Presto’s blog & video: A long time ago

Its me again.

I remembered that I forgot to tell you my ‘real’ name last week. It is ‘Press on Regardless”. My first mom…no second…or was it third? Anyway, she gave me that name. It is hard to remember that far back. They all fed me milk though…

I like my shorter name better.     Presto!       I like magic. 

I have black spots and white spots. No one else has those. 

I’m supposed to show you a video of me when I was small. I was sick a lot when I was little so don’t laugh.

So. Embarrassing. Lets get it over with. 

 My new mom was sick when I met her. She wore this funny thing on her face…I’m glad I didn’t have to. Don’t tell her but she looked funny with it on!

That made me feel better cuz I was sick too. I got sick, almost got better, and got sick again. Thats why I didn’t run much. I think they called it ro-ta-vi-rus. I didn’t like it.

Some of you asked me questions. 

“At 15 months, if you had an hour meter on your shoulder, how much time has Mom spent developing you? Do you lead? Accept the farrier? Trust dewormer paste? Curious mind wants to know.”

She was always there when I was little. Now that I’m big she lets me play with the big horses and eat lots of grass. She takes me on trips. I jump in the trailer. Once I got scared getting out but I’m brave now. Sometimes she rides Popcorn and I follow her down the trail. Does that count? I’m fine with things in my mouth…I liked holding the wand! Farrier…I’ll have to ask Siri what that is…

“can you ask your mom if she is going to do videos of your training when you get big enough like the Jac videos? …now you are a blogger like your mom!!”

I don’t know this Jac you speak of but I’ve been thinking about making videos. I’m pretty good at training mom already. I do this thing where I roll up the wall and lay upside-down. She always comes to flip me over. I totally have her trained. Maybe I will video tape it. Will that work?  

 Lincoln wanst to play and I want to go. I’ll write again next week (mom says I have to).

The horse who lived, 

P.S.-Here is a link to the blog I wrote last week.


  1. Shae on September 7, 2017 at 1:02 am

    Hi Stacy,
    My Name is Shae Ford, I am 12 years old and I live on Fossil Downs Station in the Kimberley Western Australia. I have been a fan of your for many years since my Mum showed me your Brideless video when I was four. Since then I have always wanted to do reining and have a career in Horses. My Question to you today is what would you suggest doing to get started in the Horse industry? I have trained and started three of my own horses. How did you get started into the Horse training business?
    Hope you can reply soon!!

  2. Martina Braden on September 2, 2017 at 10:36 pm

    Hello Presto: Love hearing about you, your adventures, and hopefully about your training. You have a great mom that is going to teach you some great things. You are in the best hands any horse could be in!!!! Hope you and Lincoln are having fun playing. I am so anxious to know what your mom has in store for you. Yes–you have to video tape the rolling up the wall. Cannot imagine what that looks like:) Hope to hear from you next week.

  3. Joy Schuetz on September 1, 2017 at 7:34 pm

    Hi again Presto…poof, just like magic. I want to know if you have to wear shoes yet. I don’t like shoes very much. During the summer I get to be barefoot. Do you? do you gets treats when are good with your lessons. I do. I like hearing your blog, I cannot read yet but Meme reads it to me. How did you get the spots…are they like chicken pox spots? Have a good time playing with Lincoln….I would like to see a picture of you both together. I remember your buddy Justice. I hear he is a police horse now. My Uncle is a policeman….I liked your video, make more of them. Thanks for your “story”. Your friend Aurora….four years old.

  4. Lesia Lowe on September 1, 2017 at 5:51 pm

    bahahaha…I am trying to get a visual of your rolling up the wall and laying upside-down…. YES YES YES!! Get your mom to video….patiently waiting!! 🙂

  5. Melody on September 1, 2017 at 5:32 pm

    Love this! Can’t wait for more of everything!

  6. Melody on September 1, 2017 at 5:31 pm

    Love love love this! Can’t wait for more of everything!

  7. Sherri on September 1, 2017 at 4:30 pm

    Thank you Presto for such a cute video so we could see how much you have grown.I hope we get to see more of you but I don’t think you should be rolling up the wall. That sounds a bit scary! Have fun playing with Lincoln.

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