Where do you stand on the issue of horse slaughter?
For it, against it, or can you be creative and find yet another idea?
Before you get too worked up can we all agree that there is a problem that needs to be solved? There are more horses out there that need homes than there are homes with the means to support them. Now the question is, what to do about it?
Some say slaughter fills that void, others say it is cruel and in humane. I am here to propose another idea.
What happens at the dog shelter? I don’t know about where you live but near me most of the shelters euthanize the animals that cannot be placed within a given time period. Why hasn’t something like this been developed with horses? Not that I think euthanasia is ideal, but it probably is better than being slowly starved to death over a period of months. What are your thoughts?
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i think this so sad. i love horses so much ;-; i cry in my sleep about this. (not really but i really love them) so sad. ;-; ;-; ;-;