Day 2: A Horse Story….2013 Quarter Horse Congress-from a horse’s view

Dear Mom,Louie at Congress

Newt is not a cool as I thought he was. Yesterday morning I wanted to play the biting game again and all he wanted to do was sleep!!

I banged my water bucket a loooonnnng time and he finally got up. I think he was mad because instead of playing with me he chewed on the wall that is far away from me. Did you know if you rip the outside off there is all of this white bumpy stuff inside that is easy to shred? Newt has a big pile in his stall.

One other thing. Yesterday when you took me for that walk I noticed that some of the other horses here get to play with COWS! I know we have worked hard on the spins and the slides and we still have our disagreements about the lead changes (why does it always have to be YOUR idea?)…..Louie sees 2013 Congress cow events

But COWS would be cool! Could we try that sometime?

Always your pony,



  1. […] Day 2: A Horse Story […]

  2. Sandra Clifton on October 7, 2013 at 12:06 pm

    Jac, if Stacey let you have your way about lead changes, you may fall over and go boom big time. She only wants to keep you safe.

  3. Barb Brunton on October 7, 2013 at 7:56 am

    I really enjoy reading your posts. I am sure that in time Louie will be on cows and will thoroughly enjoy his new job!

  4. Erica T on October 6, 2013 at 11:15 pm

    I love your posts!

  5. Nikki Bieber on October 6, 2013 at 12:33 pm

    Well, I wanna CowPlay, but my mom, wont let me yet. I am the total herder, only happy, when everyone is Close by. Must be in my blood! 😀

  6. Kyle Smith on October 6, 2013 at 12:01 pm

    Playing with the cows is cool! My rider and I play penning and sorting here in Maine. You gotta get your spins straightened out and come play!
    CircleK Farm
    West Gardiner, Maine

  7. Darlene on October 6, 2013 at 11:19 am

    Gee, I always knew horses talked. They have an interesting point of view.

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