Weaning foals with older horses

It’s weaning time! Actually, it has been weaning time for these two fillies for awhile now as we use a gradual system of weaning. These photos are from yesterday and they are turned out with Popcorn, my older gelding. I like weaning gradually and I like keeping them in a herd environment.

You can see in these photos that the fillies are hovering around Popcorn. One filly was weaned from her mother about a month ago…but she started nursing on our mare…so she was also weaned again last week with our filly. The fillies and Popcorn relocated to a friends house (look at all the grass!) yesterday and the fillies were a bit unsure. So they are sticking close to Popcorn.

Here you can see the fillies are getting a bit more secure. Popcorn is ’emotionally stable’ so the excitement of the foals running and playing doesn’t upset him. He is the clear but fair leader, which brings me to the last photo.

Popcorn has helped with the weaning of our foals for the last eight years. He is my favorite to put them with because he is very tolerant of them but he will set boundaries. He is fascinating to watch because with young horses he uses HUGE body language to warn them and follows through but with much less force. 

Popcorn is also featured in my email on reading body language (sign up form below) but in that video the horses are older…and Popcorn is tougher. In that video he uses very little body language and is willing to back it up big time.

It has been a privilege to watch Popcorn ‘train’ horses over the years…his methods are extremely accurate!


  1. Margie on September 16, 2017 at 10:13 pm

    Somewhat on the same subject… how do you try to keep your young horses confident? I see you wean with a buddy but at what time in their lives do they learn to be alone? Tips for preventing buddy sour, insecure horses.

  2. Renee labombarda on September 16, 2017 at 9:40 pm

    There are often things i notice with horses together, but not always sure about what they mean. Love this post!

  3. Elizabeth Trudeau on September 16, 2017 at 9:13 pm

    I love that you are always sharing your knowledge with us! Thank you

  4. Mary Shanaberger on September 16, 2017 at 8:23 pm

    I am always facinated with the equone body language

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