Nurse mare foals reunited, how do they respond?

Presto and Justice…

❓How would they respond when they met again?
??They spent the first 5 months of life together…then were separated for a year and a half.
?Here is the video answer!
And I’m just sayin’…it wasn’t all❤️❤️❤️

I’ve owned Presto now for four years. He has grown so much and I’m finally ready to start sharing his adventures. You can find the last eleven post all in one place on my website,
What questions do you have for me?

#PressonRegardless #Presto #Equithrive


  1. Martina Brown on May 19, 2020 at 10:44 pm

    I am just curious–What were your thoughts before putting them together? Were you hoping they remembered each other and were excited to see each other or did you have an idea that it was going to play out that way?

    • Stacy Westfall on May 21, 2020 at 12:18 pm

      I thought there would be more close up interactions. They knew each other and I expected some squabbling because of ‘who’s the leader’ kind of questions.


      Presto had been turned out with at least ten or more different horses up to this point and had NEVER shown this level of aggression. Never ever.
      And he has not since.
      So that part I did not expect at that intensity.

      I think the key difference is the role reversal.
      I had this happen with two dogs once and read more about it in that area.

      I had two lab puppies from the same litter.
      The yellow was the leader, the black the follower.
      The yellow got kicked by a horse and fractured her jaw. It took time to heal and the black became the leader.
      This went on for a few months.
      Then when the yellow was fully healed up…she wanted her role back!
      The black didn’t want to give it up.
      Worst dog fights ever!

      My kids were little and the dogs would go blind with fighting. I gave the black to a customer who owned him the rest of his life but I never did put them back together to ‘let them work it out’.

      • Martina Brown on May 21, 2020 at 11:28 pm

        Wow–very interesting about the dogs—especially labs they are always easy going. Hmm also interesting about Presto. Justice seemed pretty calm and it seemed Presto wanted to try and make sure he was the one in control. One of these days I am going to take a video of Hildy and Louie which is the only gelding out of 7 horses. I know she is in love with him but I cannot figure out her body language with him. Does not happen all the time but when it is time to come in the other horses will trot up to the gate if they are far away and Hildy tries to “cut” Louie away from all the other other horses (she does not want him to come to the gate)–then she stomps her foot if he does not cooperate. Louie is very mild mannered and takes her craziness very well, however when he has had enough she does know to get out of the way. I wish I knew what she is conveying. Everytime I see her do that, it boggles my mind.

  2. Jenny Wood-Outhwaite on May 18, 2020 at 9:08 pm

    Hi Stacy!
    So what I THINK I see is Presto being the more insecure one and because he can’t take flight, he has turned to fight. Justice looks to be the more calm and at points a bit more relaxed, but what I don’t understand and what is confusing me a bit is why he didn’t turn on Presto more? Is it because he could feel Presto was doing it out of fear and there wasn’t a need to “go after” him?
    I just LOVE these videos. I LOVE herd dynamics and learning how they communicate!!
    Thank you!

    • Stacy Westfall on May 21, 2020 at 12:24 pm

      I agree that Presto is coming from insecurity.
      I also agree that Justice was more relaxed and calm. He isn’t aggressive so he didn’t try to hold his ground. A couple times I think he was trying to play or interact and Presto took it as aggressive. Then Justice was like…dude, I’m out.

      Presto looked like a terribly insecure fake leader to me, lol!

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