That’s right. After all the high quality sound checks that are done for training videos I am tellling you to hit the mute button. Why?
Did you notice in the beginning of this video that there was no sound? I thought maybe music would be a good thing but….no. Silence is better. It makes you focus your eyes more.
This video really ties together all of the ones that have come before. The pressure and release, the rhythm and the random, the emotional control all in one. And you have access to all the videos that brought on the transformation. Next step…to the trailer again.
Thank again to Tekonsha for making these videos on loading a problem horse possible!
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No one taught you the skills you need to work through these things.
Riders often encounter self-doubt, fear, anxiety, frustration, and other challenging emotions at the barn. The emotions coursing through your body can add clarity, or can make your cues indistinguishable for your horse.
Learning these skills and begin communicating clearly with your horse.
Click here to learn more.
Does anyone have any advice for my horse question above?
I would appreciate any advice.
Hello! Stacey
Do you have any suggestions for helping my horse to not be scared of getting a winter blanket on?
Thanks for all of your advice.
I appreciate all of your advice.
Can you help me?
What can I do to get my horse to not be scared of gettting a winter blanket or sheet on him?
Hi Stacy,
Gotten a lot out of these videos. Thanks for doing them. If you ever have any advice for helping a horse through being afraid of horse and buggies, I’d love to hear it. My horse today totally freaked on me when an Amish buggy startled her by coming out of nowhere behind a row of corn. I had her on a 12 foot line with a rope halter, and she was trying to run me over. She isn’t afraid of cars at all, but the buggies have freaked her out. I regret not knowing how to handle the situation and will be working on desensitizing her to this whenever I can. I know I need to gain more respect from her and help her through this.
Take care,
CJ Darlington
Thank you for the advice. Could you advise me on the first bridling?
My horse is a little touchy with his mouth. I got him as a yearling in Nov. 2011 but I wasn’t able to start on any groundwork as planned. Before he turned 2 I was trying the bridle with him but when I tried to get him to open his mouth for the bit, I couldn’t keep him still. My horse would either move forward or turn right to get away. So I have still been trying to get him okay with handling his mouth.
I still have to get him broke to stand tied so I didn’t know if that would help any. I would appreciate any advice you have . Thanks again.
use a leadrope and put it in and out of his mouth like a bit, this way if he throws his head or anything the lead rope won’t bump his teeth.
I´m so happy that i found your webbsite. I have trained my iclandichorse to be load into the trailer as you do. And it works……….so smodley, easie and calm. I have work a lot with groundwork and it pays well out i think. But you maid me take the step forward. Thanks!
I think working with a horse on anything is very enjoyable.
The connection you have with that colt is awesome. The way you get him to lunge around you without a roundpen is great. Could you help me out?
What can you do if your horse is right-handed on the lungeline? Meaning that when I get him started going left he turns back to the right like that is his comfortable direction.
I could your advice.
Andrea-a horse that wants to go only one way can be for many reasons. He may not have been taught to lunge around a human so lack of knowledge is possible. He also could be more comfortable going one way. Or he could be stubborn. Or he could be testing you to see if you really can control his direction. If he allows you to control his direction then he is allowing you to make the decisions and be the leader. If he is not allowing you to control his direction, he is not allowing you to be the leader. In any case it sounds like he needs more education. Clear direction and correction when he makes the mistake or wrong choice so he can learn what he should do.
Thank you so much for these videos! They are such a help to me! When training a young horse to load for the first time, how much time should be allotted to teach one on average? I have four young horses that are going on a trip soon and I still havnt actually loaded them. We have been working with the groundwork, but I haven’t taken them up to the trailer yet. We dont own a trailer yet so I cant train with one. Do you have any suggestions or tips? Thank you again for helping average horse owners to learn to work better with their horses! -Emily
Each horse is very individual and the level of groundwork ususally predicts the trailer loading success. If you have done hours of creative groundwork then the trailer will go quicker…if you have done minimum and basic groundwork than the loading will likely take longer. If you don’t have access to a trailer be extra creative and at minimum do all of the exercises I showed in the beginning of this series all the videos are here (
Thank you for your advice! We will keep working on it…
I love it, easy to watch your clues and see your goal,another layer to training, thanks for all you share. God Bless all.
At 1:58, you looked at the camera, and the horse did, too. Funny how he followed your lead like that.