Unconfined, left to do as it will.
The whole house has gutters, the barn too. But not this porch outside of my bedroom. “No gutters please”, I said to the builders.
“The water will cause damage”, they said. “It will wash out the hill.”
“It’s ok.” I said to them.
But in my head, I also said, “It will drip like music on the rocks placed below. It will make rainy days sound like old days spent in an old barn, with a well loved horse. The runoff will wet the flowers I will plant below.”
I did not plan for the sparkling icicles.
I did, however, do the hard work of not taming.
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Riders often encounter self-doubt, fear, anxiety, frustration, and other challenging emotions at the barn. The emotions coursing through your body can add clarity, or can make your cues indistinguishable for your horse.
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What a genius thought to do that!! It makes me want to know what other creative, soul soothing adjustments you might have made around your home. We live in a subdivision, so not much privacy but I DO have some kind of leaf flower in June/berry in the fall bearing bush that outlines my fence. Besides in the field with Texas, there is no other place I would rather be than at home in my backyard oasis with a coffee 🙂
We all need to try and do better with this.
I love the sound of rain,so soothing and brings back great memories of my childhood.