Five on Friday: Foals, Podcasts, Age, Business & Money

Five things of interest that I’ve done this week.

#5- Celebrated my birthday

..with food and riding. It should have been more riding and less food…but as it only happens once a year, I’ll take it! My favorite coffee shop, latte, scone, harvest muffin (pumpkin & chocolate chip), wild mushroom pasta (shitakes, creminis, pancetta, and bow-tie pasta in a gorgonzola cream sauce topped with roasted red peppers), lemon cupcakes made by my son…and that was all before dinner & dessert! And the answer is 43. 

#4- The foals have graduated!

The two foals that I have here right now, one mine and another for a customer, are now officially trained to lead at a walk and trot. Lunge at a walk, trot, and touch on lope. Stop, back, load in trailer. Tie in stall and in trailer. Haul. Deworm. Clean and trim feet. Whew. I’m glad they graduated. They are glad they graduated. Ages 5-6 months. 

#3- Meeting with Accountant

Yes, training horses has paperwork. Selling DVD’s has paperwork. Building barns has paperwork….or digital paperwork anyway. I use Quickbooks online which connects with my bank account, my accountant, and my online payment gateway, Square. Great overall system…but I’d rather be scrubbing water buckets or cleaning cobwebs than interacting with it…

#2- Created outlines for talks at Equine Career Conference

I want to help other people have a career in the horse industry!

I’m so excited! It looks like the conference is half way to sold out…and we still have over a month to go! We are limiting it to 40 people because we want to create an environment where everyone can interact. We will be running approximately 16 sessions on topics involving; Starting a Training Business with No Extra Money, Marketing Yourself and Your Business, Starting & Running a 501c3, Using Social Media and Online Tools…and much, much more.

The booklet that was made last year looks like it will more than double in size for this year…stay tuned for more updates.

#1- Worked on Podcast

I’m a podcast addict. I love them. On average I listen to about five to seven hours of podcasts per week…and then audio books too. I’ve been working on several ideas over the last few months but finally recorded three episodes this week. Like most things, recording is a small part of what goes into producing a podcast. I’m not fully ready to share but I’m letting you know that it is in the works…and it involves those questions everyone has been leaving on the website! So feel free to add your voicemail. See that button on the right hand side? Yep, click it and leave your horse relate question right there. It can be about training or business or lifestyle…pretty much anything horsey.

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