Watch out Guy McLean….no, really…we are after another lesson with the whips!

Guy McLeanHeads up Guy McLean, Joshua is coming after you!

For another whip cracking lesson that is! I’m kicking myself because I cannot find the video I took of Guy teaching Joshua back in March.

Emily and Guy are great and I hope we can see each other this week at Equine Affaire in Springfield, MA. If you see Guy or Emily before I do tell them I said, “Hi” and that Joshua is going to be stopping by for another lesson.

Look at the results of the first lesson! (Yep, Guy even sells the whips!)

For all of you following Jac, if you come out to Equine Affaire make sure you get your picture taken with Jac. He will be hanging out in the Celebrity Horse area….Weavers going to be looking for those photos! More info to come.


  1. Jessica on November 5, 2013 at 8:25 pm

    Are you having fun with Jac? Do you have a bond with him? I love how he licks and chews like Roxy did!

  2. Janette on November 5, 2013 at 8:04 pm

    Hi Stacy, young Joshua is really showing some natural talent with those whips. Can you say hi to Guy for me please? If you remind him of “Way of The horse” in Australia and my Waler Stallion “Noble Comrade” he will remember me, Janette Wilson. Thanks again for sharing your journey with Jac, your a great inspiration.

  3. Rose Ott on November 5, 2013 at 3:41 pm

    Right in the picture of my profile is Joey my thoroughbred, can I ask you a question?

    My thoroughbred has feet problems just because he is a thoroughbred what would I do because he has a Abcess how do I get rid of it?

  4. deltamyhome Billy Henderson on November 5, 2013 at 3:10 pm

    I have a question for Stacy,,,first, I wrote a book titled “Sharecroppers Daughter.” Her name is Penny. Her family moved onto a large plantation. The owner raised and hired a trainer to train and show his cutting horses, Penny took an interest in the horses. Long story short she was a natural at trainining and showing horses. I actually had her doing exibitions riding her horse, Peppy, a mare and a very good cutting horse. She showed Peppy cutting a cow with no equipment,

    My question. Do you know where I might find a picture of a girl cutting a cow with no equipment? Actually, years ago I saw such a picture but this was before computers. I also have have a peeve about reining horses that switch thier tails. Can they train them not to switch thier tails. Do the judges count that against them? Hope you can help me out.

    • Stacy on November 20, 2013 at 9:04 am

      Sounds like an interesting book! I just watched the bridleless cutting class at Congress in October. I haven’t seen a photo like that…but I am sure that someone who could ride cutting bridleless would be your safe bet. The difficulty is that it is hard to stay on one that cuts hard without a saddle…so physical! But I would find one of the riders who shows bridleless and start there.
      The tail swishing is another topic. Many horses swish their tails. Many people ‘do’ or ‘fix’ their tails…meaning they inject or otherwise physically stop them by a medical procedure. Personally, when they use their tails some I am thankful that the rider/owner chose not to medically alter their horse. The judges do count it against them if it is excessive (which encourages more medical procedures).

    • deltamyhome on November 20, 2013 at 9:53 am

      Stacy thanks for the reply. It was a big help.

  5. Lori Rundle on November 5, 2013 at 2:50 pm

    I remember the lesson. We were there at our equine dentistry booth at CanAm in Orangeville, Ontario. I thought he did very well for his first try but he has certainly improved!!! Guy will be impressed as am I.

    • Stacy on November 5, 2013 at 11:28 pm

      Lol, you did have a front row seat! He has worn the ends out on the whips…maybe he can get tips on that also. Hope your well!

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