“Thank you for opening up your horse world to us. You are so insightful but mainly I enjoy your passion. I find sometimes that is what people are either missing or lose along the way. I am 43 and have loved horses since I was a wee fetus. I lost my gelding awhile back and he was my Roxie to you. Hope I find that again someday. Thank you again and God Bless.”
Thank you for taking the time to write to me! I am very touched to hear that my passion is coming through. Sometimes it is hard to tell on the internet.
I truly hope you find another horse to help you again. It is hard and will never be exactly the same. But thats OK…no two snowflakes, horses, or people are either.
Ride with Faith,
-Stacy Westfall
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No one taught you the skills you need to work through these things.
Riders often encounter self-doubt, fear, anxiety, frustration, and other challenging emotions at the barn. The emotions coursing through your body can add clarity, or can make your cues indistinguishable for your horse.
Learning these skills and begin communicating clearly with your horse.
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Thought I would chime in here as well and let you know how much I am enjoying this series on Jac’s training. I had a foal born April 29th of 2013 and she is the love of my life. She appears to be unshakable with scary objects, she loves to please and is willing to do everything I ask. I can hardly wait to see what she becomes. Your training series has been incredibly helpful. My BFF, a former trainer for Lynn Palm, comes over and we sit down with wine, crackers and cheese and watch your videos. That is what we call a perfect girls night! Our husbands just shake their heads. Thanks for your passion and doing what you do! Thought you’d like to know you make a difference!
Lol, I love it! Got my husband an apple TV thing, now we all watch internet stuff together around a big screen instead of an iPad. Of course we are watching Minecraft videos at the moment, unless my husband plays reining horses, lol
Dearest Stacy, Years ago when I was young, before the internet and global communication I had the honor of sharing my teenage years with a wonderful Horse, she was the one, a perfect partner and friend. I had a difficult childhood, but she gave Me hope and inspiration, I told her everything and she took it in her stride. My parents took her away from me and sold her when i was 17, my heart broke. They said she was too small and not the type of horse that they wanted me to ride. I stopped riding after that and never really sought equine companionship again. She was called Missy and was a beautiful Appaloosa. (very rare in the Uk back then). Next year I am 50, Last year I was blessed with a wonderful Paint Stallion that a friend gave to Me because she couldn’t click with him, I have now begun ground work with him, you are an inspiration to me and your will to carry on has changed my attitude to life. Earlier this year a horse called out to Me from an internet site, she had been abused and ill treated, they were giving her away, I felt a draw towards her, we hired a trailer and picked her up, having been told she was 5 years old she would make a great companion for my young horse. On checking her out she was a lot older and was in a terrible state, lame on four legs and almost a skeleton. She is now almost fully recovered, and after dna tests we found her true age and her real name. She is a Registered hannovarian 19 years old, Called Missy on her papers. Why do horses do this to us ?? Just a reminder of how stupid i have been running from something that only wants to help me. I suffer from depression and since horses have re-enterd my life i no longer need my meds. You will continue to inspire people like me all over the world. Sorrow for a lost horse will be less by giving energy to another that needs a loving home. Thankyou and Merry Christmas. I have also recently regained my faith in people and Jesus. From now on I will live like I am dying.
Elizabeth- Wow. Thank you for sharing. Your story made me think of the first ride in Roxy’s saddle. I hope horses continue to help you, it sounds like they already are.
I have had horses all my life. It started with ponies when i was in the third grade, and evolved to horses. I will never forget my first pony or my first horse, but there is only one best perfect once in a life time horse. I lost mine five years ago, a black and white leopard appaloosa. He was thirty three went he past away, he was my best friend, i could talk to him all day and he never once complained or disagreed with me. In reading your blog i know you feel the same pain i do. there will always be horse, but never one like the special one that only comes along once in a lift time.
Stacy, I lost my beloved Paint gelding yesterday on Christmas. He was 16 and he was the best horse I have ever had. He had cancer and we had to make the painful decision of putting him down. I didn’t want him to be in any more pain. It came on sudden and within a few days he was gone. I am heartbroken. I have a couple other horses and am looking forward to teaching my 4 year old filly with the methods you use. I am 70 years old so I have to take things a little slower but we are doing really well. She is not spooky and that helps a lot. I did all the ground work with her and then had her started under saddle as I am getting to old to start a young horse. I was going to use her for reining but can no longer afford the training. So I am going to trail ride with her. Thanks for sharing your training tips. They are a big help. I feel I am never too old to learn. I wish I could have had some of this information years ago.
I have always been a fan of yours, but my husband started checking out your days with Jac, and he thinks that more trainers should do what you do. Thank you for sharing without a fee.
You posted your video of Jac Christmas day, you sent this blog Boxing day. If people can’t see your devoted passion, they must be blind. I wish someone like you was around when I was young. I too, was inspired by the movie, The Black Stallion. Unfortunately the the movie did not come with an instructor, like you. So it only look me about 20 years to have that same bareback and bridleless ride on a stallion, on the beach. (I was blissfully unaware of the pilot light that movie had lit within me, until that ride). I think what I’m trying to say is, you inspire people just like The Black Stallion, but you
are a real person available to help people achieve their dreams. My forty plus years with horses has given me the wisdom, to recognize quality horse training. It doesn’t get any better than your methods. Thanks again for helping me with my ever lasting desire to master the art of horse training. Best wishes to you and your family.
God Bless you Stacy and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I agree with everything said in the two comments above. I also am a new horse owner June of this year. Wonderful.
Thanks for being you, I can see you are a “what you see is what you get” type of person and so down to earth. I hope I can meet you at the Ohio Equine Affair. I plan to be there.
Merry Christmas to you and your family Stacy. You videos and messages are awesome and I look forward to watching and reading them every week. I am wondering where the picture of you and Jesse was taken in Nova Scotia Canada? I live in NS and a, just curious….. 🙂 Happy New Year as well!
Kathy- We were there, I think in 2007, at the Can-Am Expo and we did a clinic at http://www.sumacfarms.com. Sobey’s allowed us to ride over to their beach and out into the ocean:) Ate the best crab of my LIFE…which is hard to admit being from Maine, lol
That is awesome! I live about 1 hour from Sumac Farms. You should visit NS again sometime to have a clinic. And the lobster here are great too!
Hi, Stacy, I grew up with horses during part of my childhood and we learned to ride and did so mostly bareback. We LOVED riding bareback. But I’ve never really learned how to train a horse, yet I’ve always wanted to do so. I am REALLY enjoying your videos with Jac, and I feel like I’m getting closer to having my dream of training a horse come true.
Hello Stacy, I am very new to horse ownership. I have always loved horses and never thought I could achieve my dream of having my very own. I got my 8 year old mare on October 15 of this year and it’s proving to be way beyond my wildest dreams. Of course, being neon green as a rider/owner, I searched long and wide to find someone that would inspire me and whom I would want to learn from, then I found your blog and videos. Your easy explanations and demonstrations have helped me in slowly developing my relationship with Sting. Thank you for sharing your passion and experience. After seeing your bridle less performance on Celine Dions song, I was hooked. You are my inspiration. All the best to you and your loved ones during this holiday season.