Stacy Westfall’s first horse

My first horse, Baby Baby James, February 1, 1981-December 5, 2011. I have had her since I was 11.


  1. Cat on January 16, 2012 at 9:53 pm

    Forgot to mention in my comment how much I like the photo. Now that’s a memory!

  2. Cat on January 16, 2012 at 9:52 pm

    My memories are many, thank God. I think my favorites include his coming whenever I called him a certain way, no matter how far away he was, and, how he communicated to me on our trail rides and waited for me to acknowledge what he wanted me to know.

  3. My Own War Horse « Stacy Westfall Horseblog on December 25, 2011 at 8:44 pm

    […] the story of my very own ‘war horse’, Scrapper. Scrapper is the one and only foal that my mare, Bay, ever had. I bred her once and Scrapper was born. I did all of his training including taking him to […]

  4. Kaley Williams on December 18, 2011 at 12:48 pm

    “Look up into heaven
    You’ll see them above
    The horses we lost
    The horses we loved
    You gave me my magic moments the wind whipped through my hair
    You were the one when i was sad that was always there
    I know you will always be with me as you have been, from the start
    And there will always be your hoof prints left upon my heart.”

    This is true, the greatest of people do not grieve, because loosing something is what makes it a great memory. RIP Bay.

  5. Angelique Aia Hill on December 8, 2011 at 3:59 pm

    ahh im so sorry for you, even if it doesn’t make any thing better i want to tell my story about my horse.
    her name was Bella and my mother saved her from a riding school where she had to work on the lessons even if she was sick. so mum brought her home and gave here to me when i was two and a half, and we have so many memories together. she was wonderful! the last year she got colic three times, and the two first the vet came and gave her cramp settlement so it went away, and i wasn’t ready to let her go just yet, are you ever?
    But the third time i knew it was over, and the medicines didn’t work so sat down and she put her head on my lap and just looked at me. i said to my dad, its over, shes not going to have to go through this no more. so he took her and the day after he showed me where he had buried her and i put a rose at her grave.
    so on valentines day last year we had to put down my best friend.
    i still miss her to day.
    But i know i made the right choice.
    the sorrow will never go away but it will get easier.

  6. Joan on December 8, 2011 at 11:37 am

    So very sorry for your loss Stacy, Horses bring us so much joy and have such tender spirits, it’s hard to let them go. Sending thoughts and prayers your way.

  7. Katrina on December 7, 2011 at 7:07 am

    So sorry to hear of your loss, losing a horse you have spent years with is always hard.

  8. Anne Goddard on December 6, 2011 at 9:09 pm

    I am so sorry for your loss. . .you have another angel watching over you. .

  9. Lori Johnstone on December 6, 2011 at 6:46 pm

    So very sorry to hear of your loss Stacy but hopefully the love and wonderful memories outweigh the hurt in your heart.

  10. Tiffany Callahan on December 6, 2011 at 4:48 pm

    I am so very sorry for your loss! I’m feeling your pain especially. I have a 28 yr old mare I’ve had since I was 15. She was my first horse. I also have her son and daughter but I am dreading the day when it comes to day good bye to my girl! She was badly abused by an Arab trainer before I bought her. She and I built the kind of bond you barely get to experience let alone see. She has never thrown me, bitten, kicked, or done anything to hurt me out of fear or being malicious! Shes been my best friend. Your mare was gorgeous! I know you and she had the kind of bond I speak of. I hope you take comfort in knowing she is running and playing in green fields happy, healthy, and waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge. My thoughts abd prayers are with you!

  11. Kathy Boone on December 6, 2011 at 11:51 am


    My heart goes out to you. Remember how blessed you were to have him, and know that he is with Jesus now. Yes, I believe that. Some people don’t, but I do believe that animals have souls too.
    God Bless You.

    Kathy Boone

  12. tj on December 6, 2011 at 11:41 am

    God Bless you!

  13. Bill Blaylock on December 6, 2011 at 11:11 am

    So Sorry for your loss. Its always hard to lose a best friend.

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