Compared to packing up our house we had lived in for 14 years, packing the apartment has been a cinch. Our biggest challenge this time is that we brought stuff from Ohio to Texas in two trips…but we only want to make one trip back.
I have been packing the trailer in my head for the last week but we really only started packing last night. We would have started earlier but the horse trailer was in for a check up and the van needed the air conditioner replaced.
What was the first priority when we were able to start? The tack of course! I had to laugh after we had been packing for an hour and hadn’t even touched the apartment. I love the couch we bought while we were down here (Craigslist) but I joked that either the couch could come or a horse…and I’m taking my horses! (Craigslist again)
Packing is a great way to inventory things; both horse and human. I have more halters than horses…is this normal? I also have better medical records on them than I do my own children. Hmm…
Ziplock has become my new favorite packing tool. I have sandwich baggies for jewelry so it won’t tangle, freezer bags for keeping cords straight and matched up with their device and I just found the giant ‘space bags.’ Simply put your items in the bag, use a vacuum to suck all the air out and watch it shrink! Now I have Ziplocked my leather jackets on hangers, my bedding so it took up less space and the towels just because I couldn’t stop. I am excited to see what happens to the pillows in the morning!
Too bad I already packed the horses blankets on the last trip…I bet I could have ‘zipped’ them down several sizes.
Throughout the day I found myself swaying between excited and somber. Leaving Ohio I expected to have conflicting emotions. We have only been living here four months so I didn’t expect to feel this way. Was it the horse culture? The friendly people? The weather? This is interesting information to ponder.
When we moved down here I was worried about tornadoes. To be safe I downloaded two different apps to warn me of bad weather while I was in Texas. Then in May I went back to Ohio for a visit. In the middle of the night my phone started giving me warnings. Half asleep I thought, ‘I need to call Jesse and warn him,’ then I realized that the warning was for ME!
Three times on that trip to Ohio I was under a tornado warning…in Ohio! I guess if something is going to get me it will find me no matter where I am.
On a funny note-my boys thought this photo, posted under the comments about my shower spider, was extremely humorous, lol.
Now, back to packing.
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I love following your blog, your writing and travels. The Midwest welcomes you back, but I know you are ultimately headed to PA. Tell the boys their humor is pretty funny, except there is quite a bit of truth in the photo and words!! I know that I could not ever be comfortable living with the TX creatures.
On a side note, I have a 34 yr old AQHA mare entered in Sr horse contest. If anyone on FB would care to go to that site and cast a vote for Jodi, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Currently in second place.
She is beautiful Gretta… I clicked the “like” button. …. Hope she wins!!
Yes to the space bags for horse blankets! And to having more halters, saddles and bridles than horses. Good luck with the move!
north in the summer….south in the winter. good move.
lol…. first a TOTES obsession and now ZIPLOCK!!! ….what next??…. safe travels!!
Oh yes, I use those vacuum bags for my horse blankets and it really does work. They take up so little space that way. Safe travels!
Thanks for the wonderful blog on your adventure. I thoroughly enjoy your posts, and all your very real thoughts. You are an amazing ambassador for the horse industry. I also appreciated that you don’t sugar coat the difficulties of your new gypsy life style. It truly shows both you and your husband are living the dream and your passion, which I’m sure is pretty tough at times. Happy trails!
Hi Stacy!
I know several horsey girls that would love to meet you, including me! If you are going to overnight in Eureka again is it possible to set up a meet? We could provide food or Starbucks (lol) … But it sure would be an honor to me you!
I bought that couch with my ex! I bet his wife is still sitting comfortably on it today. lol
I have never been to Texas but I would really love to go. I have never been off the east coast past Ohio & WV, but I have a little place called Wimberley, TX that is on my list of places I would move to, if only I could finally get out there & check it out. I was born in Columbus but only lived there 3 months before we moved to a farm on the Gulf Coast of FL. Lots of family is still there & I just can’t stand Ohio, but Columbus & Cleveland are really the only parts I know.
Be safe. Love the spider 🙂
Regarding more halters than horses, I like to have at least three per horse. I modify them to make sure of a good fit, I don’t like loose, sloppy halters and neither do they. Why three halters? I use a regular nylon halter for basic leading and tying. I use a rope halter for ground work. I set up another rope halter with macate leads to work on softness with.
(Y) Thanks for the Block…. Have a fun Time ” Feng Shuin ” your stuff and a safe trip to your next journey!
Btw loved the Spider Part! 😀
For some reason, and have been following your posts for long while now, this one struck me as funny. Thanks for the giggle.
Cheers, Jmt Carson
what are you just traveling around the country Stacy?
yeah…basically. We are trying to see the country to decide where we might like to live. Even if we end up back in Ohio where we have been at least we can say we looked around!
Sorry to see you guys go. Safe journeys wherever you end up.