Stacy Westfall & Vaquero 2011 All American Quarter Horse Congress Freestyle Championship Bridleless

Excuse me while I celebrate my little horse! He was so good on Saturday night. We achieved the balance that we worked so hard on and it felt like magic.

It was interesting though because I noticed that although Vaquero and I achieved that balance, other areas of my life became less balanced. The house isn’t quite as clean and I haven’t spent as much time with my husband or kids as I would like.

Maybe it is OK to let the balance of life shift from time to time, in fact I don’t know when it isn’t shifting, so I might as well accept that. But I had better keep my priorities straight or I could accidentally get so far out of balance that some area of my life may be hard to recover. How’s the balance in your life feeling right now?


  1. […] Stacy Westfall & Vaquero 2011 All American Quarter Horse Congress Freestyle Championship Bridlel… […]

  2. Natashya Bay on October 27, 2011 at 4:00 pm

    Absolutely inspirational Stacy – every year it’s a new level of brilliance, a new level of emotional impact and a whole new level of how incredible you and your horses are. Kudos to you, and congratulations on such an amazing ride!

  3. Nikki on October 20, 2011 at 4:25 pm

    🙂 i finally got to see it….

    Stacy its awesome… Vaquero is doing soooooooooooooooo good!
    The crowd is screaming…. I got tears in my eyes!!!

    What an awesome ride, thank you for sharing!!!!

  4. Alice on October 20, 2011 at 12:10 pm

    LOVELY ride, and congratulations to you & Vaquero!!! Thanks for your thoughtful post. Glad that you make time for your family too. If we put the “big rocks” in the jar first, the “little rocks” take care of themselves. A spotless house is definitely a “little rock.” (I don’t dust once a week, I shovel once a year! 🙂

  5. Rachelle Staten on October 19, 2011 at 11:41 pm

    That was a wonderful run. My 7 year old daughter also loves watching the videos of you riding. Balance in anyone’s life can be hard to achieve, just try your best but allow yourself to make mistakes, meaning don’t beat yourself up when you get things outta whack, just work to correct them. Beautiful little horse, hopefully one day when you can make it to the Phoenix AZ area I will be able to watch you in person.

  6. Katrina Nixon on October 19, 2011 at 11:26 pm

    Lovely music, lovely horse, great trainer, Congratulations you and your family must be proud of your efforts.

  7. Ida Marie on October 19, 2011 at 10:16 pm

    Beautiful! You are truly blessed. This performance brought tears to my eyes.

    The fact that you are concerned about balance in your life tells me that you probably achieve balance better than most people. Today my husband Chris and I ran errands together and he was so happy we were together even if it was just to run errands. I think you achieve balance because you have your priorities straight. I know with you and Jesse, your family is a major priority. I am so proud of you both for that.

  8. susan on October 19, 2011 at 8:45 pm

    Way To Go Stacey!!!! You continue to inspire us all!

  9. Jodi on October 19, 2011 at 4:42 pm

    That is an amazing ride! That kind of partnership with Yankee (my young Rocky Mountain horse) is what I aspire to as a rider. You are one of my heros!

  10. Nikki on October 19, 2011 at 4:06 pm

    🙁 cant see…. This video isnt available in my area…. 🙁

    but Congratz to you and Vaquero!!!

  11. Olivia on October 19, 2011 at 10:55 am

    That is so amazing! Someday I hope to be just a fraction of how good you are! It brings tears to my eyes every time I watch you. Keep on doing what you do, you are amazing!

  12. Terri Anderson on October 19, 2011 at 8:39 am

    Stacy, congratulations on your amazing run! It brought tears, as many of your runs have…….I must add that having the privilege to ride in your clinic, it is obvious to me that you and your family are more balanced than most any peeps I have met! I greatly admire your personal convictions as well as your talent as a trainer and teacher. I am guessing that your win might also be special since it was on your OWN horse:) As for the clean house thing….my only regrets are the moments I chose to clean instead of spending time with my kids when they were little….:) May God continue to bless you and your family…

  13. Sarah on October 19, 2011 at 7:42 am

    Thanks for sharing! I had to watch it twice.

  14. Lori Johnstone on October 19, 2011 at 6:55 am

    First of all, that was an amazing performance – congratulations!! Your teamwork was magical. In terms of life balance, the pursuit of excellence calls for a commitment that is often hard to balance with other life responsibilities. It requires vigilance and effort to keep it ‘real’, both on the part of those who are working hard to achieve their goals and those who surround and care for them. And as you’ve experienced (and so have I), sometimes it’s a matter of acknowledging that life won’t be balanced in the short-term but having the common sense and the compass to keep your priorities straight keep you centred over the long haul. And of course, the magical moments and the lessons learned along the way make you a stronger and more fulfilled person who can give even more to your family so everyone can benefit! As for the clean house, well … that’s always a work in progress with children! 🙂

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