camp…with Popcorn in tow.

Is it just me or does Popcorn look happy, relaxed and proud?

People often ask if our boys ride. 

The short answer is, ‘The all can but no, they don’t ride often.’

And sometimes when I offer this reply, I’m aware of the disservice that the answer implies. 

The answer feels both truthful and woefully inadequate.

While the boys don’t ride…I’m confident that the lessons they learned growing up with horses will be with them the rest of their lives. 

Is your horse part of the family? Please share a photo illustrating this point:)




*   *   *

As we approach Christmas I have teamed up with Equithrive to run a contest ending with one of YOU owning your very own Popcorn model. Entering is easy.

There are three ways. Simply answer the question (What ‘event’ would your horse excel in…that isn’t really an event?)
either 1) in the comments below this post, here on my blog 
3) on my Facebook page
 …or in all three places!
There will be a new question every day between now and December 19th.
The winner will be announced on December 20th!
I’m excited to read your stories! (and if you have time…reading what other people have posted is really fun!)



  1. Kathleen Frank on December 18, 2019 at 4:07 pm

    We have 2 horses, and both are part of the family. Poco, who is 19 yrs. old, and Honeybee, who is a long yearling. Not a day goes by without their daily grooming and exercise. {whether it be riding, turnout, or training lessons.} They, along with our dogs, are part of our everyday lives.
    They make us smile everyday, and we love them!

  2. Philomena on December 18, 2019 at 2:46 pm

    She’s part of the family in-so-much as my little sister loves getting rides on her!

  3. Jennifer Ward on December 18, 2019 at 12:13 am

    Yes, my horse is part of the family. This little horse right here was born to an Appaloosa mare I owned as a kid. I was 14 years old when she was born and this was the first baby horse I’d ever had. She was bright yellow when she was born so I named her Kurry. She taught me everything, we grew together and I always hoped she’d last to see my kids. Well 20 years later, she has not only seen them, but she has taught all 3 of them to ride. She was the first mount for each of them and as they outgrew her, she waited for the next one to take control of the reins. She is still our go to horse for anyone new or nervous, and my girls will grab her out of the pasture just to mess around on. We have hundreds of silly stories involving her and I literally have never done life without her since I was 14. I often tease my husband never to give me an ultimatum between him and her, because I’ve known her longer than I’ve known him…. and honestly he’s afraid he’d lose!! She is the one in a million, the unicorn, the once in a lifetime, never to be replaced, never to be forgotten. I dread the day I have to say goodbye, but for now she remains our old faithful; our golden girl.

  4. Colleen Spada on December 17, 2019 at 6:15 pm

    I wish I could send you pictures of our horses and how much they are of the family! Now the grandchildren have taken part of their care and riding their favorites. Logan is still number 1 for everyone in this family.. Alex and Cash come in second!!!

  5. Donna Henschen on December 17, 2019 at 4:23 pm

    My horses are all part of the family, they were all born on our farm, one of which is out of my former 4-H horse and I’m now 53, he is 31 years old this February! ?

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