Failure-halter breaking part 2

Listen for the theories when you are watching this. Think about how ‘exaggerating’ something makes it easier to find the right answer.

Notice the different thought on ‘failure’ when I state that it doesn’t matter how many time I need to throw the rope because each one of those ‘failures’ actually acts to get her more well trained.

Have you ever found that ‘failures’ have worked to make things better in your life?


  1. Liseanne Roy on October 28, 2011 at 7:52 am

    All the time!
    Failures teach me so much, even just little ones.
    I have been blessed in having teachers that know it’s better to let the student make the mistake and correct it after, then to try and protect them all the time from failure.

    I use the same concept in my horse training, and when I teach others to ride.
    I let them make a mistake, then tell them it was not right, the next time they start feeling they are making that mistake again, they will know it and be able to stop themselves, even if I am not there!

  2. Pat Hockett on October 27, 2011 at 6:34 pm

    What I’d really like help with is getting a halter on the larger colts in the first place.

    • Stacy on October 28, 2011 at 9:25 am

      I wish I had video taped it but can you see how I drove her around the stall and made the one place near the door where I would ‘release’ and let her rest? I did that and then approached and retreated until I could touch, rub and halter. Maybe I should find another horse and video the process.

      • Kristine Nesbitt on October 28, 2011 at 9:48 am

        Yes, I would like a video on getting the halter on for the first time. My friend has a pasture full of un-halter broke weanlings, yearlings, and two year olds.

        • Stacy on October 29, 2011 at 11:00 am

          I will try to video that to give you a better idea.

  3. Angelique Aia Hill on October 27, 2011 at 3:52 pm

    yes if nothing else you learn a lesson.

    this has nothing to do with failure, but its just so amazing i think you need to se it.

  4. McKenzie Morris on October 27, 2011 at 11:04 am

    Yes, I have. The more times I ‘fail” the more frsutrated I become. I channel all that into determination to have it work, so I try even harder than before.

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