Stacy Westfall: Mounted shooting practice with Outlaw Annie

If you are interested in mounted shooting (like I am) and you have a chance to ride with Outlaw Annie (like I did)…you take it! I was in town for a photo shoot and Annie offered to coach me with my horse that I am introducing to the sport. She also allowed me to ride one of her well trained horses. I had a blast (pun intended) and hope I get to do it again. In the meantime my thumb needs to take up an exercise routine…I can ride faster than my thumb can work! (it is a single action .45)

This isn’t my first time riding with Annie Bianco Ellett but it has been a few years and I have more experience now. Annie is a Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association (CMSA) World Champion Cowgirl and Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) Overall World Champion. She is perhaps the most recognized person in all of cowboy mounted shooting and has helped revolutionize the sport.  Annie travels the country competing and offering shooting seminars. Her student following is world wide. Annie’s shooting and riding skills have been featured on ESPN, Outdoor Life Network, TNN and Fox Sports Television.

For those of you who are interested in the training, I have been video taping how I am introducing Newt to the sport of mounted shooting. I hope to have that series ready to go sometime in February or March leading up to my appearance at The Road to the Horse where I will also be speaking about the sport of mounted shooting.


  1. Rebecca on January 30, 2015 at 7:24 am

    Hey Stacy, are you still going to be in Arizona around Feb 7-8 ?
    There’s going to be a clinic by a cool trainer similar to you but with an Aussie accent, name of Warwick Schiller, at Horseshoe Park in Queen Creek, AZ …… I thought if you guys are looking for some fun, you’d have a blast there 😉 he’s fun too!
    You are the very best!

    • Stacy on January 30, 2015 at 5:39 pm

      We should be in California by then. I got a chance to met Warwick when we were in Australia. Have fun and tell him we said ‘hi’!

  2. Patti on January 29, 2015 at 5:49 pm

    I am a member of The Florida Peacemakers in (of course) Florida. Look us up and come shoot with sometime!

  3. Laura on January 29, 2015 at 3:52 pm

    How awesome! I love shooting and riding, but I’m afraid my horse wouldn’t be very happy if I tried that.

  4. Lesia Lowe on January 29, 2015 at 2:48 pm

    I always thought PoPcorn was your mounted shooting horse…. is there a reason why Newt is learning?? … Did PoPcorn retire?? and what do the bullets look like??…can you show us a picture?

  5. Jean on January 29, 2015 at 9:26 am

    That looks like so much fun. I’ll be looking forward to Feb. to watch how you introduced Newt to the sport. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us.

  6. Jenny Northcott on January 28, 2015 at 11:56 pm

    That was really fun to watch! I can only imagine how much fun it must be actually doing it. Did you start target shooting as a result of your interest in Mounted Shooting or were you already experienced with pistol target shooting?

  7. Woz on January 28, 2015 at 10:00 pm

    Awesome – so cool. Cant wait to see how Newt copes with the shooting. Love it – just like the wild western times!!!! Maybe not. Still, thanks Stacy for another topic!!! Go girl. Still enjoying the Jac training.

  8. heidibillmayer on January 28, 2015 at 8:15 pm

    This is so COOL! I have always been fascinated with mounted shooting and have been saying for a couple of years at least that I would like to have some lessons in the sport! I’m really anxious to see more of this from you! And that was a wonderful run 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

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