The Worlds Smallest Horses

Have you seen these mini-mini’s? These are the tiniest of the tiny. There also seems to be a bit of a ‘tiny-contest’ to hold the record of the smallest equine. All of the following hold records of their own. I have teased the boys saying that, as each of them leaves I’m putting a mini in their room and naming it after them…I guess it really could work!

Which is your favorite? Do you have issues with horses being bred this small?

The smallest Foal In The World: EINSTEIN

Einstein: The Smallest Stallion Has A Ball

I know that dwarfism is a real problem…but he is so cute!

Thumbelina is the Worlds Smallest Horse



  1. Gale on October 19, 2014 at 12:10 pm

    They are precious! My concern is folks that do not “know” horses will buy/obtain one of these little cuties and end up in a mess like many that adopt full size horses without a clue. The potential for abuse here seems very high.

  2. Les Roy on October 19, 2014 at 4:11 am

    My favorite is my little 26.75 inch 5 year old mare but I’m a bit biased lol and she isn’t a dwarf. As for the videos Einstein is my favorite he is a cute little stallion. Acer is cute to but sadly he is a dwarf miniature.

  3. Jennifer Bates on October 17, 2014 at 7:37 pm

    They are adorable, but can’t help to think that something is not completely right with the genes. That little Einstein’s forehead looked a little weird. Wonder how their longevity is? All species have genetic defects, even we humans, but to strive to completely change a breed—-probably not a good idea!! Just my personal opinion.

  4. HeathersHorses on October 17, 2014 at 11:48 am

    I really liked that little Acer. He seems to have a really great disposition and a special little personality.

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