Personal Clinics with Stacy and Jesse Westfall

I have been sneaking a few of these almost one-on-one clinics in over the last few years and they have been fun for all. The trick is that I only do them at my house and only during the week so they are limited in number. I also limited it to only one or two riders unless a group of friends wants to come. Send me an email for more info.


  1. Janet Hall on March 6, 2012 at 7:09 am

    I would love just to shadow you around for a week and watch you and Jesse at work. Mainly cuz I can’t afford to bring a horse down, and back, but what an awesome experience that would be.

  2. lakota on March 5, 2012 at 12:30 pm

    I would love to go to one of these but it would definitely have to be as planned vacation time (couldn’t think of a better vacation though) since the trip’s about 12 hours for me. I’m curious how other handle long trips with their horses. Do you look for horse hotels en route etc?.

    • Stacy on March 8, 2012 at 10:16 am

      Yep, (google it) is what we use.

  3. Kala shaw on March 2, 2012 at 11:12 pm

    I emailed you! I live very close to you and am friends with Linda, Gregs girlfriend. I would love to attend and soak up as much as I can from one of your sessions.

  4. Olivia on March 2, 2012 at 10:59 pm

    I wish, lol. How much do you charge for this?

  5. Terri Anderson on March 2, 2012 at 8:55 pm

    I was able to go to Stacy’s clinic in Co last summer…….it was excellent! I got the tools I needed to fix the problems areas with my mare! GO!!!!!!!!

  6. Carol LaMee on March 2, 2012 at 8:45 pm

    Stacy! Please contact me I have been waiting for years for this opportunity! I live in Georgia but my parents are in Prospect, Ohio.

    • Stacy on March 8, 2012 at 9:57 am

      Send me an email and I will send the attachment info!

  7. GD on March 2, 2012 at 8:02 pm

    This would be fantastic! I live close, too (about 30 miles away) – pick the date, I am there!

    • Stacy on March 8, 2012 at 9:58 am

      Send me an email and I will send the attachment!

  8. Kenzie Trueba on March 2, 2012 at 6:17 pm

    When is your next clinic?? I will be there! Are you closer to Columbus or Cleveland?

    • Stacy on March 8, 2012 at 9:59 am

      There is a week long at the end of June, or the personal clinics. Those are during the week and we work out the dates through email. Send me an email and I will send the attachment.

  9. Jennifer on March 2, 2012 at 3:20 pm

    I would love to send both of my girls, I sent you an email message. It has been a hard past few weeks my oldest daughter (16) had to make an adult decision to have her first horse down last week. This would be great for her and her 5 year old buskskin mare she has been training for the last 3 years. Saw you at Ohio Equine Affaire last year and we are looking forward to seeing you again this year. Hope to hear from you. Jen from Indiana

  10. Amanda Accordino on March 2, 2012 at 2:58 pm

    To get a lesson or clinic from you is on my bucket list! I applied to be a part of one of your clinics for the Columbus Equine Affaire (I live in Trumbull County, Ohio) and have been praying since I applied. ♥

  11. Wendy Fox on March 2, 2012 at 2:16 pm

    Stacy, my daughter is five and started riding a mini a year ago. We r looking for a kid safe horse for her. If we find that kid safe horse, would you and Jesse do a clinic with a five year old?

    • Stacy on March 8, 2012 at 10:02 am


      It is not so much a question of doing it as much as a question of the value you would receive. At that age I like to see the kids riding with someone they know and trust and building as much of a relationship with the instructor as the horse. That isn’t very possible in just a few days with me. Adults are understanding of this and I can push them harder even thought they don’t know me as well. Does that make sense?

  12. Liz Chappel on March 2, 2012 at 2:06 pm

    I would just LOVE to do a clinic with you and Jesse , just got to convince James (my husband) we need to have a holiday in USA …

  13. Gail Foust on March 2, 2012 at 1:50 pm

    Hey Stacy. I am very interested in coming to you for one on one. I have a 7 year old I started under saddle last fall. She has the same pedigree as your Popcorn. Let me know asap so I can see if I can afford and get time off. Thanks.

    • Stacy on March 8, 2012 at 10:03 am

      Send me an email and I will send you the attachment!

  14. Kim on March 2, 2012 at 1:35 pm

    I live in Alberta, Canada! If only I were closer! It would be a dream come true to take a clinic with you, Stacy. 🙂

    • Stacy on March 8, 2012 at 10:03 am

      Send me an email and I will send the attachment.

  15. jennifet rose on March 2, 2012 at 1:06 pm

    My daughter would love to come. If you have an opening. She recently (last week) had to put her first horse down..she has had a really hard time with it..being 16 she had to make an adult decision and I am very proud of her. She has a 5 year old buckskin mare (Bella) who she has been working with for the last 2 years. She has come so far with her..but they both would love ur clinic… Both my daughters are huge fans of you. In fact, we were all lucky enough to see you and get pictures at the equine affaire last year. And of course we are going again this year, they are both so excited to see you again. Well if its a possibility she would love it….if you have 2 openings my 11 year old and her big old quarter horse would love to join the party… Thanks again for all that you are a great role model for my girls…


    Jen Rose
    North liberty, Indiana

  16. Sam on March 2, 2012 at 12:11 pm

    I like in NY but I would trailer my horse to OH just to be able to clinic with Stacy!!!

  17. Janie S. Duckworth on March 2, 2012 at 12:07 pm

    I would be so honored to be able to have a personal clinic with you. I take western riding lessons but I have only been riding since Sept. 2011 and I have much to learn. We live in WV but I would happily make the drive! I would love to have more information.

    • Stacy on March 8, 2012 at 9:54 am


      I cannot figure out how to add and attachment with the info. If you send me an email I can get it to you. Right now I have a week long clinic at the end of June or the personal clinics which are 2-3 days at my place. The personal clinics are only during the week. The 2 day is $800. If you email I can send the full attachment.

  18. Krissy Wejrowski on March 2, 2012 at 12:00 pm

    If only I wasn’t in school (and had a trailer), I’d do this in a heartbeat!

  19. Bill Swart, El Rancho Geriatrico on March 2, 2012 at 6:55 am

    Where are you? I want to see how close you are to where I live in Michigan.
    Bill Swart

    • Stacy on March 2, 2012 at 9:34 am

      Mount Gilead, Ohio 43338

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