Stacy’s Video Diary: Jac- Look at the change! Episode 5

Jac at 1 hour 20 minutes of training. Look at the results of last weeks ‘break through’ moment! Jac is quiet, Stacy's Video Diary: Jac- Episode 5attentive and accepting the stick n string. No other training happened that you didn’t see to cause this. This happened because Jac went back to the stall and thought about the lessons.

There are so many things I talk about here including how I gather information, why I can now use the stick n string, how important MY body language is, how to keep a horse out of your space, how giving a horse a break IS the reward, and how to taylor the training program.

Interesting thought….pay attention to 7:30 and how I rewarded YESTERDAY for two different things (sideway vs forward) and see how specific JAC is about remembering that and LISTEN to my statement at 8:24.


  1. Leslie Voltz Bever on October 30, 2013 at 6:16 pm

    I am really enjoying these videos. I think is is really helpful to know how much time and where you are in Jac’s training. Thanks for taking the time to share this journey with all of us!

  2. Annette Kerns Marshall on October 30, 2013 at 6:14 pm

    I am training my first horse (he crossed my path at 18 months with a neck injury). After watching your bridle less ride I decided to try to train my horse for this as well. I am loving watching these video’s and learning from you. My guy is 3 now and we were on a great path of success. Then we got hit with floods in the mountains of CO. My daughter’s first horse got hurt and both horses became displaced at the fairgrounds for 30 days. My guy is going backwards since I have not been able to work him for this time. I am hopin that I can start again and not have any serious issues so we can begin our bridle less training again. he loves obstacle challenges and playing with a large ball. Thanks for inspiring me!

  3. okcowgirl65 on October 30, 2013 at 5:51 pm

    Hello Stacy, I am following your Blog closely because I startetd my 2 year old stud recently. Jac is an awsome young horse and I admire how he keeps his mouth to himself. My colt constantly has to take something in his mouth and chew on it… Not one minute goes by without him grabbing anything he can reach. I dont wanna smack him everytime, because I would have to hit him like every 20 sec. Do you have a tipp for me??? I would highly appreciate it…. Best wishes Claudia

    • Stacy on October 30, 2013 at 7:20 pm

      Again, these questions have limitations due to email but I will give you some general thoughts.

      1) have an equine dentist look at him, a vet, both (like going to the Dr they will have different opinions)
      2) Keep him BUSY! I figure if they have enough spare brain cells not working to be grabbing the rope….I can probably ask for more. When they are mouthy make them even busier. Rest them when they are focused and not mouthy. (Oh, stay out of reach during all of this,lol)
      3) The red dunn I was riding in the Congress Poem was one I raised. His main issue was being mouthy. Eventually I gelded him mainly because of it. He was always testing and, although not out of control, etc, he was way too mouthy. Gelding made a huge difference. He is still more prone to playing but there is no serious edge to it and in general the mouthy-ness went down 80-90%.

      • okcowgirl65 on October 30, 2013 at 11:51 pm

        Thank you very much Stacy.Vet and dentist looked at him.nothing!!! I have the strong feeling that gelding him would make a difference as well as that he needs more work. He is the first horse I ever had that I had not seen laying since i got him a year ago. And he never quitts running arround in his stall. He is totally restless, but not excited. And its hard for him to focus.. he is easily distracted. Thanks again, you confirmed my thoughts. Claudia

  4. kainbear on October 30, 2013 at 4:19 pm

    I am currently working with my 6 mos old colt and my 8 mos. old filly, they have been very responsive to tying, clipping, bathing and the farrier. I have exposed them to the stick with no issues I have been desensitizing them with trash bags, tarps, etc. My question is when is a good time to start with the lounge line. I don’t want to overdue because of their young bones and joints. Thanks, Debbie

    • Stacy on October 30, 2013 at 5:02 pm

      You are correct in going light. I move mine around…about like you see Jac do in this episode, at a walk. Just so they have the idea. Then I turn them out with a bunch of buddies in a pasture and check in again in a few weeks. If you want more specifics then I would suggest asking your vet. If I find a vet…while I have my video camera…I will ask too!

  5. mswomanoffire on October 30, 2013 at 4:16 pm

    I was so looking forward to your next lesson and this did not disappoint! I’m loving it! Thank you for doing this video series. Question: The first ride on Jac, how many hours into his training does this happen?

    • Stacy on October 30, 2013 at 5:03 pm

      Lol, after episode 10 it will feel like the pace picks up. I would need to go look in my diary and see the hour mark for the first ride. I will try to remember to get that.

  6. Maurene Hillen on October 30, 2013 at 4:07 pm

    I do not own and have never trained a horse. I fancy myself a dog trainer, and am eagerly following the Jac diary. As you may imagine, many similarities, and your tips and methods apply. We are always asked, “how long did it take you to teach that?”, and we never know.
    You entry today especially moved me. There have been times in training, where I have given up, feeling frustrated, only to come back the next day and find that the dog has “got it”. With my pressure off, they can sleep on it, think about it, and understand what I am asking. I give thanks for my dogs then. Knowing they have tolerated my imperfections and impatience, and remain my willing partners.
    I hope you are enjoying this training series as much as we are.

    • Stacy on October 30, 2013 at 5:06 pm

      I have trained a few dog myself (although I am much more of a horse trainer, lol) and I agree with you. Plant seeds today, see what grew tomorrow!

      I love looking at this footage of Jac ‘in the raw’ and I can’t wait for everyone to see his progress!

  7. The English Professor at Large on October 30, 2013 at 3:16 pm

    It is a joy to watch you train.

    • Stacy on October 30, 2013 at 5:07 pm

      Thank you! I have to admit…I am a bit afraid of an English Professor reading my stuff! I have too much fun with…..dots, etc, lol

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