Video: update on Presto and Justice, pasture, trailer and BIG news!

I documented the first few weeks of having the nurse mare foals in detail but then life got busy. I did keep collecting photos and video but I didn’t make the time to post about it. (see bottom for links to past blogs)

This is my catchup video! It shows footage from July-January and include the foals being turned out in the pasture with adult horses the first few times, trailering and a BIG announcement!

The first adult horse they were turned out with was the recommend ‘old -lightly-lame’ baby sitter. The meeting went well and wasn’t super exciting, which was PERFECT! I love watching the body language between the two foals as they try to figure out ‘the big guy.’ 

The next horses they met were MUCH more exciting! Presto started the meeting by attempting to nurse on Lucy, my husband mare, who was not impressed! The two mares chosen are some we raised and know well. As you can see in the video there was a lot of running but it was all in fun…and some confusion on the foals part. As you can see they eventually all settled down. Turning the foals out with lots of other horses was part of my prep work for weaning them from each other. 

In October I started hauling the foals as the next step in their training. I hauled them around with no purpose except to ‘season’ them, which means there was no pressure. Load at one place, go spend the night somewhere, and then come back home. I did this for several weeks during which time another big development happened; Justice was sold!

As you can see in the video Justice found his new home at Asbury University where he will be part of their police horse training program! He made the transition seamlessly and has lots of students loving on him and other young horses to grow up with. I’m glad to have helped him get a strong start in life and to find his future career.

Back in my barn Presto is keeping himself occupied with his favorite toy (the big red activity ball) and the other horses from the barn. He is getting so big! I’m guessing that before he turns a year old in May he will be taller than at least three of our full grown reining horses. 

I’m excited to see how both foals turn out. I have easy access for updates and visits with Justice. I also have unlimited access to Presto as he is still in my barn. It has been a fun adventure and although I still have years ahead of me with Presto…I admit that I could see adopting again in the future!

Nurse mare foal quick links to past blogs:

Stacy Westfall adopting a nurse mare foal from Last Chance Corral!

Day 1: Bringing the nurse mare foals home

Day 2: How did we pick the foals? What are their names?

Day 3: Feeding and care of nurse mare foals

Day 4: Bucket Feeding Foals-Milk Recipe


Check out Stacy’s full line of DVD’s

Set of Stacy Westfall DVD's


  1. Paula on January 23, 2017 at 2:02 pm

    I could watch your videos forever! So cool 🙂 I love that your keeping Presto – looking forward to more videos of him. Also would like to see more videos of Justice if you’ll be able to. Thank you!

  2. Helen Lou Parnell on January 22, 2017 at 2:15 pm

    I misspelled my email address.

  3. Helen Lou Parnell on January 22, 2017 at 2:13 pm

    I love the videos of the foals. As I follow the horse adventures with you, Stacy, I am vicariously living out my lifelong love of horses. Thanks for sharing so much with your fans..

  4. Jul C on January 21, 2017 at 10:33 am

    A career as a Police horse is perfect for a horse with the name of “JUSTICE!” Sounds like it was meant to be from the start! ❤?

  5. Martina Braden on January 21, 2017 at 12:52 am

    I really enjoyed watching the video. I noticed a few things. I read your blogs before about “baby talk”. I never seen a young horse do that. It is so cute!! Those two do that a lot.:) I also notice that it looks like you tie your horses in your trailer from the top. Do you always do that? I tie from the bottom. Is it better the other way? Love how you share your information with us.–Thank you

  6. Shelley on January 20, 2017 at 11:57 pm

    Thanks so much for posting this Stacy, I wondered about the foals and am so happy it is all working out for everyone.

  7. Anna Scantlan on January 20, 2017 at 11:37 pm

    So glad to see such an encouraging update on Justice and Presto. Thank you for sharing. <3

    • Donald Rosie III on January 21, 2017 at 10:18 am

      Great post Stacy!

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