One of my favorite prayers is “Lord, please close the doors you don’t want me to go through.” I can remember the first time I prayed this because it seemed to be such a relief. Although I do strongly believe that hard work is necessary to make progress in every area of life this prayer has helped me to open my eyes to the fact that some doors are not for me to go through.
Interestingly enough it has helped me, at times, to see that some ‘open’ doors that the world would tell me to go through are not the ones that God has planned for me.
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‘Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though
Sometimes It’s Hell in the Hallway’
–author unknown to me
Ramona, LOL
Thanks….SOOOOO MUCH, Stacy for the OPEN/CLOSED DOOR message…..I have been praying for 9 years for God to open up the heart of a certain guy that I really like, he is SLOWLY starting to ease up and I am not fully sure if God will open up his Heart’s Door to start a real Christian relationship, he is a Christian like me, but he has been through some very hurtful relationships in the past. Thanks, Stacy you gave me encouragement!! May God bless you and your family!!!
Thank you Stacy, it seems so fitting at this time for me. I have always believe that when one door closes, God opens a window. .
God Bless,
Great question Stacy,
I am constantly reminded of how many of the wrong doors I have walked thru thinking they were the right ones.Trouble is exactly that……I thought.I did not wait on God to make clear wether or not I should proceed.We so often think to our selves-“if I don’t act or do something right now,I’ll miss my chance”.Almost every time I have acted on this impulse, I have mistaken my emotions and made some rather large goofs.However when I have taken the time to bring it before the throne,wait PATIENTLY for an answer,I have made much better choices.Sometimes the very thing I thought I would not be able to live without-or the decision about someone or something simply vanishes after awhile.On the same token when God has something planned for me,I find that I very simply cannot escape his plans.I think the bottom line to this issue can be summed up as”Be still,and know that I alone am your God”.
This afteroon in verona italy at rolex world cup hickstead is died after he had finished all maybe heart attack. Icry all the afternoon for him and eric you prayer . . If that door was closed.stacy you have the same soul of the horses thanks for all you do.
Is that the entire prayer? I am in need of one. My horse and I fell, she is ok but I suffered a traumatic brain injury and 2 broken ribs (even with a helmet on). And I could use some help recovering and making decisions about me horse, my fears, and my future.
Ellen, I know how you feel. I got bucked off a horse a few years ago and had a sever concushon. I believe in the power of the Priestood so I got a blessing from two Priesthood holders and got better so fast that the doctor came and ask me what had just happed. but the lasting effect of the fear and uncertainy is something I still fight. I am back to riding and even training my own horses but just more carefully. It is hard to get over that fear. a good psycotherapist (councelor) can help. If you want to talk to me personally I would be glad to.
Thanks. It will be awhile before I am well enough to do anything, but I will keep in mind your advice. May also reach out once I am up to more actiivity. Thanks so much for sharing your experience.
ooh Ellen, I am so sorry to read that about your accident, are you getting better now.? Don’t give up hope, do you know of Joni Tada? She is hanicapped and used to be a trick rider, her handicap is not related to her horses, but she is now helping THOUSANDS of handicapped people but in your case, you did not end up like her, but count on God to pull you through!!! Pat.
Thanks so much Pat. I am getting better and I should be close to my former self it will just take time. And the part of my brain that was injured affects my patience (or lack thereof). Thanks for the tip on Joni, I will look her up. God bless.
Praying for you!
Thank you
This is such a beautiful and useful prayer to add to my daily affirmations. Thank you.
Thank you – good piece of wisdom. I wonder why it never occur to me to pray that way! …
This brings to mind Isaiah 55:6, but it says it best in Jeremiah 29:13- You shall seek me, and shall find me: when you shall seek me with all your heart. Many years ago, I could sense that a big change was coming in my life; being rather worldly at the time I thought it meant I was going to come into a lot of money, but God had other plans for me- He brought me back to Him, and I wouldn’t trade that for all the riches in the world.
Funny you posted this Today. I sat this morning and while logging onto my computer I was thinking about how God said he would supply all our needs even our heart desires. I have just passed my 3 year anniversary with having horses in my life. It was the one and only true life long dream and my deepest heart desire. God has done what he said and I am the happiest now than I ever can remember being. I own my horse Chloe who is only 3 but it seems that God had her in his plan all along just for me. My husband a muscian, has also started riding with me, God really works miracles I stand amazed at God and his presence in my life.
I love this pray and it is one I’m going to put into practise from now on. Because latley I have been going through alot of wrong doors and I know his plan for me is bigger then I can imagine, but getting there has been the longest road I have ever been on.
Thanks Stacy.