This is the front page of! Check out Templeton’s music video that made it on the front page!
I have ridden to Templeton’s music many times and if you saw the video of me riding Roxy bareback and bridleless with a dun mare shadowing us (Roxy’s full sister) Tempy was actually singing live for me during that. If you want to hear that song (MY song, lol) go to Tempy’s website and click on “Listen/Download” and go down to the track title “I remember you.”
Again, click here to see the music video “When I Get That Pony Rode”
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HELP!! STACY, what is wrong, I can get the black screen, BUT that is ALL I get, no songs can be heard, also NO PICTURE/s!! can anyone tell me what you might think is wrong.
I can see why this is your song~ its perfect for you! Thank you for sharing. I enjoy reading your posts.
Thank you for sharing with all of us. You helped in getting me back in the saddle again after 30 years on dry land, I’ve attached a picture, not perfect but for 71 who cares. Thank you Stacy
Thank you for sharing…her music is awesome! I emailed you a video through your website……let me know what you think!