Total training time 58 hours 30 minutes
Jac gets his first shoes…hind shoes only. Many of my reiners are barefoot in the front. They have shoes in the hind because it makes it a lot easier for them to slide. Training the slide as well as performing it 3-4 times in a pattern makes shoes the friendliest thing you can do for a reining horse; it allows for less friction sliding which makes the stop easier on the horses joints, body, etc.
At minute 2:10, I explain how I use training cycles with my horses, much like a runner would train and I describe how I can work something, like having a cold, into that cycle.
*Review of bend and counter ben
*Review of spin-LOOK at the improvement!
I am just starting to teach Jac how to slide. Watch the ratio of stops vs loping around on Jac. Jac shows a desire to stop but he doesn’t know how to hold his hind feet without catching his toe and letting his hoof roll over. He will eventually, with practice, learn how to ski along on his hind sliding shoes.
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No one taught you the skills you need to work through these things.
Riders often encounter self-doubt, fear, anxiety, frustration, and other challenging emotions at the barn. The emotions coursing through your body can add clarity, or can make your cues indistinguishable for your horse.
Learning these skills and begin communicating clearly with your horse.
Click here to learn more.
Thank you Stacy for making these videos, you are an excellent teacher of horses and humans! Is that Emmie and Louie in the background?
Yep, that is Emmie and Louie! She was up riding with us getting ready for her first bridleless ride at Congress.
love ya bunchesbev
I notice that you constantly bump Jac every stride with your heels/spurs, do you need to do that to keep him moving forward?
Mollie- I am bumping with my legs, waving them in a rhythm, I don’t use my heel or spur every time. A longer blog is to come on this and it is covered on my Bridleless DVD also. Keep watching for it.
Awesome, awesome Jac is going so well. Love his cute lead departure out of the turn.
I noticed you choose not to put boots on Jac, even with shoes on. Is this because you are allowing Jac to learn at his own pace and find he doesn’t loose his balance etc?
Janette-Jac is still barefoot in the front and he isn’t really doing that much yet. I have leg protection written down as an upcoming blog! But the short is yes, I am still skipping it. He is barefoot in the front and isn’t at much risk.
thank you for the quick answer about deaf/mute hoax…it wouldn’t have mattered to me, but i am happy for you….oh, i LOVE Jac..he’s beautiful love ya bunchesbev
Fabulous. I know about that cold too. It has been hanging on I have had that cough for 3 months now. I am just glad none of my cats got it. Just an opinion he may have gotten it because of the change in his enviorment as well as you also. Good luck and looking good. I liked the new beginning of your series as well.
Hi Stacy,
I am really enjoying the video series, it has helped me not only learn new techniques/ thought processes but also reminded me of things past instructors have mentioned. I have a coming four year old filly who has about 100 rides on her. This is the first horse that I have taken all the way through the training process, though I have done different parts of training with multiple horses thanks to the guidance of several wonderful instructors. My filly coming along well and I’m wanting to transition her up to a shanked bit. I was wondering what type of bit you prefer to move them up into. With so many different opinions out there I would love to hear your point of view on such a controversial topic.
Thanks, Mary
I am preparing a blog on bits, maybe for next week. I won’t go to the shanked bit until the horse can bend and counter bend in a snaffle and do a full turn, a slow basic pivot/spin. Then I go to a shanked snaffle, also known as a Tom Thumb. Short shanks, leather curb strap.
hi stacy, I have been watching this series from the beginning and it has helped me A LOT with training my 3 yr old filly but in this episode you didn’t really give any advice about how to train a horse to stop. my filly will take multiple steps before slowing to a stop so how do you encourage them to stop more quickly? do you constantly use your legs when driving them forward then all together “stop riding” to encourage them to stop? I am just wanting some pointers on how to train a good stop. Thanks!
Tanya-If you watch Episode 26 and 27 you can see Jac’s not so good stops, much like you described, in Episode 26.
Yes, the leg wave that keeps Jac going does become part of the stop cue-when I stop waving it is a sign to stop. Re-watch Episode 26 and see if Jac’s stops look like what you are describing, let me know.
Awww…. he is doing fantastic…. Did you say that you would be releasing all these videos with some bonus material??? And how long will you keep this series going??? What treats does Jac like…….peppermints like Roxy did??
Lesia- Yes, we are working on a DVD with bonus footage. The episodes will become more ‘live’ in April and we will have to see how it goes from there. Jac doesn’t get treats yet. I use treats after horses are very solid in their role and, as Jac is a stallion, there is still a lingering question in his mind. He likes to bite other horses, as we saw in Episode 12, so I have chosen not to give him treats yet. Someday….
Stacy can you talk to the different back sliders shoes and which you use?
Janet-There are many options depending on what is going on with the horse. We usually start out with either 3/4 inch or 1 inch sliders, nothing special. If the dirt is deeper or more shallow makes a difference-I don’t want too much shoe so they slip too easy and get scared at first. Once they understand they can handle more…or if the dirt changes…