This video is a little long but so cute. My favorite part is at 1:55 I think. I need to show this to my kids when they get home. If my Mom had video taped me on Misty when I was growing up we would have had most of these plus a couple of more. She didn’t buck quite this much but was trained to rear on command!
What troubles do you have in your past? Why is it easier to go back and try again when we are kids…but it gets increasingly harder as adults?
Here I am at age 11 riding Misty age 21.
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No one taught you the skills you need to work through these things.
Riders often encounter self-doubt, fear, anxiety, frustration, and other challenging emotions at the barn. The emotions coursing through your body can add clarity, or can make your cues indistinguishable for your horse.
Learning these skills and begin communicating clearly with your horse.
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I am proud of this child and I don’t even know him. It occurred to me that I don’t know this horse, nor the owner, or the parents so I will not pass any judgement about the horses behavior. One thing I would like to say is, the child has clearly been thought how to be safe around this horse! Despite the one where his feet get stuck in the stirrup, which has happened to me he over all is persistent and safe. The pony rolled and you can see him hit the dirt then immediately roll far far out of the way. I thought this video was very very cute. I chuckled the entire way through.
hi….. just to say that ross is still riding… he out grew ed and let ed go to a lovely family not far away….. he then had pip a 12.2 palomino… you can see what ed taught ross on you tube called ” pip v’s ed…. ross took pip to a show and we did not know that there was a train track close by… it turned out pip did not like trains and when he heard one coming he took to fight or flight mode….. watch ross how he handles the sitution… ross also out grew pip and pip is with a lovely little boy…. ross has bigger pony called mopsy-jo and they are just getting to know each other….. ed taught ross alot…. its not all about walk,trot and canter, lots of kids with push button ponies can do that and they do it very well, but for me a safe rider is someone who can handle a bad situation and stay in control…. we went to see ed on the weekend, and then popped over to see pip…. its nice to know that they are not far away…. thanks all….. mandy and ross from wales uk… xx.
little ed knows exactly how to rid himself of the little kid…. but a big thumbs up for this little rider…. 🙂
Oh my goodness, did that bring back memories of Misty. I was laughing so hard I was crying… then I was relieved everytime the brave little rider got back on. I am goiing to have to watch Ed being good, cause I know he will be.For a bit I wanted one of the larger folks to jump on. Then I remembered Misty dumping someone trying to help out when she was bucking in a parade.
Persistence will pay off and this little guy will do well I am sure. Glad no one was hurt! Love, mom
What a little champion rider !!!! that pony needs some serious training before I would put my kids on it !!! good luck…
I have watched various videos of Ed being very naughty and laughed myself silly at the antics of Ed and the tenacity of his little rider who keeps getting back on regardless of how many times he gets dumped. I think Ed just needs an assertive slightly older rider who will teach him that his ‘tricks’ aren’t appreciated and will not get him what he wants. His little rider is always wearing the appropriate safety gear and he certainly seems fearless enough but I agree that some less courageous little riders might be put off the whole concept of riding if they had such a pony as Ed. At least the world knows about Ed’s tendencies and he is obviously well supervised but I wonder how many other smart ponies are out there, regularly ‘doing an Ed’ and potentially injuring some little kid. As kids we used to ride all day long and usually bareback so we developed a good and independent seat. Those long and sometimes painful bareback adventures could certainly do with a resurrection in modern riding practices as so many people want a quick fix for an undeveloped seat. Ed’s little rider certainly has a good little seat happening already which I suppose would be hard not to develop when riding a pony like Ed.
I give the kid two thumbs up for his perseverence. As an answer to your question it is pure and utter fear as to why an adult has problem with trying also we don’t bounce near as well the older we get. Now if we could harnous the energy that it takes to be fearful and we used that energy to focus on the pleasures I think as an adult we would enjoy the ride ride much better.
I had a welsh pony named Crispy. At 8 years old we would go through a routine that included making it over a jump and then racing head on towards a small barn, ducking his head to the right and shifting left whilst I went headlong into the barn door. He would then scoot behind the barn and shuttle back and forth behind the barn between the fence line while I ran first from one side and then the next. After luring him out for a carrot, we would start the whole routine over and repeat it on the other side. All while my father would quietly say ” get back up on that pony”. I would repeat this routine daily. That pony taught me a lot about patience and what happens when you lose your temper. He also taught me how to feel and find my seat. I think my dad must have stifled many laughs. Its a good thing ponies are so cute because they are so infuriating.
I wonder if the child will develop a love of riding or learn to hate it? Allowing the pony to do that bad behavior over and over is only making it worse. By the end of the video I was hoping that the parent of that child would have either found a new pony for the child or had a small adult do some pony schooling/retraining.
Here is a video of Ed being good. Watch at least till around 430.
I was laughing out loud!! Because the little riders do try to stay on back of their ponies, no matter what pony’s trying to do for getting rid of them. This is fantastic! The same I’ve seen at our riding school. Like having glue on their saddles the children (aged 4 to 11 years) TRY TO STAY ON PONY, no matter WHAT HAPPENS. And this is reason for funniest and cutest situations to watch. 🙂