A Horse Story….2013 Quarter Horse Congress-from a horse’s view

Dear Mom,Louie at Congress

This must be the Con-ger-us place again. Last year, I thought you had signed me up to be a circus horse when I saw the big blue and white tent. I really wanted to meet an elephant.

It was pretty boring after you left last night. Who pays the light bill here? They never shut off the lights….

Things got better today. Those other horses we go ride with and their people came to see me. Newt and I have always wanted to play but you guys always have us saddled and bridled when we meet.

It turns out he likes the same games I do! We played ‘can-I-bite-your-lips-while-you-try-to-bite-my-tongue’ like we have been doing it all of our lives! I won.

Your Pony,


Louie NewtLouie Newt 2Louie Newt 3Louie Newt 4


  1. […] may remember Emmie from my April 13th blog and Louie has written several blogs […]

  2. […] yes…this is the same “Louie” as Louie the blogging horse from Congress, […]

  3. […] saying as much as Newt was! Lol, look at their faces. In the above photo Newt is trying to play the “Bite your lip game” he plays with Louie…but I think it must be a ‘horse’ thing as the cows were quite […]

  4. […] Your bite your lip buddy, […]

  5. […] If you liked this post….you would enjoy reading about the adventures of Louie the Horse (and Newt) at Congress this year…click here to read. […]

  6. Terry Thomas on October 8, 2013 at 12:11 pm

    So…given Louis’ real name; is he also one of Roxy’s foals?

    • Stacy on October 9, 2013 at 10:52 pm

      Louie would be a half brother/sister to Roxy (both have the same sire). That would make Louie ‘Uncle Louie’ to Newt AND Jac….did you follow all that, lol

      • Terry Thomas on October 10, 2013 at 7:51 am

        Actually, I did, lol. I had never really heard of that line, but I will watch for it now. I have always appreciated smart animals. Thanks for answering 🙂

      • Nikki Bieber on December 14, 2013 at 12:43 pm

        😀 oh Boy! thats quite comlicated, but I love all those horsingaroundblogs! (Y) just wanted to let you know that! 😀 you teach us sooooooooooooo much!

  7. […] A Horse Story….2013 Quarter Horse Congress-from a horse's view […]

  8. Cailey Staggs on October 7, 2013 at 12:15 pm

    I love these kinds of horse stories !

  9. Sandra Clifton on October 5, 2013 at 8:46 pm

    I just live for these kind of animal stories. Like yours it is so enjoyable. There is Rodeo Outfit out here in Marysville, CA called the Flying U, owned by Cotton Rosser. Cindy Rosser tells the tails of U-Gene #371, it started when this colt was still with his Mother. I can’t begin to tell you how much we have enjoyed it.

  10. Linda Smith on October 5, 2013 at 2:34 pm

    Love it!!!

  11. Julie Ottaway on October 5, 2013 at 12:13 pm

    Thank you Stacy. I love talking for my animals. I always thought it would be a great book for children. I would love to read the Roxy story, but I am such a wuss (in the words of my daughter the veterinarian) I would cry until my eyes were swollen. I gave my Granddaughter Teghan your 1st training dvd. When she is finished with that one, she will get your 2nd. Right now her horse is lame and she cannot practice. They are working on correcting that. I will continue to read. Thank you…..Julie Ottaway (my love for horses will never age)

  12. GimmeADream on October 5, 2013 at 12:06 pm

    Totally interesting point-of-view, lol. Thanks for a little enlightenment into the thoughts of Louis, 😀

  13. Wendy Johnson on October 5, 2013 at 12:05 pm

    This made me laugh. When we were in Kentucky the week before pony finals, we got a note left on our pony Lucy’s stall for the amount of noise she had made all night, squealing at the pony on the other side of the bars. She was always an overachiever…(I can do that 5 stride in 4) lol, and kind of a diva. The first time my daughter jumped her, the trainer had her jump higher than she ever had, before. I asked her if she was nervous… and she said “yes… and this is going to sound weird, Mom… but the pony told me it was going to be okay.” I realized then, that they were going to be a team. 🙂 She’s off making another little girl’s dreams come true, now… but gosh we loved that pony.

  14. Darlene on October 5, 2013 at 11:42 am

    Totally adorable. Horses have such a unique perspective…loved the blog…

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