Are you a life long learner?

HK quote 2Are you a life long learner? I strive to be. I think I learned it from my mom who was a teacher. Inside and outside of the classroom, she always strove to improve techniques or make the lessons more memorable.

Some of you may remember I have been considering a new computer, well… I took the leap and bought a Mac. But for me that wasn’t the best part. The best part was that for $99.00 I get a year of one-to-one teaching in the Apple store! You can bet I signed up for that!

Here is the crazy thing: I was so excited about learning that I could hardly sleep the night before.

On the way to my first appointment I was talking to my Mom and she laughed, “Oh, you’ll get your moneys worth out of that!” She knows me well.

My first appointment was 5:15 pm on Monday….then I went back at 10 am on Tuesday! But I love learning. And I think it helps my riding.

Maybe it has to do with having an open mind. Maybe it has to do with ideas that cross boundaries…..learn something about running and apply it to your riding. Learn something about business and apply it to your kids. Learn something about your horses and apply it to your life.

(P.S.-this is my first blog posted from my MacAir…considering naming the computer ‘Gala’, ‘Macoun’ or slim, lol, any other ideas?


  1. Kristy Wilkins on October 16, 2013 at 6:59 pm

    Conceptual thinking. It is what makes someone good at what they do into some great at what they do!

  2. Judy Shockey on October 16, 2013 at 12:21 pm

    Howdy from Abilene Texas…….just want to speak Blessings upon Blessings to you Stacy and your entire family, for all you do for the horse world and the world of horse lovers! Pure and simple that’s all.

  3. Wendy Russ on October 15, 2013 at 10:35 pm

    Stacy, what you’ll soon learn about your Mac is that it requires very little learning 🙂 hope you’re not disappointed

    • Stacy on October 16, 2013 at 3:39 pm

      Wendy, you are so right! I had read to much about how difficult the transition would be that I was….well, pretty stressed! All gone now! I am having so much fun using it. Maybe it was the iPhone or the iPad…or maybe it really isn’t a big deal to switch. I LOVE the classes and the funny thing is that as I learn about the Mac much of it applies to the PC in some form. Mac training is helping me figure out my sons Windows 8!
      I was hoping for something as simple as the iPad but a bit more like a computer and with the MacAir (beefed up memory, etc) I got exactly what I wanted!

      • Wendy Russ on October 18, 2013 at 11:31 pm

        Happy to hear it, we love our macs, all 6 of them…so user friendly. Our 1st Mac from the 80’s still works great and has NEVER had a virus!

  4. Melva Hawkins on October 15, 2013 at 10:05 pm

    Awesome and Inspiring.
    I hope to get back to riding in 8 weeks from back surgery.
    Ive been studying your cd’s.
    Thanks Again
    Melva Hawkins

  5. deltamyhome on October 15, 2013 at 10:01 pm

    Hi Stacy I enjoy reading your blogs but I would like to know more about your background. I get confused sometimes. Keep up the good work. Good luck with the MAC.

    • Stacy on October 15, 2013 at 10:19 pm

      Did you read the ‘About Us’ page? What other info would you like? I can try to work it in.

  6. Helen on October 15, 2013 at 9:03 pm

    great first post Stacy…I am getting ready for a freestyle class in Miami next month,I am doing Dan Foggleburgs “Run for the Roses” I compete in bridleless,well I use a dog leash,and my boy is really good,he makes it easy….. but you are my inspiration, going to watch your video diaries on Jac should help me learn more about it….

  7. Gail Meek-Wilson on October 15, 2013 at 8:29 pm

    I like the name Slim!!

  8. Amy on October 15, 2013 at 8:29 pm

    Macoun! those are the best, sweetest apples!! love reading your posts!!

  9. Andrea M on October 15, 2013 at 7:55 pm

    lol! I love our Mac!! We just call ours the iMac! 🙂 or slim is cool!!

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